Happy new year from the UK
Kate xx
happy new year from jw leaksyes, we are a bit early, but we could no help but leak it first and kick off the celebrations.
- anon.>>>> jwleak.org.
Happy new year from the UK
Kate xx
daughter is 3 now, that's a little less than i've been on this forum.
you can find my life story in earlier posts.
enough to say that i have a generous amount of visitation with her.. i picked her up and was talking about the lights some of her neighbors had.
Well done, glad you had a good Christmas.
Kate xx
i leave you people alone for one holiday, and you go and change the whole dern place around.
i can't find anything, don't recognize anything, i'm lost... wait, i sound like my grandfather... .
why, would you look what you've done to the place.
I am 41, I like the new changes. I think it's more modern and easy to use on my laptop and phone.
Kate xx
it's utterly amazing to me how religious belief in an omnipotent deity shapes some people's thinking.. one woman whose family missed the air asia flight which crashed stated that it was god's will to give her father hepatitis so that she canceled her family's vacation trip on that flight.
she says she believes god saved her family and protected them.
however, she later mourns the fact that she lost friends on the flight...so does she believe god deliberately planned for them to die?
Things like this do make me think harder about my beliefs. I have already accepted that God is not benevolent.
But I am still hanging on to a creator. I am happy with this belief, but I might change.
Kate xx
a new site so i decided i needed a new look also, like so many others have done.. smiddy .
I haven't changed mine yet...you all look so fresh and happy with new avatars.......I want something cool too.
Kate xx
dear brothers ans sisters.
i just received this mail in french..(thank you google to have translates it)..this mail is from a still inside brother who encourage to come back.
do you think its a fact or an other urban legend.
I agree with phizzy, just because he has the book, it doesn't mean he knows what watchtower teaches.
Total waste of effort and prayers.
Kate xx
as i continue my sllllooooooowwwwwww fade one of the things that i want to do is better myself as a person.
one of my biggest pitfalls has always been drinking.
i don't think i am an alcoholic but at the same time i've never been a very good drinker.
I have the odd drink now and again....but I can go months without a drink.
When I do drink, I only have one or two, then water.
Iggy, you need to stop drinking, you are an excessive drinker and you are worried about it, so you need to act.
Kate xx
so there is someone on youtube creating videos from watchtower audio files.
im pretty sure they are not doing it with wts permission because they actually allow comments, albeit censored comments.
i was reading some of the comments on one page.
ive not seen him on this new site--or do i need new specs.?
its usually hard to miss the old bugger
Glad to see you Outlaw, I love all the advice you have given me over the past year. You give it to me straight.
Thanks Kate xx
a lady walks into harrods.
she looks around, spots a beautiful diamond bracelet and walks over to inspect it.
as she bends over to look more closely, she unexpectedly farts.very embarrassed, she looks around nervously to see if anyone noticed her little woops and prays that a sales person was not anywhere near.as she turns around, her worst nightmare materializes in the form of a salesman standing right behind her good looking as well.cool as a cucumber, he displays all of the qualities one would expect of a professional in a store like harrods.he politely greets the lady with, good day, madam.
Haha good one xx
Kate xx