3 words come to mind.
i had this conversation with a jw relative.
he said when he was out in service one day the elder he was with came to a door of a minister who just purchased the churh in his area for ooooooh 12 mil maybe?
and the elder asked him how he liked being a commodity...bold.
3 words come to mind.
doctors from birmingham children's hospital applied for an order to give the baby boy blood transfusions.
a high court judge has said a baby boy can undergo blood transfusions despite his parents' objections.. the baby has complex heart disease but his parents, who are jehovah's witnesses, said they could not consent to a transfusion on religious grounds.. birmingham children's hospital had applied for an order to proceed with cardiac surgery and transfusions.. the judge, mr justice keehan, heard the boy had no "long-term prospect of survival" without the surgery.. 'best interests'.
the boy was born at the university hospital of coventry and warwickshire on 7 february and placed in special care.
Thank God for our justice system.
Hope the little lad makes a full recovery.
I also pray his parents wake up to the TTATT.
i have been lurking for a while but was encouraged to sign up by a user on the ex jw reddit forum.
i'm a still in jw but i've been mentally out for about two months.
i'm an ms and i'm also gay so i have two lots of 'coming out' to do very soon!.
Welcome Bluefluff!!
Well done for taking the step to join this forum. The first of many steps for you, I hope.
You could always pursue the "depression and anxiety" route and ask to stand down. A visit to your GP would also be beneficial, just to add to the story.
You do what is right for you, though.
All the best and keep smiling.
looking forward to getting into the church calendar.i find it quite interesting.love the singing..
P.s; forgot to mention, going to the pub after!!!
four years ago i was still in the org.
completly enjoying an extended coffee break when an elderly (80+) brother coyly remarked with a half smile on his face and holding up his third cup as if to salute his revelation "these sure are critical times hard to deal with.
i nervously laughed along and then quickly changed the subject as a dutiful elder should.
Like it better now.got the internet, costa coffee and screw top wine bottles.
looking forward to getting into the church calendar.i find it quite interesting.love the singing..
Looking forward to getting into the church calendar.I find it quite interesting.Love the singing.
had a sit down chat with an elder who is aware of my doubts.
we were on the subject of new light, i was saying that if the org changes a teaching then the old teaching was wrong and cannot qualify as truth at the time it was taught, so where did the falsehood come from?.
his response was the gb is imperfect!!
"The GB is imperfect", what a f@(king cop out!!!please forgive the bad language.the times I've heard that.
The GB is just a middle man to God.
when they disfellowship someone, how do they have the audacity to say "[name] is no longer one of jehovah's witnesses."?.
being a witness of jehovah is a personal relationship between jehovah and the individual.
only jehovah and the individual know the depth and trueness of the relation that exists between them.
You are so right.
A brother once said in a talk that our relationship with God was like an iceberg. The majority of the iceberg was under water and therefore, out of sight. That's ONE of the reasons I left the Borg, my relationship with God is just that, MY relationship. No elders, MS, JC's, sisters, brothers etc...should come between that relationship, or, more importantly, judge, scrutinise it.
I didn't break off my relationship with God when I disassociated, I merely left an organisation. A bit like buying travel insurance direct from an insurer, rather than going through a broker. If you see what I mean?
i was just reading a post, on the strong arm tactics used by the wtbts to glit it's members into complying with the recommended motels.
as hard as i find it to believe, it astounds me that they would put their hunchoes outside a none recommended motel, to take the names of those that wouldn't comply, to be harassed later on.
when i think of the other money making ventures they have got going (e.g rbc refurbishments, misleading comments about convention costs).
I want to know how they can get away being a "charitable" organisation, when they practice disfellowshipping and shunning. That is NOT "charitable" behaviour in my book. Just saying....
hello my fellow "apostates".
just wanted to say hi.
i'm still in the borg but mentally out.
Well done for "coming out" of the Watchtower book cupboard.
Slowly, slowly catch a monkey. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, cliches but true.
Some GREAT peeps on this forum. JW Net changed my life. I hope it does the same for you and Mrs fakefading.
Love QCF x