nah but anyone that wants to be my enemy had better pray that i continue to be a christian because i got the most horribly psycotic mind regarding ingenious ways to get revenge......... unfortunately being a christian means ill give other people hints but i probably wont do it myself................ probably
JoinedPosts by primitivegenius
Who else has enemies?
by tsunami_rid3r intoday, i found out that my ex-roommate will be evicted from his place.
his mom came up to my dad's work and tried to make it sound like we're in for hell, but when in reality, my former apartment can't do anything to me.
my ex-roommate has had 2 months to find someone.
Presents to children from JW grandmother?
by sweet pea inwe received a parcel for our boys today from besty's mother.
presents, photos (of seals!
) and a card addressed to them asking for some photos of them!
yeah been there and done that............ my mom send some junk for my son and a letter written and addressed to him............. for about the first 10 minutes i was torn and it almost got torn up and thrown in the garbage............ because naturally there was NOTHING in there for me...... soi read it and my wife moved the damn thing or i would post it here lol. i ignored the first one and got two more afterwards.
still no contact............ personally i would be a bit snide and write an innocent letter since this is your first time getting that from her........... tell her that the boys enjoyed the toys she sent.......... and then hit her with the....... i guess you forgot to enclose the letter you wrote to me............... but you can bring it when you come to visit ......... oh and ill have some nice pictures framed up for you.......... or some other such nonsense............. see what kind of response you get.
personally i wont be treated like s*** by mine anymore........ i went to visit family and they pretty much ignored me......... so i figure next time i go to visit family i wont even bother to stop by........ they will know via the family grapevine that im visiting.............. but they will have to actually get up off their asses and come see ME. i refuse to make a huge meal for them and then they refuse to eat it............. if i was an asshole on that level i would at least tell the person ahead of time that i wouldnt eat so they wouldnt roll out the red carpet and spend money on food that they really needed to spend on formula.................. but thats just me
Dating and the ex-JW
by Layla33 ini am still surfing around this forum and i am happy to see there is are topics related to relationships.
it is nice to see this here.. to be honest, ever since i was out of the jw religion, i have tossed over ever dating an ex jw or an inactive jw.
i have occasionally come across this situation and weighed both the pros and cons.
im married to an ex jw................ i wouldnt have it any other way........... i dont have to explain to her the bulls*** they throw upon us........ cause her family does the same to her............. we have each other and our son......... and we have the cool "worldly" relatives on both sides............... we dont need anyone else.
i gotta understand where my mate is comeing from........... so that means i wouldnt date someone that didnt understand the language (asian spanish etc) there is no way you can make someone truely understand what being in that cult was like.......... and if you date someone who never was in........... they wont understand your hangups. i pretty much know what has screwed with my wife and she pretty much knows what ive dealt with.......... still i handle it much better than she does but at least i understand why she does what she does.
just my 2cents
Ex wife is getting remarried at the end of the month
by Billzfan23 inwow... didn't take her long.. the ex-wifey is getting remarried at the end of the month.
we were officially seperated on march 27th of '06... she didn't waste any time, although he's a j-dub... he's a good guy and i wish her the best... celebrate with me folks!
smile.... .
too funny
Funny Car Group Story
by LayingLow inshortly before i began fading i was in a car group when a person was telling me about a diet they were going to do.
they started mentioning all kinds of scriptures and completely misapplying them.
i know this person, and they have a history of doing this in the past, so i said "seriously, you shouldn't twist the scriptures like that.
some friends of mine were out in some seriously rural territory....... the kind where you have to get out and open gates and drive for miles and then you usually find half a dozen houses........
well the opened the gate and traveled for about five minutes and a truck passes them going the opposite direction.......... they thought nothing of it............. went to the end of the road about 10 miles or so........... there were two houses and some barns............ all behind a wall with an electronic gate...... no one answered the intercom so they turned around and headed back the way they came................. got to the gate back onto the main road............... the guy in the truck and opened the gate and went through it........... then shut it and LOCKED IT WITH A HUGE CHAIN AND PADLOCK.......... lol
unfortunately the brother driving the car had a full tool set in the trunk includeing a 4 foot pair of boltcutters.......... so they got out but it woulda been funny as hell if they were stuck there untill the guy in the truck came home lol.
I cannot believe how brazen some people can be
by unbeliever inmy bf and i have been together for about 2 years.
he has this ex gf from college who he stayed friends with.
i am not the jealous type so i never cared even though he had a problem with me being friendly with my exes.
this woman has some issues...... you always hope against reality dont ya............. yeah maybe there is a break up but you move on and the next person you date and or marry......... just isnt mr perfect......... but neither was the first one......... just now is viewed through rose colored glasses....... and so she is obsessing about all the good fun times she had with him.
she has a point that your not married...... she is grasping at that straw as a sign that he dosent love you the way he loved her or you would be married......... id put a nail in that coffin and do the deed.
this woman obviously has something going on....... could be simple as remembering the past and longing for something good again.............. or she could be a total whack job........... if you poke a sleeping lion.......... you could totally get a bunny boiler psyco crazy biatch out of it.
she could take it that you read the letter and MADE HIM write back to her and that he really would love her but your FORCEING them to stay apart.......... so she could go nutz and become a PHYISICAL threat rather than just someone reminecing and wishing for something that dosent exist anymore.
might be good for bf to cut off all contact with her and to limit his contact with mutual friends for a while.
thats one thing i found hilarious......... its all about the BODYS OPINION........... one elder i knew who was honestly brainwashed and did his best....... he went out to give a public talk and he had 3 sons........... so being the cheap guy he was about haircuts......... he cut both his own hair and the hair of his children.............well the boys anyway............ all....... can you guess it........... millitary style buzz cuts.
he goes to the cong........ gives the talk...... notices somethings up...... he got invited to eat with the PO........ he was supposed to eat with someone else....... but the PO traded with them........ PO took them out and took him to the side........... THIS IS ANOTHER ELDER MIND YOU......... told him that they had been haveing problems with the young men in their hall wearing buzz cuts and told them they couldnt be used if they had them..... blamed it all on the fact that the military is what those haircuts were associated with.
so 6 months later he was rescheduleded to give the public talk and by this time he had grown out his hair and his sons hair................... so guess problem solved.............
personally tho my BOE always hated LONG hair and you could shave your head and it would be OK but if you had it an inch below your collar.......... your done
Ex wife is getting remarried at the end of the month
by Billzfan23 inwow... didn't take her long.. the ex-wifey is getting remarried at the end of the month.
we were officially seperated on march 27th of '06... she didn't waste any time, although he's a j-dub... he's a good guy and i wish her the best... celebrate with me folks!
smile.... .
justice of the peace
Average wow Powerleveling price be falls during Christmas !
by ourgame inaverage wow powerleveling price be falls during christmas !.
methinks someones trying to sell crap on the wrong website lol..............
My moment, my epiphany, my rebirth
by Layla33 ini remember it like it was yesterday, i was 15 years old.
i had woken up in the middle of the night and dared to ask the question that had been brewing in me for a long time.. "what if there is no armageddon".. i can't remember what the catalyst was, maybe observing my own family and every disfunction known to mankind, although every preached that in "jehavoh's organization" there were no such things.
maybe it was some ground breaking announcement, some new revelation that totally contradicated what i was mind controlled to preach every saturday morning, but in one moment, i dared myself to question it.
i remember at 16 or 17 haveing doubts but i did what had been programmed into me and squashed them.
oh sure we belive the bible and THATS what we study............ now open your watchtower to page....... WTF
i had many moments of doubt over the years and they always ended the same way........ ill wait on jehovah........... wanna know how thats working out for me lol.
finally i had someone with good sense bash me over the head with the UN and the voteing cards and etc etc............ still took several months for me to realize the true effects of it all.
thing is ............. i tried and gave it my all............. but i NEVER felt comfortable preaching to people........... i ALWAYS felt i was disturbing them with foolishness. the religion(CULT) i was raised in....... i guess i never bought it.......... i would make a stand for jehovah........ because i was told i HAD to.
where is it telling whether a person truely buys the bulls***............... do they go out in service christmas morning....... or new years day......... i NEVER DID.
glad to be out................ thanks E.M.