Welcome thanks for your story. It was really interesting to read, I am so sorry your wife was unfaithful and you are going through so much. Well done for your recovery so far you sound like you have put a lot of effort into it.
Kate xx
well, i made comments on a couple of post already, but i guess i should somehow introduce myself.
i choose the user name to hopefully try and identify my past while working for future changes in myself.
ive been in and out since i was a kid.
Welcome thanks for your story. It was really interesting to read, I am so sorry your wife was unfaithful and you are going through so much. Well done for your recovery so far you sound like you have put a lot of effort into it.
Kate xx
today is my first post on jwd, i was one of jehovahs witness for almost 50 years of my life, i was born into the religion.
i was baptized at a young age and once i got married i was a very spiritual woman as they would call me.
my husband and i served as full time pioneers, we traveled abroad and went to international conventions, did some special pioneer service in other states in the us.
Thank you so much for your story. It's really nice to see people wake up. I am so glad your hubby woke up with you that is so lovely.
Kate xx
synchronicity - the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.
today is the first day of the rest of my life.
Welcome 7starz,
Thank you for finally posting. We like to hear of ones who have left. I would like to know about some of the hypocrisy and nepotism you experienced. Each of our experiences helps ones who are stuck in to see that holy spirit is not guiding the WT.
Kate xx
warning: poes law may apply.
i just wanted to take a moment and remind everyone that all muslims are good people.
"real" muslims would never kill in the name of their religion .
I don't know if they want to escape or not, I just said they don't know how to. That is quite a different thing. They are indoctrinated victims that are trapped. Just like most JWs.
I can only judge on the individuals I have met. None of them have ever killed anyone or planned to. There is no evidence to suggest all Muslims are the same. Generalising is a bad thing and we should never judge people by our generalisations, we should judge people on their merits once we get to know them.
Kate xx
warning: poes law may apply.
i just wanted to take a moment and remind everyone that all muslims are good people.
"real" muslims would never kill in the name of their religion .
This is a really sad story. The fact that crazy Muslims can kill 12 people just because they're taking the mickey out of their religion, is tragic.
Sadly many don't realise that not all Muslims are killers and take the Koran literally and tar all with one brush, when in fact most Muslims especially women and children are victims of this high control religion and don't know how to escape.
Kate xx
so, back when you were still in, or even now (for those still in), how do you respond when the elders ask to speak with you in the back room?
I remember when I was in, and the elders wanted to speak to me in the back room I always thought it was an opportunity for me to give my side. It took a few times for me to realise.
I used to get really worked up and tense when they wanted to talk to me when I knew they didn't want to listen and one time I said to the CO "You're not God you don't know what's in my heart" as he was accusing me of all manner of trivial things such as not being obedient and submissive to the "arrangement"
After being on the internet and learning TTATT I had one last meeting with them and recorded it for my loved ones so they knew what uncompromising so and so's my JC were, and it went viral over the internet.
I only ever talk with them in public now on their trolleys and express my feelings about holy spirit and d'fing infront of other publishers so they see the truth of why I left.
Kate xx
Hey Minimus,
How are you doing?
I think there are loads of pro's to the site and not many con's. I have pretty much got used to it now. I think my post count has gone up a bit, but I can't tell any more how many posts I've made in the last 24 hours. So I might be here a lot more lol.
Kate xx
well, it's finally happened!.
im no longer an ms.. as many would know from our chats via this forum, i've seen it coming for a while....and while the way it was done stinks, i'm really happy to finally be free!.
(would love to share more details...i will do in time...or perhaps a pm would be best).
Sorry to hear it was done in a bad way. They do this to humiliate you as an example so others don't step down or take steps to get removed.
It's one step in the right direction. You're not so stuck in a rut now.
Kate xx
ok, so the time has finally come to register an account on this site.
not that i think i have much to contribute to the discussions here, but more out of a desire to show that yet another person has learned ttatt.
i am a fader, not discussing ttatt with anyone as i know the inevitable outcome it would have.
Welcome and thanks for telling us what you're awake moment was.
Kate xx
i know we have teething problems simon , but is it me ?
am i doing something wrong ?
or is it a bug that needs to be ironed out.. the old system i could navigate through and view any previous post i had , and also view the latest posts and go back on previous posts that i dont seem to be able to do today .. at the moment it just seems like pot luck with whatever page i`m on.. smiddy.
I can look at all my previous posts just as Xant said it works for me.
How did you get on Smiddy?
Kate xx