Too many to list. Luckily my father was screwed big time and so taught us to be cautious with "brothers". Although he is inactive and still pines away for the dub religion and defends it, he still hangs on to the file folder that has IOU's, NSF checks and loan agreements totaling well over $100k! (luckily for us not him)
Even still I sold my share in a family business to my older brother who not only screwed me out of about $15k (monthly payments after the initial bulk payout) but also screwed me out of the last 3 months pay of about $15k
Would have no problem suing him for it but he is a black hole when it comes to money and who has judgments against him for far more. ($2,000,000 from one of his partners in the deal)
Recently he bought a house with my JW mother (parents are divorced). She put in $200k and he put in $0 but somehow convinced her to do a joint ownership 50/50. In amongst the papers to be signed on closing was a document giving him access to the equity. He then got a secured loan against the house for $180k, sucked it bone dry with nothing to show for it. She opened a bank statement to discover this in horror, confronted him, then moved out in protest.
This got my younger brother on the phone with me that is how I know the details. No one in my family except my dad have talked to me for years since we left the JW's and this scam of big bro brought my younger brother and his wife out to me to see if I would help get my mother her money back. They have since left the religion due in part to contacting me and he was recently DF'd. My mother who won't talk to me or return my phone calls is now penniless. Big brother (LOL) has convinced her that he is looking out for her best interests and she has accepted that although she hasn't moved back. It is a good thing she gets a decent pension here in Canada. But that just barely covers living expenses. "Devouring the houses of the widows" was a hallmark of the Jews. Mark 12:40
I have had witness employees who report time on the job like they report field service time! Very creatively! One employee reported 29 hours in one day. Literally within one day. When I asked him to give me the blow by blow of how his 29 hour day started and finished, he refused and threatened to report us to our one sided labor board here in Canada. I short paid him a nominal amount for the discrepancies and never heard back from him however his entire time sheet for that last pay period was a fantasy only possible in the mind of a JW.
Another JW employee stole a company van and equipment after I told him to report for an employment review. (Yes he was being canned) He didn't show up so I called him about 20 times until he answered. He said in a whisper that he would not return it unless we gave him $1000 cash. No cash and he would drive it into a ravine and crash it. The police wouldn't get involved because he had a key. So I involved the elders in his hall. They circled the wagons because I was not going to meetings or attending any congregation. I got the van back for $300 by going through the boys father who was the only one who seemed to be upset that his son did this. It still cost me $300 which was about what we owed him in pay for recent work. He was announced as a MS 2 weeks after the fiasco that ensued with him and the elders.
Another employee used his company credit card to fly his wife to Austria along with about $1300 spent there on meals and other things. Upon closer inspection he had defrauded our company of more than $70k and previous credit card statements revealed many personal and dubious purchases not reported by our bookkeeper (a relative of his). He said he would pay it back, quit and has avoided us ever since. My mistake was not going to the police.
Dubs are just as dishonest as anyone. Arguably a lot worse. There are probably several reasons why which all pretty much point back at the religion. The most common and likely reason for the theft and dishonesty IMHO is that witnesses for the most part live for today and do not aspire to good paying jobs and careers. As a result, many find it difficult to live a normal life on the modest incomes they earn. Deep in dept, many have good intentions of repaying what they borrow/owe but it becomes diffiCULT if not impossible for them. Because Dubs aren't supposed to sue each other and the elders hate getting in the middle of financial battles (unless it's for other reasons) it is easier to stiff the JW.