JoinedTopics Started by oneyeopen
I dont think we should past judgement on people who post here for the first time
by smiddy injust saying , my 2 cents worth .
if they have an agenda it will be revealed in a short time , let them play it out .. however , some genuine first posters can be put off by somebody jumping the gun and attacking them .. please give the first posters time to get to know this site.. smiddy.
For all you conspiracy theories enthusiasts...
by tresdecu inplease list all the consipracies that have come true...or can be prooven (rock solid) to have happened.
purely for my own curiosity.
not mocking you all, at all..
Red clouds in the Uk
by Xanthippe inwe have red clouds.
can anyone else see them, it's way after sunset?.
So, here's a new definition of 'apostacy'
by ItsMyLife inif you allow your child to have a part in the nativity play, it's apostacy.
even if the child just stands there, dressed as a an animal.
with no lines.. even if you've been inactive for several months.. talk about extremes and emotional blackmail!.
Are some JWs justified in staying in the org?
by greendawn inmost of us left the organisation because we could no longer stand one or other aspect of it, perhaps its very dictatorial administration, the disappointment due to the false promises and vain hopes raised by its leadership, disagreement with the blood ban or pedophile and shunning policies, the feel one gets that this is a business and not a religious organisation manipulating its members to its own profit etc etc.
these are of course valid reasons for rejecting this religion and refusing to identify with it but do the jws who stay in have a valid argument for rejecting leaving the org?
they will say: "ok our religion, our society has its flaws but what human society doesn't?
Free Speech Under Attack And How This Will Affect JWs
by lambsbottom inanyone want to chime in on how jws will be affected when free speech starts being limited?.
dallas sheriffs deputies assault free speech activists, punch alex jones cops incite violence during peaceful demonstration.
Persecuted Christians
by IMHO inchristians are the single most widely persecuted religious group in the world today.
1. christian churches around the world have set apart the month of november to remember and pray for the persecuted church, through the international day of prayer for the persecuted church (idop).. 2. according to the u.s. department of state, christians in more than 60 countries face persecution from their governments or surrounding neighbors simply because of their belief in christ.. 3. with the exception of four official state-controlled churches in pyongyang, christians in north korea face the risk of detention in the prison camps, severe torture and, in some cases, execution for practicing their religious beliefs.
north koreans suspected of having contact with south korean or other foreign missionaries in china, and those caught in possession of a bible, have been known to be executed.. 4. in syria, christians are increasingly becoming the target of violent attacks.
by oneyeopen inchrist and his bride are here to inspect his fathers household.. .
courtesy google earth, thanks to google every eye will see him.
by oneyeopen inchrist and his bride have come to insect his household.. .
google earth.switzerland..,9.436698&spn=0.022956,0.052314&t=p&layer=c&cbll=47.044629,9.4365&panoid=4i-u99a6wganmhnnvy6hbg&cbp=12,153.14,,0,-25.25&z=15.,9.454336&spn=0.022959,0.052314&t=p&layer=c&cbll=47.038431,9.454106&panoid=qhecqmeyfdkymh_uvocskg&cbp=12,297.4,,0,-33.08&z=15.
Conspiracy theories.
by chrisuk ini'd just like the opions of some of the more clear thinking member on this please:.
let me just start this by saying i don't really buy into conspiracy theories, but sometimes they seem to make sense, i suppose that's the point of them.
all this business with edward snowden seems to add a little more weight to certain conspiracy theories.