for the rell of it????
JoinedPosts by SadElder
Why are you here?
by freedom96 inproplog2 left a post the other day saying that they are "cured" and therefore leaving the site.. this got me to wondering...... why are we here?.
i tend to think that most of us are "cured", i think many of us have put the jw experience behind us.. personally, i am here for several reasons.. 1. to keep updated on what is going on within the organization, as it interests me.
i have several friends and my son still involved, and i need to know the latest.. 2. i like many of the people here.
What do you think of Hummers? (and spare me the obvious jokes)
by DanTheMan in.
imho, the very embodiment of everything stupid and excessive in american culture.
to extrapolate on winston churchill's famous comment about democracy, capitalism is the worst economic system there is - except for all the others.
Sorry don't like those ugly things. If I wanted to drive a tank I'd buy one complete with machine gun turrets and half-track treads. I drive an old fogy Town Car for my fat tushie, the wifey has a Benz cause she thinks she needs to keep up with the hoty toytis, and the boys both have Volvos which they love more than sex. Yeah I don't believe it either. We do have a truck for those little weekend honey do projects, but it's just a truck, a lowly F-150
Conspiracy Theory
by iiz2cool inok, maybe i have too much time on my hands, and my imagination runs wild.
maybe i've read too many robert ludlum novels, and i can see a conspiracy in just about anything.
in my congregation the elders were very rigid about the most stupid things.
Drop a nice letter in the mail to the Bethel i your area. Use someone elses name, maybe one of thode elders in your cong who is really a jerk. Outline all the problems with this MS but don't reveal any info that would show them who you really are. Then stand back and watch the fur fly while all those elders figure how to write back to Bethel. Oh what fun!
Isn't it amaziing how fast those witticisms stack up?
Which Rules? Your Head or Your Heart?
by Frannie Banannie in.
bet yall don't know which of the body members rules the body....and why..... cheers!.
frannie b
Depends on the situation. When needed I cna call upon my "powers of reason" but I can also be a softy when it comes to my grand kids. They know ol' granpa would do anything for them, but he won;t let them be brats either.
I said the word Ass in front of an elder...
by Confucious induring my last convo with an elder, i started getting on his case about how the organization and the elders let me down.
all my points were vaild.
i mean, i had some really legit points.
Tell him to get a life and stop being a pain in the donkey!!!!!!!!!!!!! The butt head!
I Want Candy!
by joannadandy ini have a huge sweet-tooth tonight.
i don't know why.. yesterday i got a little nostalgic and bought some pop-rocks and bottle caps and gobstoppers.. .
did you have favorite candy as a kid?.
Was afaid this was going to be an Aaron Carter thread. Whew!
Give me nice dark chocolate.
Goin' camping
by simplesally ini work at an rv dealer, so i get to rent them for free.
it's my first trip in a motorhome!
i am so excited.
We put our booze supply while in transit, in the bath tub, very safe there
So that's where they get the name bathtub gin.
Is Googling yourself allowed by the Bethel CIA (AKA Service Dept.)? Might be an excuse for more committee meetings by the Special Investigator class (AKA Circuit Overseer). Can here it now, Br. Wanker has also been df'd for Googling himself. And the talk afterwards about the dangers of the internet and the voice of strangers. What a hoot that will be.
The Invisible 'Ones'
by uriah ini had an insight the other day, you know the type of thing - you walk past something everyday and suddenly you become aware of it.. well, many on this board probably have come to the same conclusion so if i am repeating it - sorry.
what is it i hear you shout.
ok.. in my experience, i hardly saw any jw's except at meetings or meetings for fm.
In my experience, I hardly saw any JW's except at meetings or meetings for FM. Between that time they did not exist.
How true. The Bethel CIA (AKA Service Dept) foments this attitude. In publications they pound out No orldly association, no parties, no this, no that. The land of the No People! Have a cong. picnic and find out how fast that jerk of a CO 'serving' your circuit complains about the worldliness of your congrgation. Want to use the big congregation property, on that beautiful acreage you helped pay for, to have even a small lunch? Oh NO! We don't do such things on hallowed ground.
Since I quit being an elder several years ago I've learned that to most of the new 'elders', you know them the ones still trying to grow chest hair, if you're not an elder you're nothing. Zero personality, zero life experience, zero knowledge besides what's written in their little 'secret' elder's book. BTW I still have two of those little books and they aren't getting them back.
Recently I was hospitalized after emergency surgery, 3 days in ICU and then another five in a regular room. Wonder how many of those elders visited, you know them, the ones who always had their hand out for some kind of help from me? Two. Guess how many showed up during my 2 month recuperation at home? One! Guess how many of the 12 elders in the congregation bothered to get up off their ass and make a phone call? Two!
I haven't reported time, even made up time ,in almost 6 months, and no one has noticed. Good. But I know they'll come knocking as soon as that devil, the Circuit Overseer is due for a visit. Can't have it look like we have an inactive pub. now can we? And an inactive former elder, Oh My! Think maybe I'll tell them they must have lost my reports and see them try and figure that out. Of course since I haven't made a single comment aor been on the platform in more than two years maybe they've given me up as invisible.
Too bad for them!