Hi AGuest, You know, the 'sitting at the Right Hand of God' is quite a strong statement from a Jew, as far as I know. It means one thing only, that he is Sovereign, and equal to the Father, because, He is SITTING at the Right Hand,,,,,,ALL others STAND. Michael stands... :) If He were not EQUAL to the Father, then He would be standing wid everybody else. Myxomatosis
JoinedPosts by Myxomatosis
Exposing Watchtower Lies & Errors - Part I
by AGuest into the household of god, israel, and all those that go with them may you have peace.
under the direction of the spirit of my lord, jaheshua mischajah, the son of the holy one of israel, whose name is jah of armies, i am compelled by such holy spirit to share the following with you.
for me, it is quite an undertaking, as i have never been directed to respond to an article in its entirety.
Jesus was gay - says academic
by ISP injesus was gay - says academic
jesus was gay and so were at least three of his 12 disciples, according to an australian academic.. .
dr rollan mccleary said jesus's astrological chart, clues in the scriptures and biblical translations, all played a part in his conclusions.. in a forthcoming book, he attempts to present st john's gospel in a new light to back up his claims, reports the herald sun.. dr rollan mccleary, a university of queensland phd graduate who now lives in melbourne, has just been awarded his doctorate for a thesis on gay spirituality.. an anglican and a qualified reader of astrological charts, dr mccleary said the planet uranus figured prominently in jesus's astrological chart, as it did with many gays..
The only thing really you need to consider after reading all this is that Peter, Paul, Polycarp, etc., so many throughout history, on and on and on DIED WILLINGLY FOR CHRIST. THEY WERE MARTYRED. THAT IS ALSO HISTORICAL. How many men were willing to die on account of a mythical god or goddess? And again, why was Jesus' existence not questioned until the EIGHTEENTH CENTURY? Why do we not find loads of people writing about the 'mythical' Christ, from it's would be 'concoction?' Why instead do we find HISTORIANS testifying of Him?: the biblical data is attested to by such distinguished Roman and Jewish historians as Josephus, Tacitus, Secundus, and a host of others. Why do you not want to believe Jesus actually existed?
And they (apostles) were killed as martyrs. To be witness of His resurrection did mean to be a martyr, and it is interesting that the Greek martyrion means both 'witness' and 'martyr'. I can trust in the Testimony of the Apostles because of those twelve, eleven died as martyrs. They died because they preached the resurrection of Jesus and that He was manifested God in the flesh. They were tortured, flogged and were brutally dead:
1. Petar - crucified
2. Andrew - crucified
3. Matthias - killed by the sword
4. John - died by the natural death
5. James, the son of Alpheus - crucified
6. Philip - crucified
7. Simeon - crucified
8. Tadeus - killed by arrows
9. James, brother of Jesus - stoned
10. Thomas - killed by the sword
11. Bartholomew - crucified
12. James, son of Zebedee - killed by the sword
died willingly on account of their LORD! How strange that most all of Jesus followers, as recordered in Scripture, would just die for Him,,,ESPECIALLY BECAUSE MOST OF THEM WERE NOT THE BIBLICAL WRITERS!!!!!!!!! If CHRIST was a myth, and CHRIST was written of by persons who they wouldn't have even known since it was written in the 'second century' then how the hell did they know to die for him, and why would they die for a myth that hadn't been invented, and why would not just one, but everyone save the traitor Judas, willingly die after being tried on account OF HIM, and then REFUSING TO DENY HIM, WHEN APPARENTLY THEY WOULDN'T have KNOWN HIM? They died for CHRIST WILLINGLY, BECAUSE THEY KNEW HIM. Who, might I ask, died for Aphrodite, Athena, Zeus (ehhh, whichever gods, can't think of the right ones) , ,,,in fact, who was killed for BELIEVING in them? Meaning, that when threatened with corporal punishment, STILL would not budge to even SPEAK negatively about these myths, or deny these mythical dieties?
The Encyclical Epistle of the Church at Smyrna, Concerning the Martyrdom of St. Polycarp
The Church of God which sojourns at Smyrna, to the Church of God sojourning in Philomelium, and to all the congregations of the Holy and Catholic Church in every place: Mercy, peace, and love from God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, be multiplied.
We have written to you, brethren, as to what relates to the martyrs, and especially to the blessed Polycarp, who put an end to the persecution, having, as it were, set a seal upon it by his martyrdom. For almost all the events that happened previously [to this one], took place that the Lord might show us from above a martyrdom becoming the Gospel. For he waited to be delivered up, even as the Lord had done, that we also might become his followers, while we look not merely at what concerns ourselves but have regard also to our neighbours. For it is the part of a true and well-founded love, not only to wish one's self to be saved, but also all the brethren.
All the martyrdoms, then, were blessed and noble which took place according to the will of God. For it becomes us who profess greater piety than others, to ascribe the authority over all things to God. And truly, who can fail to admire their nobleness of mind, and their patience, with that love towards their Lord which they displayed?--who, when they were so torn with scourges, that the frame of their bodies, even to the very inward veins and arteries, was laid open, still patiently endured, while even those that stood by pitied and bewailed them. But they reached such a pitch of magnanimity, that not one of them let a sigh or a groan escape them; thus proving to us all that those holy martyrs of Christ, at the very time when they suffered such torments, were absent from the body, or rather, that the Lord then stood by them, and communed with them. And, looking to the grace of Christ, they despised all the torments of this world, redeeming themselves from eternal punishment by [the suffering of] a single hour. For this reason the fire of their savage executioners appeared cool to them. For they kept before their view escape from that fire which is eternal and never shall be quenched, and looked forward with the eyes of their heart to those good things which are laid up for such as endure; things "which ear hath not heard, nor eye seen, neither have entered into the heart of man," but were revealed by the Lord to them, inasmuch as they were no longer men, but had already become angels. And, in like manner, those who were condemned to the wild beasts endured dreadful tortures, being stretched out upon beds full of spikes, and subjected to various other kinds of torments, in order that, if it were possible, the tyrant might, by their lingering tortures, lead them to a denial [of Christ]. -
Jesus was gay - says academic
by ISP injesus was gay - says academic
jesus was gay and so were at least three of his 12 disciples, according to an australian academic.. .
dr rollan mccleary said jesus's astrological chart, clues in the scriptures and biblical translations, all played a part in his conclusions.. in a forthcoming book, he attempts to present st john's gospel in a new light to back up his claims, reports the herald sun.. dr rollan mccleary, a university of queensland phd graduate who now lives in melbourne, has just been awarded his doctorate for a thesis on gay spirituality.. an anglican and a qualified reader of astrological charts, dr mccleary said the planet uranus figured prominently in jesus's astrological chart, as it did with many gays..
ISP, WHAT ABOUT THE HOSTILE WITNESSES? The only thing really you need to consider after reading all this is that Peter, Paul, Polycarp, etc., so many throughout history, on and on and on DIED WILLINGLY FOR CHRIST. THEY WERE MARTYRED. THAT IS ALSO HISTORICAL. How many men were willing to die on account of a mythical god or goddess? And again, why was Jesus' existence not questioned until the EIGHTEENTH CENTURY? Why do we not find loads of people writing about the 'mythical' Christ, from it's would be 'concoction?' Why instead do we find HISTORIANS testifying of Him?: the biblical data is attested to by such distinguished Roman and Jewish historians as Josephus, Tacitus, Secundus, and a host of others. Why do you not want to believe Jesus actually existed? And they (apostles) were killed as martyrs. To be witness of His resurrection did mean to be a martyr, and it is interesting that the Greek martyrion means both 'witness' and 'martyr'. I can trust in the Testimony of the Apostles because of those twelve, eleven died as martyrs. They died because they preached the resurrection of Jesus and that He was manifested God in the flesh. They were tortured, flogged and were brutally dead: 1. Petar - crucified 2. Andrew - crucified 3. Matthias - killed by the sword 4. John - died by the natural death 5. James, the son of Alpheus - crucified 6. Philip - crucified 7. Simeon - crucified 8. Tadeus - killed by arrows 9. James, brother of Jesus - stoned 10. Thomas - killed by the sword 11. Bartholomew - crucified 12. James, son of Zebedee - killed by the sword died willingly on account of their LORD! How strange that most all of Jesus followers, as recordered in Scripture, would just die for Him,,,ESPECIALLY BECAUSE MOST OF THEM WERE NOT THE BIBLICAL WRITERS!!!!!!!!! If CHRIST was a myth, and CHRIST was written of by persons who they wouldn't have even known since it was written in the 'second century' then how the hell did they know to die for him, and why would they die for a myth that hadn't been invented, and why would not just one, but everyone save the traitor Judas, willingly die after being tried on account OF HIM, and then REFUSING TO DENY HIM, WHEN APPARENTLY THEY WOULDN'T have KNOWN HIM? They died for CHRIST WILLINGLY, BECAUSE THEY KNEW HIM. Who, might I ask, died for Aphrodite, Athena, Zeus (ehhh, whichever gods, can't think of the right ones) , ,,,in fact, who was killed for BELIEVING in them? Meaning, that when threatened with corporal punishment, STILL would not budge to even SPEAK negatively about these myths, or deny these mythical dieties? These men were killed for CHRIST, for their BELIEF based on HIS ACTUAL EXISTENCE ON EARTH...HIS LIFE, HIS BURIAL, AND ESPECIALLY HIS RESURRECTION! The Encyclical Epistle of the Church at Smyrna, Concerning the Martyrdom of St. Polycarp The Church of God which sojourns at Smyrna, to the Church of God sojourning in Philomelium, and to all the congregations of the Holy and Catholic Church in every place: Mercy, peace, and love from God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, be multiplied. CHAPTER I -- SUBJECT OF WHICH WE WRITE. We have written to you, brethren, as to what relates to the martyrs, and especially to the blessed Polycarp, who put an end to the persecution, having, as it were, set a seal upon it by his martyrdom. For almost all the events that happened previously [to this one], took place that the Lord might show us from above a martyrdom becoming the Gospel. For he waited to be delivered up, even as the Lord had done, that we also might become his followers, while we look not merely at what concerns ourselves but have regard also to our neighbours. For it is the part of a true and well-founded love, not only to wish one's self to be saved, but also all the brethren. CHAPTER II -- THE WONDERFUL CONSTANCY OF THE MARTYRS. All the martyrdoms, then, were blessed and noble which took place according to the will of God. For it becomes us who profess greater piety than others, to ascribe the authority over all things to God. And truly, who can fail to admire their nobleness of mind, and their patience, with that love towards their Lord which they displayed?--who, when they were so torn with scourges, that the frame of their bodies, even to the very inward veins and arteries, was laid open, still patiently endured, while even those that stood by pitied and bewailed them. But they reached such a pitch of magnanimity, that not one of them let a sigh or a groan escape them; thus proving to us all that those holy martyrs of Christ, at the very time when they suffered such torments, were absent from the body, or rather, that the Lord then stood by them, and communed with them. And, looking to the grace of Christ, they despised all the torments of this world, redeeming themselves from eternal punishment by [the suffering of] a single hour. For this reason the fire of their savage executioners appeared cool to them. For they kept before their view escape from that fire which is eternal and never shall be quenched, and looked forward with the eyes of their heart to those good things which are laid up for such as endure; things "which ear hath not heard, nor eye seen, neither have entered into the heart of man," but were revealed by the Lord to them, inasmuch as they were no longer men, but had already become angels. And, in like manner, those who were condemned to the wild beasts endured dreadful tortures, being stretched out upon beds full of spikes, and subjected to various other kinds of torments, in order that, if it were possible, the tyrant might, by their lingering tortures, lead them to a denial [of Christ].
by Myxomatosis ini was wondering if you could tell me what the good news of the gospel is as put forth in the new testament.
by the way, i am not an ex jehovah's witness,
you are debating a christian now.
SOJ would not like you to call him/her brother... To him you are not his brother. Really, he can take you to court because you are not a jw brother, etc..... They preach a different gospel and I hope that you can help him to see that. Godspeed, brother. Love, dj>>> thank you so much for being sweet, :) (actually I'm a *foxy* chick).... SOJ would not like you to call him/her brother>> I know he/she won't like it ;) love Myxomatosis *
Jesus was gay - says academic
by ISP injesus was gay - says academic
jesus was gay and so were at least three of his 12 disciples, according to an australian academic.. .
dr rollan mccleary said jesus's astrological chart, clues in the scriptures and biblical translations, all played a part in his conclusions.. in a forthcoming book, he attempts to present st john's gospel in a new light to back up his claims, reports the herald sun.. dr rollan mccleary, a university of queensland phd graduate who now lives in melbourne, has just been awarded his doctorate for a thesis on gay spirituality.. an anglican and a qualified reader of astrological charts, dr mccleary said the planet uranus figured prominently in jesus's astrological chart, as it did with many gays..
Hi again ISP
I don't believe you've got that verse in the right context. I hate saying that, cos that's what a certain JW one time said to me about some quotes from the WT.
Anyways, the more complete verses are: (and this is a verse which needs historical interpretation)
Romans 13:
"Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist hhave been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted and those who do so will bring judgement on themselves."
"For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience."
In comparison, this is what you quoted:::
"Rulers hold no terrors to those who do right. . . If you wish not to fear the authorities, then do what is good and you will have their approval, for they are God’s agents working for your good. [NIV/NEB]
my NIV :: 'HE will commend you, ...HE does not bear,... HE is God's servant'
Notice, it is not 'they' but 'HE is God's servant... WHO HE?
NERO , who could hardly be called a servant of God. He persecuted Christians and viciously executed them. But in a limited sense, Nero did right when he punished criminals or maintained law and order. Paul urged first century believers to pray for their rulers so peace would be kept and the gospel could be spread.
That said, it is not limited to just Nero, in this case though, historically Paul was referring to Nero, but it applies elsewhere
What I want to point out, is Paul is in no way praising, or condoning the Execution of Christ (which if you will remember, the Sanhedrin were part of getting him to trial) he is telling his followers that:
The job of government: to punish and deter evildoers
13: 3-4
a. Paul's idea is that Christians should be the best citizens of all, though they are loyal to God before they are loyal to the state, they provide the state with no problems
b. Paul describes government officials as God's minister; they have a ministry in the plan and administration of God, just as much as church leaders do
i. If the state's rulers are God's minister (servant), remember they should remember that they are but servants - not gods themselves
c. It is through the just punishment of evil that government serves its function in God's plan of holding man's sinful tendencies in check; when a government fails to do this consistently, it opens itself up to God's judgment and correction
d. The sword is a reference to capital punishment; Paul sees the state as having that sort of authority legitimately -
Jesus was gay - says academic
by ISP injesus was gay - says academic
jesus was gay and so were at least three of his 12 disciples, according to an australian academic.. .
dr rollan mccleary said jesus's astrological chart, clues in the scriptures and biblical translations, all played a part in his conclusions.. in a forthcoming book, he attempts to present st john's gospel in a new light to back up his claims, reports the herald sun.. dr rollan mccleary, a university of queensland phd graduate who now lives in melbourne, has just been awarded his doctorate for a thesis on gay spirituality.. an anglican and a qualified reader of astrological charts, dr mccleary said the planet uranus figured prominently in jesus's astrological chart, as it did with many gays..
Hi there ISP,
wie geht es Ihnen?
You said you quoted the wealth of Christian Scriptures out there,,, first off, I've got to say that I clearly see that you've read the criticism of the Bible, and Jesus obviously, but have you read what extensive proof there is out there? Or are you just willing to accept the one side without examining entirely the other? (I'm not saying that you haven't I dunno) would you be willing to make an inquiry into what proof there is? If you would like to, which I really think it is unfair to dismiss something without checking it out. Trust me, I've seen most every criticism, denouncement, and theory there is to see. Then, they are all refuted by actual history, easily enough. (easy yes.. short..no) So, please check out a book called 'Evidence that Demands a Verdict' by Josh McDowell,, have you heard of it? And also "The Historical Jesus: Ancient Evidence for the Life of Christ" (College Press) by Gary Habermas. Both are very useful, and you can obviously form whatever opinion, or choose to reject it if you wish. I do hope that you will, though, they have been invaluable to me. But, the extent of information I don't think I would much like to type out, in the interest of my carpals. So I won't, but I do hope if you really want to learn if HE lived on earth, you will hire these out.
It just sort of baffles me, because... do you NOT believe that Plato or Aristotle existed? Are they just a myth also? What about Caesar? Are their works we have in existence today you think largely what they wrote all those centuries ago?
Secondly, I did notice that the list of 'Christian' texts included the Nag Hammadi Gnostic Scripts,,, and I just read a book on them (by a very enthusiastic Gnostic I might add),,, and they are completely 100% nothing to do with Jesus (the 'living Jesus' is certainly not anything like the Jesus of the Bible, neither is any of it's 'theology') Not because they weren't 'conventional' or because they were 'rebels' but because it was entirely a different gospel from NC. They have never been accepted as inspired, or anything to do with Christianity. So please do not include them with anything from the Canonized Scripture. :)
Just one more thing, I do realize that there were and are other religions without any historical Person that thrived and are thriving (just peek at the East) but,,, Christianity is ENTIRELY built on the OBJECT of Christ,,, Christ is the object, without Him having existed, and being crucified and risen, then as Paul said, our faith be in vain.
So sorry I didn't introduce myself, I'm f/US never been a JW, only read the WTBTS history, quotes, dates, wothave you (frightening stuff,,,, entertaining :) So wot's your story? Are you an ex-JW probably? How long have you been df'd da'd? How'd you find out about their rubbish?
Myxamatosis -
Jesus was gay - says academic
by ISP injesus was gay - says academic
jesus was gay and so were at least three of his 12 disciples, according to an australian academic.. .
dr rollan mccleary said jesus's astrological chart, clues in the scriptures and biblical translations, all played a part in his conclusions.. in a forthcoming book, he attempts to present st john's gospel in a new light to back up his claims, reports the herald sun.. dr rollan mccleary, a university of queensland phd graduate who now lives in melbourne, has just been awarded his doctorate for a thesis on gay spirituality.. an anglican and a qualified reader of astrological charts, dr mccleary said the planet uranus figured prominently in jesus's astrological chart, as it did with many gays..
Hello, you said
Jesus was gay - says academic
by ISP injesus was gay - says academic
jesus was gay and so were at least three of his 12 disciples, according to an australian academic.. .
dr rollan mccleary said jesus's astrological chart, clues in the scriptures and biblical translations, all played a part in his conclusions.. in a forthcoming book, he attempts to present st john's gospel in a new light to back up his claims, reports the herald sun.. dr rollan mccleary, a university of queensland phd graduate who now lives in melbourne, has just been awarded his doctorate for a thesis on gay spirituality.. an anglican and a qualified reader of astrological charts, dr mccleary said the planet uranus figured prominently in jesus's astrological chart, as it did with many gays..
you said -
by Myxomatosis ini was wondering if you could tell me what the good news of the gospel is as put forth in the new testament.
by the way, i am not an ex jehovah's witness,
you are debating a christian now.
Hello brother, I was wondering if you could tell me what the good news of the gospel is as put forth in the New Testament. By the way, I am not an ex Jehovah's Witness, you are debating a Christian now. Myxomatosis
by Blueblades ini know the society did.but on what basis?
have they given evidence of any apostate material from crises of conscience,that stands up?ray was disfellowedshipped for eating a meal with peter and that is not apostascy.
so,on what basis is the book declared apostate material.i have not found any evidence from the society that points to apostate material from the book itself.surely they must of read it to make such an announcement to the rank and file not to read it.
Hi, I'm not nor ever have been a Jdub, but I've read that book, and it's terribly depressing that Raymond is called an apostate, it's only a protection for their false teachings, because an Apostate biblically is one who turns and teaches against GOD and JESUS....any other labeling of apostate is false. I wrote this question recently to a practising Jdub, it's a bit long, and the first part is setup of, sorry for the ginormity ************** b. What would you think of ME if I were to say of MYSELF, rather than an organization, that I was 'Jehovah's sole channel of Biblical truth to earth' or that Jehovah was the Father and I am the Mother? Or what if I were to say that if you disagreed with what I was saying as 'Jehovah's sole channel' that you disagreed with Jehovah? (implicitly or explicitly) What if I were to say that the only way to be Loyal to Jehovah would be to be Loyal to me, and me exclusively in all the world? What would I be saying of myself explicitly, implicitly? Since I COULD say that indeed anyone can, how would people tell if what I said of myself were true? What would be the 'proof' or 'evidence?' Do any persons in the earth today have reason to claim that? Why? What if I were to say that if you disobeyed what I said you were disobeying Jehovah and no longer had his blessing? What if I called you an Apostate if you disagreed with ME and ONLY ME, and were teaching against ME ONLY, and NOT JESUS OR GOD WHATSOEVER, would you be an apostate by Biblical definition? (The Bible says that teaching against GOD, turning against and teaching against GOD means you are an apostate)What if I were a false teacher, and I was misleading others (to their destruction), and though you were the most likely to help them of anyone because you knew what I taught, and you had discovered (through the Bible, Biblical writers, and History) that I was a false teacher, and you wouldn't keep silent for the sake of others, but I wouldn't allow them to hear or read anything that was against me or what I said (critical of), even though it was unbiblical and wrong. Do you think that is doing a disservice to Jehovah?,Do you think that Jehovah would want a former member say of the Moonies, Mormons, theosophy, the Way International, WWCOG, etc. to be SILENT about their misguidance? Exposing and refuting what Jehovah says is very wicked indeed,,,,leading His sheep astray (and doing it mockingly so with His own Word) Would the fact that I labeled those who taught against ME and only ME were 'Apostates' I was protecting my own deception at that point,,,even perhaps telling my followers that 'other' beliefs and that which was 'CONDEMNING' rather than 'Critical of me, because, I HAD SAID IT, I HAD TAUGHT IT, CONDEMNING MYSELF, was SATANIC PROPOGANDA, first of all, would it be? second, would that be a tactic useful to MY false teaching, or useful in the Interest of Jehovah? Protecting my own errant, false interpretation at that point (to the harm of others, and to the bane of Jehovah)? Do you think that I wouldn't want others to see what the 'apostates' had written for the sake of Jehovah,,,for the sake of their salvation by Him? What does the imposition of 'no hearing, no reading, no speaking [to]' do to those who are being misled by me at this point? Would you say that the silence was protecting my false teaching (not only allowing those in my 'care' to remain ignorant and deceived, but to other potential adherents)? Would you say that people should be silent when they've been deceived? What happens when you allow a lie to go unchallenged? ************ by the way, I have a question for former JW's,,,are you allowed to even get near an 'apostate' book, I mean, are you taught to recognize where the info is coming from, if it is from an 'apostate' source? shpanks Myxomatosis