This thread has touched a nerve. I don't favor "beating" any child, period. However, I think one of the problems in today's world is a complete lack of discipline and limits. I lived through the years when Dr. Spock suggested no spanking, and then changed his opinion. Discipline does not have to be spanking, but can be part of it.
In times past when "spanking" was in vogue, when limits were set, when the whole community was involved in raising children, we did not have Columbine and other such sad disasters in our schools. Now students and parents alike threaten our teachers. Don't spoil creativity, don't stunt their psyche. Oh, please. Let's get real. Our permissive society has produced fat ass kids and fat head parents who can't read, make change, or manage a checkbook.
Flame me, hate me, whatever you want. But I make no apologies for giving my kids a pop or two on the backside now and then if they really needed it. And they don't hate me and they for sure as hell haven't been arrested or failed first grade reading assignments in the fifth grade. Limits, correction, clear goals and targets and oh yes lots of hugs and kisses and special times. That's what worked with my three, and we still have hugs and kisses, and respect for others, and each other. I love my kids who are each successful in their own right.