A woman and a mother herself posted this astute comment under this news story:
“Why kill such a precious gift when an acceptable and sure cure is at hand? Perhaps laws need to change: children should only be bound by the religious restrictions of their parents once they are old enough to understand and accept the implications thereof.”
Personally I still can’t believe in the year 2014 this insanity is still going on in the WTS. (I understand the potential lawsuits from JW families who lost loved ones over the blood issue.) But this has become a default scenario where the parents of a minor child, especially babies will refuse blood. Then a judge is called at 3 a.m., who is forced to be the decision maker and authorize a transfusion. The parents feel good and appear as loyal JW’s to all in the congregation, what a fine example they are!
Marvin Shilmer has an excellent explanation of a “Letter of Understanding” available in some hospitals. It asks parents to sign a letter of understanding, drafted with the help of the hospital liaison committee, that says the institution recognizes their religious objections and will try to avoid transfusions if at all possible. The letter is not a consent form, but adds that where the child is at imminent risk of serious harm or death, medical staff will press ahead with the transfusion. I hope this link is clickable. Sorry if it isn’t maybe someone could fix it for me.
On this same post he also has a link to the National Post news article dealing with this letter. This letter allows everyone to "play nice" in the hospital, thereby avoiding negative WTS publicity.
December 20, 2012 article of the National Post: Without fanfare, Jehovah’s Witnesses quietly soften position on blood transfusions.