Welcome Mark, wishing you fun on the forum from sunny Spain.
JoinedPosts by Bruja-del-Sol
just wanted to introduce myself
by TheMark ini've been a lurker for quite some time and enjoy the forum.
i've reached a point in life where i don't argue ideologies anymore so i don't have much to say.
i've been out for decades and believe i've been mostly de-cultabilized (if that's even a word).. my family is still in and i haven't had contact with them in years.
"You have to find out her fears and exploit that. What is her worst fear?"
by cognac inliterally, a text message to my husband from one of his "friends".
he also wrote, "it's in her hands.
it's her move now.
@Cognac: thinking of you and wishing you and your children will be safe. So sorry for what you're going through right now. My heart goes out to you
@Flipper & Mrs. Flipper: you both are wonderful for offering your help and support to people in need.
"Tight Pants" by Mentally Diseased - a tribute to Anthony Morris III
by jwleaks intoo tight pants by mentally diseased.
(with thanks to baggy trousers by madness).
too tight pants in kingdom halls.
Where's the 'like' button?
I Waited Until My Wedding Night To Lose My Virginity And I Wish I Hadn't...
by Divergent ini found this article interesting & just wanted to share.
after going through my teenage years trying to be the perfect jw, i realized that trying to live up to the standards imposed on me have been for worse & not for better.
i was feeling miserable, repressed, unfulfilled, with a great lack of self confidence & self esteem.
I recognize a lot in the article. After my weddingday it took me six weeks to realize that I'd married the wrong guy. He was cute, he was sort of sweet (and also a real JW, so he was 'in charge' so to speak, the boss, the 'head'... yuk!) and from day one I really didn't like to have sex with him. I managed to stay with him for nearly fifteen years, but then I couldn't take it anymore. The promise of a 'blessed marriage' when you keep your virginity appeared to be a lie. But like the person in the article, it took me years to learn to enjoy sex and feel okay about it. And even now I still have times that I have to fight the old thoughts and feelings of disgust and dislike, just because I used to be so programmed to think that sex is dirty, sinful and has to be about the man's needs instead of mine...
Children calling jw adults uncle and auntie, when did that start?
by awakening ini cant figure out when the auntie and uncle thing started or why.
it sure is a peadophiles dream to have a kid they dont know call them uncle!
they are now in a special relationship.
To me as a child it wasn't strange at all. Later in life my ex-husband and I used to call an old sister 'auntie', she was the dearest friend of my (then) inlaws and a friend of their family for decades, and my children changed that to 'granny'. Every since I've always referred to her as 'my grandmother', even though she wasn't really related to us, it just felt that way. And she was happy with it, she never had children of her own. We were the only family she had. She's passed away over 14 years ago, but still to this day she was closer to my heart than any of my blood related grandparents.
My new husband has never been a JW, but he has numerous stories of neighbours he'd call 'uncle' and 'auntie', so I guess it's also a cultural thing in the Netherlands to give those 'titles' to people who aren't related but still somehow close to the family.
How Often Do You Come To JWN? How Often Do You Post?
by minimus indo you check this site, daily?.
do you post very much?.
I'm a regular visitor, usually every day a couple of times, and scan the latest topics fairly quick and read the ones that catch my attention. I mostly read, but every once in a while I also post things about my experiences as a JW, hoping that someone might find it helpful. I like to read the stories of others, it's sometimes like looking in the mirror from a different angle...
What happy, wonderful thing happened to you since you left the "truth"?
by Jeannette inmore than one thing for me, but i have learned to enjoy festivals, and just enjoying free time.
it's not that the org wouldn't allow it, i just felt i shouldn't.
there are others, of course, and i really have been happier and good things have come my way since i left.
The happiest thing for me (after being DF'd and divorced) was that I finally had a chance to find my first love (a classmate in school), who was sent away by my father because he wasn't a witness. After 18 years I was still looking for closure, had a couple of questions to ask him and wanted to end it all with one last chance to tell him how sorry I was (about what my father did to him) and how much I liked him back then.
I found him, we had that last talk... and it was the beginning of a new life. The spark appeared to still be there, for both of us. We tried to fight it, since he was married. But because his marriage wasn't happy and his wife was extremely jealous, he gave up on her and they divorced. He then needed time to recover emotionally, since his now ex-wife really terrorized him and took away his only child. Nearly two years after that we were still together but also still living apart. And then he finally asked me to come live with him. A couple of years later we married and now we feel lucky to be together every day!
He never expected me to escape the JW's (nor my parents), and is proud and happy that I did and that I found him after all those years.
Have you ever read the review of Steven Hassan's books on Cult news.com?
by Enzo inhi, to everyone my username is enzo, .
recently a saw a video presented by john cedar presenting steve hassan as a cult expert.. .
but read this reviews presented on cult news about steve hassan's books, and it's up to you make your own opinion about the video.
I'm Dutch and I feel quite embarrassed by this 'Enzo'-type...
Reverse Shunning
by exwhyzee insometing happened yesterday that i thought might be noteworty enough to relate to you here.. mrs. eyz and i were invited to my new boss's home for his annual end of summer party.
it's a pretty big deal....his is a name known locally (i'll call him j.r.) a really nice interesting guy who's held a number of high level and politically connected jobs.
there was to be music, dancing, wine and reprotedly lots of well dressed, well educated, well to do and influential people (oh yes...and us) in attendance.. anyway we thought we'd make an occasion out of it and got ourselves spiffed up which involved new outfits and extra mirror time before we left home.
What a great uplifting story, an example for all of us in how to take your dignity back and let them be the underdog. Well done!
Dubs - Paradoxes From Hell
by Farkel indubs - paradoxes from hell.
jesus said his yoke was kindly and light.. dubs brag their religion is the "hardest religion in the world.".
the bible tells children to honor their parents.. the wts tells children to betray their parents.. if dubs really live in a "spiritual paradise," why do their lives have to be threatened to stay in it?.
This how Farkel stays 'alive', he will always be remembered because of excellent posts like this!