Oh, Wow! I remember gma-tired2. Glad you're back.
Posts by Magnum
I'm back
by Gma-return ini haven't been around for a couple of years.
life got complicated but i'm still an ex-jw i lost my husband 2 years ago from cancer.
ill add more sometime.
Why Is The Press Suddenly Exposing The Biden Family?
by minimus inthe new york post published how hunter biden was involved with many criminal activities.
they showed how big daddy biden was well aware of what was going on.
the post got called out for this “ non story “.
I just heard last night on TV (don't know whom to trust anymore, though) that a significant percentage of those who voted for Biden wouldn't have if they had known about the Biden family bad stuff. The election was close, so their knowing probably would have changed the outcome.
Do not fellowship with greedy drunkards
by road to nowhere inpounding the disfellowship crap this week.
that nnea3n we should avoid the drunk on the gb and ignore the pleas for money?.
GreatTeacher, that was damn funny!
ExElder Friend Had To Go To His Former Kingdom Hall and this what he told me!
by minimus inhe was the secretary before he resigned years ago.
he has a business that kept him involved with the kingdom hall.
the hall was sold to another church.
I wonder if their situation is more dire than we realize. They are ready to just drop everything and run away.
Interesting. They're probably inundated with stuff against them - lawsuits, potential lawsuits, disgruntled old-timers asking them tough questions, financial issues, etc. We might only be aware of a small sample of what they face. Maybe they do see the writing on the wall and are making preparations for some kind of exit strategy. Remember what was said during that recent broadcast about the lights being turned off, no more broadcasting, etc.?
I don't know, but it's interesting to watch. If they are planning to drop everything and run away, I wonder why they're working on new projects (Aren't they building new studios or something like that?).
I miss old posters!
by Biahi inblondie, flipper, shirley w, where are you?
did this site get too republican for you?
i just take those threads with a grain of salt..
I’m here to find out what’s latest in dubland, since my mom is still in. Also, I want to see them fall. When they inevitably will. I want to see the Governing Body in prison, for hiding pedos.
Me, too!
I think we don't see deeper discussions about JW stuff much anymore because JWdom is no longer deep. It has become less and less analytical because it got its butt kicked and is now playing it safe. As some have said, JWdom is morphing into a non-analytical mega church that focuses on feel-good stuff and lifestyle vs doctrine.
A lot of the discussions have focused on politics because, it seems, a lot of us are more affected by that now than we are JWdom. Also, the JW situation is sort of in the doldrums now - nothing really exciting going on - just slowly sailing along or dead in the water.
A few years ago, there were a lot deeper discussions here about JWdom because it was making changes and going places that we would never have thought possible a few years earlier. It was becoming something that those of us who were around in the 70's & 80's would have never imagined it would.
I think as the political situation dies down, the discussions will turn to JWdom again. Also, I believe the wind will pick back up. I believe we will see some interesting stuff related to JWdom in the near future. Is the pressure from disappointed/disgruntled JWs building up behind the scenes? Will it reach a point at which the pressure will become too high? Will JWdom become an exclusively e-religion? Will it collapse completely? We'll see.
There is actually still a lot to discuss about JWdom. I have a list of about ten interesting topics been wanting to post; just haven't been able to find time.
And, I miss the old posters, too.
Friend Is Worried About My “Mental Health”...lol
by minimus inone of my tennis friends who happens also to be a nurse, told me today that he is concerned about my mental health because i support donald trump.
i believe he got shafted but i also recognize that very little will probably change regarding his being re-elected.
this man voted for the “green” candidate and said he personally agrees with most of trump’s views but he thinks he’s morally corrupt.
Liberals are affected by “feelings”. Nothing wrong with that but don’t let it get into the way of “facts”.
Agree 100%. I'm affected by feelings, too, but mine are based on fact, logic, reason, vast experience, common sense, etc.
I really think a lot of liberals are sincere, they mean well, etc. However, they are delusional. Their peace & love, one united world, open borders, spread the love and money ideals just won't/don't work in an imperfect world.
Yes, they do have feelings, but not facts. They are naive - idealistic vs realistic.
Friend Is Worried About My “Mental Health”...lol
by minimus inone of my tennis friends who happens also to be a nurse, told me today that he is concerned about my mental health because i support donald trump.
i believe he got shafted but i also recognize that very little will probably change regarding his being re-elected.
this man voted for the “green” candidate and said he personally agrees with most of trump’s views but he thinks he’s morally corrupt.
Its amazing how liberal idiots will say bull crap like this and never debate the issues. I would say cut them off and let them go as they are idiots. Or you can say so you are for open boarders, man pissing with your daughter who ID as a woman, letting illegals have free medical, burning and looting cities, riots and ending fossil fuel, killing free speech, ending the second amendment, paying reparations to those who were never slaves, hating America first, calling our nation evil, making racism against whites OK, attacking religion [Christian] Islam and Buddhism and Satanism is fine, destroying capitalism, embracing socialism/communism, and in general controlling our lives to a degree not seen outside of places like Cuba, USSR and Communist China. Ya and I am the one with mental health issues. Sounds like they need a lobotomy.
I agree with this ^.
I especially like this part: "It's amazing how liberal idiots will say bull crap like this and never debate the issues." I'm seeing that constantly. It's argumentum ad hominem - addressing some perceived shortcoming of the other party rather than the issues. I've seen liberals doing it a lot lately. I just recently saw a lot of it on Quora. Liberals were saying things like "clueless", "education has failed you", "you've never even been out of the country", "you've never had a passport", "you're a sad person", "you're a racist", etc., HOWEVER, they didn't address any issues; they just spewed pure ad hominem attacks.
It's ironic that they have this mental image of conservatives as being backwards, uneducated, low-intelligence hicks, yet, the conservatives are articulate, they reason well, etc., and the liberals just insult and/or call names and/or try to cast doubt on the mental health of conservatives. They don't reason or provide evidence.
Jehovah delivers sand for a Kingdom Hall project in Micronesia
by RULES & REGULATIONS inyou cannot make this up: financial help and the hand of jehovah complete project.
january 2016 jw broadcasting..... video starts at 35:30. a local design construction department manager named travis brooks tells a story about a building project on the island of yap, micronesia.
a small kingdom hall needs to be expanded because the facility wasn't big enough for those in attendance.
Meanwhile, as Jehovah is busy delivering sand, MANY of his sentient creatures suffer horribly. Little children starve to death, animals suffer miserably and die horrific deaths. I have seen horror that I can never unsee.
So, Jehovah, can deliver sand, but, not food or medicine or other aid?
Who am I talking about?
by neat blue dog in.. is anti-gun, police and war?.
is subject to government but really anti-government?.
is prone to alternative medicine and science?.
(raises hand)... I agree with Sea Breeze.
73 years old, a Witness for 48 years, an elder for 24 years, Baptized just before 1975. WOKE UP!
by pistolpete ini thought i would post an encouraging experience i found today.
i've been seeing a lot of 70-80 year old jws waking up, and their children are posting their experience on reddit.
these are old elders, pioneers, circuit overseers who have given their everything and finally at the end of their life, are walking away.. maybe the key to waking up is that a person has to have a deep sense of right and wrong.
pistolpete, wow, that one's interesting, too.
I especially like this:
I knew something was wrong for years but could never quite put my finger on it
and this:
The biggest change was the anointed no longer being the faithfull slave but only the GB being the slave. That meant that ever since the time of pastor Russell the whole doctrine had been false!.
and this:
The whole thing is now morphing into a new online trash internet religion with no real substance .