A lot of 'contaminated' foods, too:
GMOs (genetically modified organisms), cloning, hormones (makes chicken breasts larger and cows produce more milk, amongst other reasons for use), etc etc in the USA. S. Korea and a lot of other Asian allies refuse to import US beef (not 100% sure off the top of my head, but I think rice might be included in the ban). Europe also has a ban on importing US beef, but not sure if it's due to genetic shit or mad cow disease. Many countries in Europe will not import our grains. If memory serves, Mexico has banned certain veggie imports from the US, too.
OTOH, Dow chemical and other companies in Europe create and distribute pesticides for import to the USA, all/most of which are banned for use in many Europian nations. Colony Collapse Disorder (bee hive collapse/deaths) was determined to be directly linked to the use of neonicotinoid pesticides (derived from nicotine). What about use in the USA? Nope. We use em.
The White house restricts where its food comes from, relying on in-house grown veggies. IMO, that speaks volumes.
The gov body knows jack shit about what harms a person, and could care less about anything except total control of the minds of their money-donors. Sign over your money and properties before you croak "in this system" o' t'ings. Ya know.. because you didn't just squander the only non-refundable thing a person truly has: TIME.
A lifetime wasted funding those brooklyn charlatans is the biggest drag on any person's health. Fuck each and every one of those bastards with a pinecone. To your health, ya bitches.
edit: just to be clear why I went on about other hazardous crap: why doesn't watchtower tell its followers to avoid other so-called health hazards?
Answer: mind control. To make themselves appear as holy and omniscient.