This meeting will not produce anything positive or beneficial for anyone. In fact you will clearly be on their radar and the elders may start to do some investigating of their own, asking others about you and snooping around. It’s not your job to enlighten them of anything you’ve discovered regarding the WT religion. You will be viewed as speaking in a disrespectful way about the illustrious GB who are never wrong and with trying to discredit the wisdom they receive from God.
We’ve all seen many YouTube videos about sincere JW’s discussing numerous subjects regarding WT lies, failed predictions, flip-flops, and on and on. The end result in every video is the same, asking the two loyalty questions regarding God’s earthly organization.....and those being used to oversee it. The end result from what I’ve seen is always disfellowshipping for either apostasy or causing divisions.
Don’t put yourself on a slippery slope; things can escalate out of control very quickly to your detriment.
JW’s that had held much higher and more prominent positions than you and I have been cast aside in a heartbeat.
You’ve been given great advice so far. Your meeting with these men will result in an accusation of you reading apostate sites and a stern warning, given at the very least.
Always remember the elders are not your family.....and most definitely are NOT your friends.
Tread carefully. All the very best.