I am vehemently opposed. I think immigration should be STRICTLY controlled. I think the U.S.'s having open borders would rapidly turn it into a third world country. Hell, I'm even for controlling our own internal population growth.
I hear there are a lot of jobs that people in the U.S. don't want and that immigrants will do those jobs. Well, I say offer those jobs to people who are on government assistance, and if they don't take the jobs and do well at them, then cut off their assistance. Why should we let more people in when we have citizens who are unemployed? I also say make prisoners do some of the work like picking fruits and vegetables, and if they don't work, they don't eat.
I'm sick of people flooding here. If they have problems in their own countries, they need to fix them - not come here and try to change our country. They also need to quit fuc&ing or use birth control if they can't take care of their own children.
"the DPC cites data from DHS and the Department of Health and Human Services to warn that the Biden administration is 20,000 beds short of what it needs to properly house the 117,000 unaccompanied child migrants expected to cross the border this year." -Migrant children border crossings to surpass record by 45 percent: report (nypost.com)
I'm sick of it, and I have a right to be. My wife and I work our a$$es off for not much money. I'm sick of people flooding here and of seeing my tax money spent on them.
If they don't stop coming, wages will be driven down and our already shrinking middle class will be gone.