How interesting that you should use that expression. About a year or so ago a Bethelite friend mentioned that some in a particular group or committee were using that expression to describe the workings of thier department, they called it the benevolent dictatorship. Interesting that some supposed keepers of the faith forget that Christ is head. Sad. To quote an old line from a convention drama --- too bad for them.
JoinedPosts by SadElder
The WTS and Dictatorship
by Defender ina lot of comparisons have been made between the wts and political dictatorial governments.
some hope that while the political dictatorial governments tend to develop fatal flaws that eventually bring about their demise, the same may be happening in the wts.
while there may be outward similarities between wts and dictatorial regimes, but the inherent political and social power structure is different.
J.R. Brown, Plus: What the JWs will be doing on Christmas
by Funchback inon christmas, jehovah's witnesses prefer to minister.
in delaware, members of faith have grown to more than 3,000
by gary soulsman
The 'ol Bethel boys will be trodding up and down Brooklyn Heights today because it's still a Bethel workday. J.R. Brown will be tooling around in his Infinity Q45 watching all those suckers walk. What fun, huh?
Traveling Overseers- Extended Training
by pillsbury ini have heard that the co's and do's are being systematically called back to ny for extended training.
now normally this is no big deal as they do go back from time to time for training but this time it is for a 8-9 week training course (without their wives).
from what i have heard they are going to be emphasizing more oversite or control over the congregations from a circuit level (i am sure they are discussing other issues as well).
We've been asking around about this 'school'. Even friends at Bethel haven't heard much. Have talked to a number of brothers across the country and the feeling is the same - not much flying around about it. So either it bored the hell out of them and they have nothing to say OR they were sworn to keep their mouths closed.
We'll be interested to see what turns up. Keep us posted please.
Not enough reaching out
by pillsbury inthe society has really been pushing hard lately (i know, like always) to do more and reach out.
there is at least one reason for do this that i can think of.
i have many friends around the country and they went to the elder school last year.
As a former 'eldub' I can attest to the declining interest in "reaching out". In fact more and more seem to be "stepping down??" than ever before. In the cong. that I attend occasionally, they have seen 4 elders drop out in the last three years (including me). The "new boys" that get appointed just seem to lack the maturity and interest in people that was the hallmark of a good elder in times past. The PO in our cong. comes in the door goes down front holds court with other elders and rarely interacts with the "sheep".
Times they are a changin.
Remember those stupid TESTS we would take at theocratic ministry school
by dolphman inremember those things, they'd hand out a board, a pencil, and this test booklet.
i mean, i loved those nights!
it actually gave me something to do.
writtenrotten review was monthlyLove it.
Oh, yes the days when the poor school overseer had to grade all those papers. Even after they quit that the 'review' night always had poor attendance. The general feeling was that it was a waste of time. Never bothered with it much myself, even when I had the School.
If they want to teach, they need to come up with better teaching methods and stop boring people to death.
Secret literature
by HarryPotter inalmost the majority of us know that there is a secret book just for the elders which is called "pay attention..." everybody knows that the society defends herself saying that the book is not secret becasue it was shown to the witnesses in an assambley and there is a picture of it in the book proclaimers so she askes how the book could be a secret.
well, acccording to my dicctionary for learners of english says: secret; something that is secret is known about by only a small number of peple, and is not told or shown to anyone else.
so the book is secret.
Though it's been about three years since I was an "eldub" I have never seen nor heard of a CD just for elders. The written instructions to the elders are that the 'secret' book not be stored on any electronic retrieval system. Some elders I know do have such things downloaded, but the R&F dub elder wouldn't have a clue as to how to accomplish such a thing anyway.
Slideshows at the Meetings
by Nosferatu indoes anyone remember the great relief when we would have a slideshow from some travelling goon at the meetings?
i always enjoyed this since it was way more interesting than finding scriptures in the bible.
as time progressed, they seemed to quit doing this.
We knew a brother from Florida who did a really nice talk about young people, Used two slide projectors and hundreds and hundreds of slides. That was many years ago when one could still give talks on any subject without an outline from Brooklyn. I must admit that that talk was the best one we ever saw and it was not from Brooklyn. Eventually the CIA at Brooklyn put a stop to all made up talks, now only outlines from Brooklyn are used. Some of them are terrinle.
The congregations could benefit from some forward thinking teaching programs not the drival that is still being thrown around, teaching the way they have for a hundred years. Bring back some good slide presentations, use videos, overhead projectors, etc. Teach not spew words.
If you could be WTS President, would you?
by freedom96 inenglishman posted a humorous question regarding who would make a good wts president.. i would like to take this one step further, on a more serious note.. if you had the chance, would you step in as president, and make the appropriate changes?
lets just say for aruguements sake, that as president, you alone could make all the changes.
you could change the blood issue, df'ing, all sorts of stuff.
The President of the WTS is now little more than a puppet of a shell corporation. He has no influence in setting policy or doctrine. The other corporations that exist are as far as I can see just part of a shell game to hide money and limit liability. The GB and the "helpers" are the ones who are responsible for what policy decisions are made.
Ted Jaracz has great influence in what happens inside the congregations and the spirit of the traveling men. He is known among other GB members as "The Boss" The general leaning is one of a "benevolent dictatorship", words that have been actually uttered by some in high positions.
Jesus is head of man not other men.
JW suspect in triple murder
by DevonMcBride in
police name suspect in triple murder
posted: 6:40 a.m. est december 5, 2003
We're in Florida working on our new retirement house.
Channel 2 one of the local Orlando chennels here reported just minutes ago that the man (Carresquillo) arrested for the murders has confessed. Reportedly he did it as a human sacrifice as demanded by the devil. The man's own mother was so afraid of him that she stayed in a half way house until he was found. The man had been a repeated resident of a local mental health facility here (Orlando area).
[title revised] "Spare The Rod..." in scripture?
by sf inyou know, the other day i found myself in a 'uh?
' moment when i heard something that i never knew and/ or was led to believe in order to behave accordingly.
so i did a search (go figure.
Pardon me while I stand on my soap box for a second.
Today's society has taken this stand that discipline is a bad thing. I don't mean beating the hell out of kids, but general correction, etc. Our teachers are afraid to give correction lest the offended parent come storming in demanding a reason why their poor little Susie or Johnny has been corrected. We now have a whole generation of parents who think their kids can do no wrong and heaven help anyone who dares correct their little perfect darlings. What ever happened to "it takes a whole village to raise a child"?
In my day we didn't have kids gunning down other students and themselves. A little smack on the behind is just what today's kids need and maybe the parents too, Call me an old fogie, but my kids (who DID get a pop or two) have grown up well adjusted, not on Prozac, graduated college, two from med school, one raising great well behaved grand kids (who I can assure you get a pop on the backside should it be necessary) and I didn't kill any of them, nor ever needed to.
So now let me get down off my soap box, I have to go throw up,