The weiner thread is still there as far as I can tell standing proud in all its' glory. You may be experiencing the same thing that others of us are. Namely the disappearing threads. I found the weiner under Active Topics.
JoinedPosts by SadElder
Know I'm concerened
by gumby inwhy in the hell did the weiner thread get deleted?!
good frickin grief!
i saw nothing bad in that thread.
by Beans inwhen you left the jw's did you start smoking cigarettes or had you already started smoking cigarettes before?
and for those who became jw's later on in life, were you smoking cigarettes before joing the organization and was it hard to stop?
and now how many cigarettes do you smoke a day?
Are you kidding? Never touched my lips. We see people everyday in our OR getting cut open like stuck pigs to fix smoking induced health disasters. Not a chance in hell.
I'm stuck on page 240 for days.
by Undecided ini've been on page 240 for several days and can't get it to update to the latest post.
i've seen post with suggestions to refresh the post but can't remember all the sugestions.
anyone having the same problem?
I have the same problems as well. I've posted to the tech site, but what was suggested by some I had already tried. i.e. delete temp files, F5, delete cookies, etc. None of this works. Sent an e-mail to Simon a few days ago, no response. I know this is not a problem with my computer because we have 8 machines and it does the same thing on all of them. Maybe a problem with Simon's new compression system. But it is getting frustrating having to sort through all the Active Topics to retrun to a topic you were following. Patience is a virtue.
How many of you were the "perfect" guy/girl?
by talesin inwere you considered a 'good mate'?.
did you feel like a piece of meat?.
guys/girls' opinions welcome.
what do you mean WERE?
Obsessed with sex?
by Momofmany ini have a legitimate question.
not knowing where to go, maybe you all could answer me.
are witnesses obsessed with sex?
Momofmany -
You know what is best for your kids. Study with your kids yourself if you can. If they need extra help from others be sure you approve of the person. Just because an elder says something it doesn't mean it's gospel truth. Elders and the WTS do not have to right to dictate anything to you. You had every right to stop the study if you felt things were not going correctly.
Maybe this brother is wacked and likes talking about perversions. It does happen.
Obsessed with sex?
by Momofmany ini have a legitimate question.
not knowing where to go, maybe you all could answer me.
are witnesses obsessed with sex?
Momofmany -
Keep the door open to communication with your sons. You'll never regret it.
And there is no reason to discuss specific "mechanics" of bestiality with anyone much less a thirteen year old. Someone needs to have a frank talk with that brother to explain the reprehensibility of his words.
Obsessed with sex?
by Momofmany ini have a legitimate question.
not knowing where to go, maybe you all could answer me.
are witnesses obsessed with sex?
You didn't mention in your note the context of the discussion held with your son, and I'm not making light of your concerns. But I can assure your son is not innocent with respect to such matters. He's heard the street version of these things already. If you haven't discussed sexuality with him and/or made provisions for him to discuss questions he might have with someone you both trust, then you've done him a great disservice.
I may have the wrong impression but what I hear in your post is a hysterical Mom afraid her baby is growing up. He is with or without you, Make sure he has the tools he needs to grow up as well rounded young man.
Now as to the dubs seeming obsession with sex. I think that many of the older dub elders have been equally hysterical about sex. Obsessed with wanking, kissing, hand holding, telephoning, and anything else they can think of that might possibly be a link to SEX! The enlightened elders I know are much less occupied with such mundane things.
Are You Ashamed Of The Way That You Disciplined Your Child?
by minimus inmost articles in the publications recommended physical punishment, (corporal) when disciplining children.
the scripture says that "he will not die" if you beat him.
so many parents literally beat their children.
This thread has touched a nerve. I don't favor "beating" any child, period. However, I think one of the problems in today's world is a complete lack of discipline and limits. I lived through the years when Dr. Spock suggested no spanking, and then changed his opinion. Discipline does not have to be spanking, but can be part of it.
In times past when "spanking" was in vogue, when limits were set, when the whole community was involved in raising children, we did not have Columbine and other such sad disasters in our schools. Now students and parents alike threaten our teachers. Don't spoil creativity, don't stunt their psyche. Oh, please. Let's get real. Our permissive society has produced fat ass kids and fat head parents who can't read, make change, or manage a checkbook.
Flame me, hate me, whatever you want. But I make no apologies for giving my kids a pop or two on the backside now and then if they really needed it. And they don't hate me and they for sure as hell haven't been arrested or failed first grade reading assignments in the fifth grade. Limits, correction, clear goals and targets and oh yes lots of hugs and kisses and special times. That's what worked with my three, and we still have hugs and kisses, and respect for others, and each other. I love my kids who are each successful in their own right.
Confessions of The Anointed!
by Voyager inthis anointed one was never disfellowshipped or excommunicated, and some of the shocking facts he exposes about the watchtower, are truely worth the read.
he totally explodes watchtower dates, and theology.
elders who used the congregations for financial gain.
Scanned this work last night. As to the in-fighting among dubs I have seen many similar things happen in the congregations over the years. As to his theological diatribe, can't buy much of it. All in all it seems that the real purpose of his writings is to elevate his own position as an important one. Didn't count the number of "I's" and "I've done", but I came away thinking that the fellow, however well meaning he is, was on a "ME" trip.
Just my non-biblical scholarly opinion, worth perhaps only one lepta.
The slave - Discreet?
by A Paduan inas jws what did you understand the term "discreet" to mean ?