I am appreciating the advice, I am so ahamed of my messed up family and it helps to know I am not alone. In our family the biggest insult you can throw is "oh you're just like mom." As far as love covering a multitude of sins, I have been covering the sins of my parents for my entire life, it gets old and never seems to help. When I was about 11, my Mom was mad as us kids, and she said to me, "I am going to go kill myself, I just can't take you kids anymore" She got in her car and drove off. She came back hours later and I was waiting on the sidewalk, with tears streaming down my face, I thought she had killed herself and it was my fault. She got out of her car and said "whats the matter, why are you crying?" I said "I thought you killed yourself, you said you were going to kill yourself, I'm sorry I was bad" I was sobbing, and she just went in the house with a smirk on her face. Not another word was said.