My Favorite Brit Recipe:
Ingredients: One Brit
Oven temperature: 350
..right now i have a craving for jellied eels!.
these are lovely.
My Favorite Brit Recipe:
Ingredients: One Brit
Oven temperature: 350
i notice a lot of anti-jehovah's witenesses post here so i will speak my peace.
2 peter 3:3 .
"for you know this first, that in the last days there will come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires" .
Hmmm. This Razor person is disobeying a direct order from "the organization" which everyone knows is entrusted with leading the
sheep (to slaughter) How faithful can this person be while doing what is wrong in the eyes of Jah? Makes me think of a scripture that says something about "He who is faithful in little . . . " How does that one go Razor?
i was just wondering if anyone has heard anything about an announcement to be made at the memorial this year?
my family is repeatedly pressuring me to go and the newest approach is that they've heard about an announcement, never made before, that concerns innactive ones or ones who have fallen away,, that is all that they would tell me.
are they going to come find and disfellowship us unless we go back or can we now come back "no questions asked" (yah right)?
Dawn, I understand why you are curious, I am too and will be waiting to hear what the "big announcement" is. Perhaps something like,
Millions Now Living Will Never Take A Shit Without Our Say So
On a related note, the WTS has acquired Metamucil in a hostile takeover
hello all:) some of you may remember me from 3 or 4 years back...i was talking about my decision to pursue a phd in australia and the topic of that dissertation was going to be jehovah's witnesses and women.
well...i'm almost finished...but i would be interested in a doing a few more interviews with either current or ex jw women preferably in australia if possible.
if you are interested let me know, my name is mim i'm a uni lecturer at a big uni in adelaide and i am an ex jw woman myself.. .
Oops! and I wish I could participate, but I live in the US. I would love to read your dissertation though!!!
hello all:) some of you may remember me from 3 or 4 years back...i was talking about my decision to pursue a phd in australia and the topic of that dissertation was going to be jehovah's witnesses and women.
well...i'm almost finished...but i would be interested in a doing a few more interviews with either current or ex jw women preferably in australia if possible.
if you are interested let me know, my name is mim i'm a uni lecturer at a big uni in adelaide and i am an ex jw woman myself.. .
Wow great job telling the nay-sayers how it is!!! And I wish
i got a phone call last night from an old j.w.
she was very close at one time and is one of a very few who did not turn on me when i left.
Just tell her how sorry you are and she will take it from there. You can be the listening ear and shoulder to cry on.
in some months to come, i expect to run into a lot of old witness friends.. i think i need a short explanation of my view of the organization - that sums things up.
without provoking outrage.. .
"the organization is run by a bunch of old guys and they're just running out the clock.".
This is a great analogy, makes perfect sense. Problem is, they are running out the clocks of everyone in there with them. The old B@#$tards!!!
this is a question my wife asked me again today.
i get this question asked about every 3 to 4 months.
she is concerned about what other people may think i guess.
I know I'll be there!
can't seem to paste my words in here--will try below...
That would be me!
i'm new to this forum.
actually i've been a lurker for awhile.
posted on sassy's call to the newbies.
Welcome Marie you have begun a fascinating journey, it will be our pleasure to take it with you. You have been given good advice here, I did things the hard way because I felt like you did. I thought "well now I know the real truth and I must act immediatly or be a hypocrite" Big Mistake, take your time and make yourself a soft place to land before you jump.
And Guest 77 you have really upset me! I thought life was like a box of chocolates!!!