what would I "do?" I'd go to the store and buy some!!!
I'll buy if you fly...I live 2 blocks away from the grocery store...
would you call watchtower and tell them we are ashamed of them?.
would you call this judge and tell him that he made a lethal ruling?.
would you offer your insights to the right people, who can demand answers and change and get that insane judge off the bench?.
what would I "do?" I'd go to the store and buy some!!!
I'll buy if you fly...I live 2 blocks away from the grocery store...
ok, being the 80's teen i was.....here goes.... 5. milli vanilli.
girl you know its true (g g g girl!!).
4. wham young guns (go for it!).
Oh--let's see:
Just Like Heaven - The Cure (or ANYTHING by The Cure)
Never Let Me Down Again - Depeche Mode (or ANYTHING by DM)
A Little Respect - Erasure (or ANYTHING by Erasure)
No One Is To Blame - Howard Jones (or ANYTHING by Howard Jones)
Bizzare Love Triangle - New Order (or ANYTHING by New Order)
Honorable Mentions:
Istanbul (not Constantanople) - They Might Be Giants
Tempted - Squeeze
Heart and Soul - T'pau
Pour Some Sugar On Me - Def Lepperd
if you could enjoy a jewelry present of any sort, what would you want??
I love jewlery. I have some lovely sets from my mother-in-law...they are 22 karat gold with lots of pretty stones. But those are only for special occasions--they are too ornate for everyday wear.
My favorite jewlery is my wedding ring (of course), and my diamond stud earrings. I just bought them for myself...they are so sparkly!
I want a set of pearls, and for one of our big anniversaries, I would love a three-stone diamond ring--at least 2 carats.
when i was one of jehovah's witnesses i was absolutely sure i had the truth.
so sure i would have been willing to sacrifice anything for my beliefs.
i worked hard at study, meetings, service - even aux.
I'm absolutely paranoid about it. I have another religion, now--but I don't think I will ever believe in ANY belief, ideology, group, or system 100% again. Its just not in me.
acording to the bible its not.. .
rahab lied but that wasnt bad i suppose, the devil was a liar and i suppose that was bad.. .
should i lie.
I think a lie is only a lie if the information is something the other person has a right to.
For instance, if I borrowed my friend's book without asking and she asked me if I took it--and I denied it--it would be a lie.
HOWEVER, if someone I knew asked me something personal that was none of their business, I would consider "lying" to them to just shut them up--and I wouldn't feel one bit guilty about it. Sometimes its easier to do that than to go into a big long discussion about why you don't really feel like discussing it. It is no big deal to me. Especially if the other person is a stranger or just an aquaintance.
First of all, huge Marvel comics fan, been waiting like forever for them to start making cool movies based on my favorite comics. Not that X-Men and Spiderman were perfect films, but so much better than lame 70's tv shows or Saturday morning cartoon versions.
Well, I loved X-Men the movie...and they didn't have to use a cheesy CGI character for that! Those heros were all real actors--albeit ENHANCED with graphics. I didn't even mind Spiderman...I kinda liked it actually!
If you're making a comic book--make a comic book. If you're making a live action film--make a live action film. Otherwise it looks totally unbelievable. Good science fiction/fantasy always has the element of believability.
The previews make it look like some kind of silly Roger Rabbitish combo between the real world and the cartoon world. (Roger Rabbit was a good film, but it was supposed to be ABOUT cartoons).
hi, i smoke, not loads, but i would like to stop.
i think i will find it really hard though and was wondering how you stopped if you were a previous smoker.
i also suffer from asthma which obviously doesn't make things any better.
I was up to two packs a day--three if I was really partying. I have to put a vote in for COLD TURKEY.
Also, my husband and I quit together, and that really made a difference. Both of us are so stubborn and neither of us wanted to be the first to give in.
Another VERY important point: I cheated a couple times--but when and if you do, don't just start up smoking again. Remind yourself that you want to quit and get back up on the horse. The first inclination if you fall off the wagon is to just say 'aww, screw it' and go right back to it.
Good luck!
i have worked with many islamic men.
most all were from iran (persia), syria, jordan, palestine, and egypt.
all were either sunni or shiite.
This is exactly what I’ve been trying to express in the various threads where the Christians start sounding off about Islam; some here seem to identify Islam as MORE flawed than other religions.
I find it astounding that people base their interpretation of an entire religion of 1 billion people on their association with a couple people who are in that religion--or even worse, on a couple websites or TV programs.
2% of Muslims are Chinese, for Cripe's Sake! They have the 10th largest Muslim population of any country in the world. The largest Muslim country is Indonesia, with a population of 182 million. How often do you hear about Indonesian terrorists? Not all Muslims are Arabs, not all Muslims have an agenda and want to destroy America, and there are huge variations in the way Islam is practiced and interpreted. In the same way that Christianity is practiced by South American coal miners with no education, Catholic and Protestant Irish, and even Jehovah's Witnesses. We're talking about a wide range of people here. Not only that, but even within a particular ethnicity or culture, you get various personal interpretations.
I think many of you think all religions are like the borg. A centralized brain controlling and thinking for everyone. Every person goes to the same meetings and studies the same WTower every weekend. Commands are issued and the mass obeys. Sorry, folks. There is no 'centralized' brain of Islam. Each person is responsible for their own behavoir and actions before God. To blame Islam and Muslims for the actions of a small group of insane terrorists is false and ignorant.
Islam, the religion, teaches peace and most Muslims are NOT hellraisers and asskickers--so you don't hear from them. They just want to live their lives, worship the way they want to, and not be hassled. I have many, many Muslim friends that work at regular jobs, don't wear beards or scarves, but wear T-shirts and jeans and run their errands and do their yard work every weekend. In fact, the majority of my friends do this. But they are also devout and religious people.
Peace to you all.
i have worked with many islamic men.
most all were from iran (persia), syria, jordan, palestine, and egypt.
all were either sunni or shiite.
OK, I take some exception to being accussed of talking out of my a$$ about Islam IF that was directed at me. While not a Muslim, I know more about Islam than the average bear. And yes, the original purpose of this thread did kinda get changed into an attack on ALL religion.
This was not directed at you. You are very correct in your description of the Hadith and the role they play in Islam. Personally, I am a big skeptic of the Hadith, and one of a growing group who would like to see major reform in Islam. The Hadith, by their very nature, are contradictory and unreliable. They contain some good information, but they are in many cases, undeservedly held up as equal to the Qur'an. The Qur'an is very simple and eloquent, and quite fair.
For example--in the Qur'an death is not prescribed for adultury. Adultury is punishable by 40 lashes for both the man and the woman--and only after 4 witnesses can verify the act took place. Some hadith, however, prescribe death.
Another example: women covering their hair. The Qur'an does not specifically prescribe it. People use hadith to say that it is mandatory. Many women (myself included) do not cover their hair, then.
The great problem modern Muslims are dealing with is that many Islamic countries have an extremely high illiteracy rate. Also, you're dealing with culture and tradition. Many Muslims cannot even explain why they believe what they believe. It's just what has been done for centuries.
If anyone is interested in reading a positive and moderate declaration of modern Muslims, please check out : Taking Back Islam. It was recently published--after September 11--and contains many short essays by Muslims from all races and professions.
It is important to remember that the "Taliban" does not represent Islam. And calling Saddam Hussein an Islamic Leader is the same as calling George W. Bush a Christian Leader. Both are politicians, and both will use religion when they need to to whip up the masses into a frenzy of righteous indignation.
For the most part, religion is a red herring in these political conflicts. A way to get people behind the political agendas of their leaders.
i don't mean an epiphany, necessarily--although that does count.
i mean, what books came along and just changed the way you look at things.
still life with woodpecker (tom robbins).
I LOVE Karen Armstrong. I have The Battle For God, and I totally enjoyed it!
The great thing about this thread is that there are bunch of books here I've not heard of. I'm sure I'll enjoy reading many of your selections! I'm always looking for a good read!