Punkofnice, your Dad sounded good fun.
Cherish moments like these.
Quelly xx
my dear old dad was the po of a congregation.
he had been in the british marines during ww2.. one jolly day we were in the coach park at twickenham convention.. dad was watching the brothers and sisters getting off the coaches.. he looked at me and said quite pained: 'they all look like loonies.'.
i kid you not..
Punkofnice, your Dad sounded good fun.
Cherish moments like these.
Quelly xx
i heard something through the grapevine...was curious if it was an 'official view' long story short, it was stated (??
) that a jw would have been killed had she stayed home and not gone to a ca.
(in washington state) has anyone else heard about this?
It's called sod's law, nothing to do with God.
meet benny.
he had all the opportunities and talent to persue a 'higher' education and have a great career.
however he did meet someone and started a bible study... he changed his future... he changed his life and now, in his opinion, he has the best life ever.
Good for him.
Not everyone has choices like Benny, however.
You are the master of your own destiny. No one else.
do you have any weird hang ups that you think are related to your history?
public speaking i hate hate hate any form of public speaking.
job interviews, presentations (for job interviews or in the work environment), telephone interviews etc.
Enjoying myself.
No, seriously I am okay but I do hate seeing my ex mates who now shun me, even though I know they are the problem, not me.
today nothing feels right.
i feel like a bystander to all things.
as if im nowhere and have no forward progression.
I still feel that way.It all started back in 2004 when I married out of the truth.Started fading until I da'd 4 months ago. Find it harder to make friends now I'm older. Must try harder to make new friends but I feel quite happy in my own company just now.
So sorry to hear this. RIP.
if you went to the meeting yesterday, did you notice how utterly watchtarded it was??
it seemed to me that everyone in my kh has accepted the fact that they will die.
that's all they kept saying, even the wt conducting eldumb said, " we have to teach the next generation because we won't be here forever.." wth?!???
I think the WT is going twits up and I'm being polite.
circuit assembly this weekend.
do's talk compared not having a family study or not teaching your children about jah to the apostate israelites sacrificing their children to molech at topheth in the valley of shinom.
yeah that's the same thing.
Disgusting behaviour.
the assembly overall was basically all about doing more, not wasting your youth (a waste being anything but pioneering) and bashing apostates.
well without further ado... .
talk- the voice of jehovah is powerful.
You are making this banana into an idol!!!! May Jeehoover strike you down.
the assembly overall was basically all about doing more, not wasting your youth (a waste being anything but pioneering) and bashing apostates.
well without further ado... .
talk- the voice of jehovah is powerful.
I bloody HATE bananas.