deliverance? (listens for banjo music)
JoinedPosts by primitivegenius
Steampunk Noir Jazz with Jennifer Connelly
by inkling inso, not too long ago i saw the movie "dark city".
it's a beautiful (if somewhat flawed) movie, best known for being the matrix before the matrix, and one of it's several patches of light is this sultry dark haired dame, played by jennifer connelly.. .
her character moonlights as a jazz singer in a smoke filled dimly lit bar.
yeah those vocals just dont sound right comeing out of her mouth. her own voice woulda been a much better choice. i did not know that she could sing especially like that.
You have to read this about Beth Sarim
by tiffy0212 ini just asked my husband if he knew about beth sarim.
he said is that the person's name.
i laughed.
An old dub 'friend' writes to ask 'What Happened?'
by willyloman ini got an email from an old friend from my jw days.. our families were close for several years before they moved to another state.
afterwards we kept in touch by phone and visited each others homes a few times.
before we left dubdom in 2003, we had seen them just once in several years.
thomas has a great answer i think. no details............... and the threat that if they knew they would leave that sinking ship as well. brilliant.
its funny to me, witnesses will say that satan is the father of the lie, but then in their very own publication state that it is perfectly acceptable to lie to those who "dont deserve the truth" such as authoritys or basicly anyone who is not an elder lol. also perfectly ok for them to mislead you or pretend they are the only person on the phone, and what........... they can kick you out without you having your so called day in court. nice. you can pretty much guarantee that ANYTHING you say can and WILL be used against you in the back room.
by thebigdebate ini am in good standing (of sorts) with the wts.
i have not gone out in service for 10 years - i have not been to a meeting in about 2 years - i skipped last years memorial.
my dad is a pioneer and elder.
im out, so my advice comes from that place. the place where jw family KNOW where i stand pretty much. now i tried to make no waves and i even moved an hour away........... then out of state to fade into the night. thing is when i called them before and they were happy to talk to me, they just assumed that i was inactive and so they tried to drown me in their jw bulls***. when they asked the real questions.......... i tried to change the subject....... when they insisted i gave them both barrels. so they might not know that im firmly convinced that their religion is in fact a CULT, but they do know that there is no way in hell i will ever go back for any circumstances. i did call it false religion lol.
thats a place that you may come to in your life in dealing with jw's. just so you know before i hated talking to them because of all the jw bs they kept going back to........... oh sister so and so asked about you, do you remember brother so in sos son.......... well he did this and is an elder ect ect......... we drove half way to your house to work on an assembly hall.......... then drove home....... oh sorry we cant afford to come visit you....... yeah next week were going back to work the weekend at that assembly hall again.............. and the week after next......... ok for the next 5 or 6 weekends.
now its different. i will admit they NEVER call me unless someones haveing surgery but at least when they do talk to me they usually dont spout their bull........... but then again when they do i tell them how everyone in CHURCH LOVES my boy. and i actually like it better this way cause no bs is a good thing. no more pretending, no more smothering, i tell it straight up.
now........... like the bible says...... would you give your son a serpent and call it bread? or fix them a sandwich with just a little rat poison in it......... not enough to harm them just a taste.......... HELL NO you wouldnt. even if it was a little amount that wouldnt affect them much.......... poison is poison. my advice is to tell him that you already study the bible with them. wouldnt be a bad thing to actually do it if your not already. get some secular publications to help and not allow anything from that cult to enter into it.
personally id have to say over my cold dead body will my son EVER have that sh** said anywhere around him. if my dad were to pass (god forbid) and they had the service at a kingdom hall................. i would apply the reverse strategy back at them. i would go to the graveside and not attend the bulls*** kingdom HELL service. i wont bring myself into the devils house lol.
just a personal opinion from someone who loves his son more than life itself
I learned today that Arkansas
by John Doe inhas the second highest divorce rate in the nation, only trailing nevada.
come get ya some ARKANSAS REAL ESTATE (in my best eric estrada voice)
Should Christians carry guns?
by cameo-d indid jesus teach total pacificism?.
when the roman soldiers came for him in the garden, he instructed his disciples to put away their swords after one of them cut the ear of the high priest servant.. if this is true, can we not surmise that the disciples carried weapons?.
how should a non-violent person be prepared to defend himself in a situation of aggression and immediate physical threat?.
no.............. as soon as you pry my cold dead fingers off.....................
Today on Dr Phil: Cults
by Guest with Questions ini doubt he will talk about jw"s as these are extreme control cults but maybe something could be learned how these cults seduce people into joining..
purps you just jealous.............. td's purple pimp suit is bigger and purple'er than your sofa............
I learned today that Arkansas
by John Doe inhas the second highest divorce rate in the nation, only trailing nevada.
the reason is the courts frown on brother and sister marriage...................wait............. nvm they accept that........... ok i dont have a comment anymore sorry guys
"The Curious case of Benjamin Button" -Brad Pitt was good!
by Witness 007 inthe movie about a baby born old and growing younger each year sounds silly, but the film pulls it off very well.
brad pitt was good and i enjoyed the film.
cate blanchet is brilliant, a very enjoyable thought provoking film.....did anyone else see it?.
you know it was a pretty good movie............ untill the end. if they just left it open where you didnt know what happened to him, or if they tied him directly to the clock and made him age normal after that was taken down.......... maybe. as it was............. UBER DEPRESSING. well acted through out, but the end put me off. i thought the decision to leave was just wrong no matter how they spun it.......... but the very end sucked badly. i had to start watching role models to try and get the bad taste out of my mouth.