Gregor, call me an elitist all you want. I make no apologies for my opinion, just as you have a right to yours. Americans have gotten fat, slovenly and lazy. Hence our children are consuming weight loss medication at an alarming rate.
Poor is poor, but there is no excuse for filthiness. I don’t care how poor one is, soap is cheap. Thus I make my tongue in cheek analogy of “Wal-Mart feet”. BTW, we’ve been poor and may again be given the state of today’s economy. Poor is not a dirty word.
I do believe that the whole Wal-Mart mentality is indicative of the economic problems we face today. Read about the man (Snapper lawn mowers) who said no to Wal-Mart. We’ve become so enthralled at the absolute bottom line lowest price but fail to really count the cost of the throw away mentality. Is that lower Wal-Mart priced drill really the same one you saw elsewhere, or is it a Wal-Mart built exclusive? You might be surprised.
Wal-Mart has crawled to the top on the on the backs of great hard working people. And yes they do provide some benefits. But ask that Wal-Mart worker who would like to go full time in order to receive those elusive benefits about the fight for full time status. I did. Happy staff does not seek union representation.
Our put your money where your mouth is philosophy. We may not always be able to afford this, but we’ll go down trying. Our staff member programs:
100% company contributed profit sharing plan – no staff member contribution required.
100% company paid life and health insurance plan after one month of service. We want staff members healthy. After insurance starts we encourage each member to have a check up. If they can’t afford the co-pay for the visit, we’ll pay it.
After one year of service, a staff member can apply to purchase a company vehicle that is being retired. We’ll finance the loan at no interest for two years.
My soap box is now closed. Enjoy your Wal-mart day.