the Butler did it....
Seriously, what the heck is a poncy??? For us non-Brits if you will please.
ok i know the tabloids and maybe this one "carrying this scoop" over here in particular these past 2 days, must be sometimes taken with a pinch of salt, but did any of you read the latest stuff about diana and her letter to her butler 10 months before her death in's an excerpt from her letter penned in oct 1996:-.
... " i am sitting here at my desk today in october, longing for someone to hug me and encourage me to keep strong and hold my head high.
this particular phase in my life is the most dangerous.... (the princess then identifyed where she felt the threat and danger would come)..... is planning "an accident" in my car, break failure and serious head injury in order to make the path clear for charles to marry.
the Butler did it....
Seriously, what the heck is a poncy??? For us non-Brits if you will please.
when they call their number is blocked out.this makes them unavailable when you want to call them.don't even try to call them after 9pm at bethel,no matter what the emergency!they only call you to get you to come to the meetings and go out into field service!.
so now we turned on ( acr ) anonymous call rejection,which allows us to reject calls from callers who have blocked the display of their telephone my number will not ring and the caller will hear a message that instructs them to hang up and remove their blocking and call again.. since we did this,elders are not calling us i said they want to know your number,so they can call you to come to meetings,otherwise they can't be bothered.they give their cell number to a select few only.the congregation as a whole don't have the elders cell phone numbers.don't try to get them at bethel either,once they know who is calling they hit the ignore button in their head.. really, i can't be bothered by the elders calling me about the same old same old line.but for those who really need some kind of help or information about whatever,this shows that they are not truly shepherds of sheep.. blueblades
How sad, unlisted phones, blocked Caller ID. Elders are to be a hiding place from the wind not hiding themselves. My phone has always been published and available to all. I know one elder that was told that if he wanted an unlisted number then he didn't need to be an elder. Now that I'm not offically an elder I still have a listed number, many call for kind words or a listening ear. That's what's wrong among the dubs today... shallow fellow feeling.
does anyone on this board have the brochure entitled planned giving to benefit kingdom service worldwide--edition for canada?.
elders in local congregation are very secretive about this piece of literature.
i have asked a few times for one without much success.. wannaexit
There is absolutely no reason they should be secretive about this brochure if it is on the same order as the one used in the States, The branch would be upset if they knew the elders were being secretive. This is a big way the dubs get money these days. If you really want one write the Branch "Planned Giving Desk" and ask for one, maybe even mention the elders were being secretive just for the fun of it.
do you get hung up on certain words, so that you tend to use them more than other's do?.
my latest word hang up (other than overt) is rumbustious.
it has such a nice raspberry sound to it and almost describes itself by it's very sound.
And now in the US we have the new word frog-marched.
it has been a good (7) weeks since i've last attended a kh meeting.
this weekend, however, the calls of "encouragement" came rolling in.
on saturday, a brother (actually a very decent, likable, and genuine man) left me a message and said that he misses me at the meetings.
Why is it that we should associate only at the meetings?
Isn't it interesting how over the years what's been said about association yet...
No congregation picnics
No big parties might get out of hand. You're responsible for what goes on. What happened to personal responsibility. Of course any time we had a get together (party) everone fell all over themselves making sure they were invited to drink our booze and swim in the pool, play on the tennis court, etc.
No using the big KHall property for any activity but meetings, etc. Why not have some picnic tables, let 'em use it. They paid for it.
No this, no that. People became afraid to entertain. NOT us. Always open doors. Always welcome people. Too bad fofr the others.
it has been a good (7) weeks since i've last attended a kh meeting.
this weekend, however, the calls of "encouragement" came rolling in.
on saturday, a brother (actually a very decent, likable, and genuine man) left me a message and said that he misses me at the meetings.
It is a great failing of the dubs today. No real personal feeling, despite the WT Study yesterday about loving kindness. Attendance at meetings is becoming more and more like all other churches, in the door and out, or as I call it the Amen Flee syndrome.
During a recent hospitalization less than 10 in the cong. bothered to check up on me. Haven't turned in a FS report in six months so now I'm inactive but won't hear about it until the CO visit is scheduled. Too bad for them. Since I quit being an elder haven't made one comment in the meetings but again no one has noticed.
Yesterday told a particularly pompous elder who is leaving to go to another cong. not to let the door hit him in the ass going out. What a look I got. It was fun.
We're getting ready to put our house up for sale and move to FL, where we'll no longer be found if we choose. The wife will see to it though I'm sure.
i came across something recently that i'm not supposed to know.
before i go further, i should state that what i'm saying here is purely speculation based on minimal evidence and i'm not saying that the wts is using this "privacy" vehicle to hide some of their considerable millions.
i further cannot give you the name of the source of the person who shared this information with me.
$140K is chump change for the WTBS. Don't really see any reason that they would need to hide that little bit of money. I would suspect that that much money comes to the Brooklyn coffers in the mail as donations on a regular basis. Know for a fact that the Treasurers office has some sophisticated alarms installed, pressure sensors in the floor and the like. If they wanted to stockpile cash it would be no problem just to hide away any cash that comes in the mail. More likely that these two were here on some kind of personal business. Just a theory of course.
a recent excursion into the woods culminated in the procurement of a huge batch of sheep head mushrooms.
i mentioned this to a friend and said i had made some killer soup!
her reply was that i should "stick to the edible varieties"!.
As I recall from my college days, there were some wild remarks about a nice tea from shrooms. Never tried it.
is a snare and a racket
it's that time again when i bore you all silly with facts and figures !
some directly about the forum itself: there have now been over 860,000 posts made in 57,000 topics with an additional 22,000 pms being sent !the topics have been viewed an incredible 18,000,000 times !!.
how long till we get to the magical 1 million post mark?
Simon is to be congratulated for producing his annual Service Year report before Brooklyn publised their's.