Had a few studies in the Bible only, but CO's always pushed to get into the publications as soon as possible. Never had much success.
JoinedPosts by SadElder
Can a J-Dub conduct a Bible study without a WTS publication?
by Latin assassin from Manhattan inif j-dubs claim to be the authority on bible literacy and teaching, then why can't they conduct a bible study or preach without a wts publication?
if i claimed to be an authority on shakespeare during a conversation with a friend, would i pull out a book written by someone else that explained it?
how does that prove that i understand shakespeares work?
Is James Pellechia G-Jobbing at Bethel?
by Dogpatch ina friend just sent me this note, do you think it's him?.
i dug this up while investigating.
how can james pellechia (board director of the watchtower) hold fast to an oath of poverty, if he is owner of this company?
If it is him then more power to him, he is actually one of the nicer 'biggies'. Anybody know why he got shoved out of the Public Affairs Office?
Watchtower Society files for FCC Frequency
by Amazing inin january of 2002, the watchtower bible and tract society of new york filed for fcc frequency along with a large group of telecommunicatons businesses.
the purpose is to allow for emergency communications when the postal systems is shut down in emergency situations.
when you go to the site, you can see the watchtower listed on the adobe acrobat reader, page 25 of 49 pages.. .
When I was at the house in the 80's we discussed many uses for microwave links for televising Bethel events to each facility. At the time the idea of using "television" to any great extent other than 'morning worship' was ghastly to them. We of course were just lowly techies who really didn't have a clue about such things. But now millions have been spent on that super fancy audio/video facility at Patterson and more coming.
Do Jehovah's Witnesses have love amongst themselves..
by Brummie inthey certainly do, and this is forever being thrown in my face.
however, when jesus said his desciples would have love amongst themselves, surely he didnt mean it would just be amongst themselves?
surely it would expand further than that?
Times have changed among the dubs for the worse. Elders are supposed to be a hiding place frome the wind, yet most elders lack the social skills to encourage a flee much less a real live human. "The society" complains about social gatherings at the drop of a hat yet there is supposed to be a world wide brotherhood.
I was one of those elders that made time to be available for whatever nedd arose, yet found out that when I needed a boost no one had time for me. So I gave it the heave ho. Now I lurk around and that's about it. Fading, fading, fadin, fadi, fad, fa, f ......
... and now at Brooklyn and we assume at all Bethel complexes ruled by Ted Jarascz aka "The Boss":
All sisters who work in public areas and on tour routes must wear dresses not pants. This includes houseleepers and janitorial staff.
What a crock.
Subliminal Images in Watchtower Literature
by BornAgainGirl! insubliminal images in watchtower stuff:.
http://watchtower.observer.org/apps/pbcs.dll/section?category=subliminalimages and there are many more than this.. what i want to know is - why?
what purposes do these images serve?
When I was at the House in the early '80's,an artist was either demoted or dismissed (don't remember now which) for inserting their own little signature in each piece they did. I believe this was a little bunny, worked in ever so skillfully. This was not malicious,just something they had done for years prior to Bethel, and they thought they could get away with it at Bethel too.
People are People
by minimus inthe more i read the board , the more i come to appreciate that people are always going to be who they are.
those that complained in the past will always be complainers today.
those that didn't have a clue about life while witnesses are probably still going to be clueless as exes.
Isn't it unfortunate that people generally have lost that caring, affection , and nuturing that each of us need. Among the Dubs it is quite evident too, despite claiming to have the identifying mark of love. I say yes "the love of the greater number has colled off" dubs too. I've become this cynical person who once was ready to give always of myself, but have now seen that when you need somethng from one of those that always takes, you are left standing by yourself.
I believe that old adage: Givers always give and never take, Takers always take and never give.
Sad isn't it!
Curve ahead
Aortic Stenosis
by Blueblades in.
i just got back from the doctor,he say the echocardiogram reveals aortic stenosis,narrowing of the valve.however,i have no symptoms of this,and so he is scheduling me for a visit to the cardiologist.. i have done some research on the heart and this problem,in the long run valve replacement is usually the way to go.. i need to wait and see what the cardiologist will recommend.that's it for now.. blueblades, trying not to be anxious.
Sorry to hear of your condition.
If your physician recommends valve replacement, have him explain all options and contra-indications to you. There are several valve options besides a mechanical valve. Several tissue options including donor and pig valves. If the Doc. can't or won't explan this to your satisfaction get another opinion. Which may be a good idea anyway before deciding on surgery.
Has anyone seen the article, Young People Ask., Do I need a mobile phone?
by laylaluv inhas anyone seen the article, young people ask........do i need a mobile phone?
this is on the home page of the society.
jesus stated the wise principle that one should "calculate the expense" before undertaking an important project.
Sorry I didn't read it, I was too busy talking on my mobile phone to my buddy at Bethel who was calling from his mobile. Bet you didn't know that the Bethel 'boys' get a special rate on mobiles.