I can look at all my previous posts just as Xant said it works for me.
How did you get on Smiddy?
Kate xx
i know we have teething problems simon , but is it me ?
am i doing something wrong ?
or is it a bug that needs to be ironed out.. the old system i could navigate through and view any previous post i had , and also view the latest posts and go back on previous posts that i dont seem to be able to do today .. at the moment it just seems like pot luck with whatever page i`m on.. smiddy.
I can look at all my previous posts just as Xant said it works for me.
How did you get on Smiddy?
Kate xx
in other words, is it true that the watchtower is just like other religions when it comes to cover-ups?.
from personal experience (with incest and doctrinal/financial fraud) in the watchtower i would say so.. especially when i compare stories like the one i read today:.
"its impossible to know how many women have been raped by jewish men.
I was silenced, shunned and df'd for exposing domestic violence in our household.
This type of gagging is common in WT. Rather silence the woman than punish the man.
Kate xx
the scientists at the scripps research institute, california, have almost succeeded in creating the world's first living organism with artificial dna!.
Racemic mixtures formed in the lab with no catalyst remain racemic. No sides win out in this case cofty.
Kate xx
the scientists at the scripps research institute, california, have almost succeeded in creating the world's first living organism with artificial dna!.
Soai showing that natural selection will make it inevitable one side wins outs....is evidence to me the process is guided....it's always the same side in nature. L-enantiomers.
You don't believe it's guided but I do. I havent made up my mind fully yet. If there is new evidence to support this process is unguided I am interested in knowing it and I will change my mind.
Kate xx
i've been out of the religion for a little while now but my family is still "strong in the truth".
i got a call today asking if i could stop by to have a discussion.
they just had their circuit assembly and this is typically when they decide to talk to me, while they're spiritually energized hah.
Sorry I don't have any details of the CA. But I just wanted to post and tell you that it's a good idea to be prepared in advance.
All the best
Kate xx
i met an aging, well, late sixties, pioneer sister a few days back, from a congregation four removes away, and a different circuit to my old congo.
i have known her since i was a kid.. i wasn't quite sure at first if she knew our "status" as we exchanged pleasantries, but it soon became clear she knew exactly our situation, that we walked away a few years ago.. she asked me about my views on life now, and listened respectfully, and said she appreciated my view, but a couple of questions that she threw at me, as in the thread title, showed that she was surprised that mrs phizzy and i had not gone off the rails after we left.. the mind control goes so very deep does it not ?
she was surprised that our marriage hadn't failed, and that we were now happy.. i wonder if she will ever make the connection that the jw org has lied to her about those of us who leave ?.
Well good for you phizzy. I, on the other hand, am divorced, df'd and not allowed back in.
All I did to deserve this was expose domestic violence.
So no I am not happily married, but happily dating and enjoying it. Lol xx
Kate xx
anyone who's posted on both the original site and this new one will notice that you no longer get the notice of how many posts you have left.
there are a few reasons for this.. one reason is scalability - every time you viewed a topic and got the reply at the bottom the server needed to look at your account, count the number of posts in the last 24 hours and work out what to display.
caching at various places meant this number would sometimes be wrong and there's nothing worse than posting something and it failing.. i went back to basics and thought about what the limits were for and how they could be improved to still protect the site but also give a better user experience.. limits are there for several reasons: to protect against spammers and blabbermouths.
Thanks for explaining Simon.....I was wondering about it and sent you a question on another thread.
I understand now
Take care
Kate xx
the scientists at the scripps research institute, california, have almost succeeded in creating the world's first living organism with artificial dna!.
I can sorta wrap my brain around why you think it might require some intelligence to kick things off, but I can't fathom why you would consider this as evidence (aside from confirmation bias).-one eyed joe
I have explained it. I used terms such as racemic mixture, l-sterio isomer, enantiomer, soai reaction.
If you don't understand what these things are it's easy to look them up and do the research. I will repeat myself for your sake though. In nature most enantiomers are left handed, to form this homochiral mixture is necessary for life.
In a lab the mixture is racemic, there are equal left and right handed molecules. Life cannot form with these molecules.
This has nothing to do with avalanches.
In order for the correct mixture to form a catalyst is required, a catalyst guides the process, in nature there is an autocatalyst. This process is guided.
Kate xx
i suspect it is valid but i really want confirmation before i click those 3 steps.
there's actually nothing on that screen that says it has anything to do with jwn -- therefore my caution.. len.
Yes I thought it would be a dodgy advert. I never trust anything that says to download stuff.
Kate xx
feb kingdom ministry 2015, irate householders, "we don't apologize for our work", "did they hear rumors about jws"?
why so angry?
blood or disfellowshipping?.
On the upside, hearing about a "rumor" may lead to TTATT.- DD
This is a real potentially good out come. If JWs come to us we can express our thoughts about Dfing or blood and hopefully give them some food for thought.
Sadly most of the JWs in my area know me so I can't really help them that way.
Kate xx