atomant: "Surely the GB aren't naive enough to believe their own lies. What does it take for the majority of j dubs to wake up to themselves and finally realize that they are being robbed on all levels emotionally, financially, spiritually, intellectually and many other aspects of their day to day lives."
The GB "so far" have being well insulated from anything monumentally scandalous against them. It seems to me that they are made out of Teflon at times....nothing seems to stick to them personally. The local elders look ridiculous and take all the negativity as seen by the Australian commission investigations.
The WTS seems to “dodge the bullet” in their pedophile cases either through continuous court appeals or by offering a direct cash settlement to the victims with a compulsory “gag order” on all the details. Nothing big really seems to stay in the headlines for long and it quickly disappears making very little impact on both JW’s and non-JW’s in the community.
I often wonder, what it will take to fully expose this devious religion once and for all? What will be that "watershed" moment that will be remembered as the one event that finally opened the "floodgates" and opened people’s eyes to it all?