Agree!...the WT-GB-Gods Mouthpiece...are the ones brining reproach upon God (Jehovah).
example #1: a child is caught eating a candy bar before bedtime.. .
the child is caught and makes an excuse:.
3. the child is blame-shifting in the name of his father.. .
Agree!...the WT-GB-Gods Mouthpiece...are the ones brining reproach upon God (Jehovah).
so two college aged young persons came to my door, the girl did all the talking.
i immediately researched their literature and found that they are in a cult originated out of south korea (what's with koreans and cults lol??).
I think I feel better now...knowing there are worse groups then the JWs!
of course, being in a cult and the shunning that comes from leaving it is invalidating.. but how many times have we heard "move on" or "get over it"?
that is a prime example of invalidation.. sometimes this forum, as well as others, can be a mixed bag of validation and invalidation..
I think most can relate to many of the points made at that link!
Thanks I will take a longer look at it.
conversation with an elder...i said " did you watch due south yesterday" and he said " ive got far more important things to do".
i mean that comment of his got me to thinking and wondering, and made me see he was missing out on living..and i think that comment was the straw that broke this boys faith, and started my i dont want to be a witness anymore.
kind of wierd how a simple question opened my eyes.. and now as i write this i am watching " the rebel" a 1950s western series, and its great and its even better my 9 year old is watching with me..and there is nothing more important than being happy.. .
you maintained a level of personal decency and integrity that you almost certainly would not have had if you had chosen another direction.. sure, you would have had some very "colorful" friends and experiences if you had gone another way, but you still chose the more "edgy" people in the congregation as your friends and you still enjoyed yourself, even if there were a lot of phony constraints.. you looked for ways to be of value to others.
don't stop doing that!.
you kept the darker side of your personality in check.
At first read of this post...I hear it was all your brought it upon get over it!
? Did u have your childhood taken from you...GET OVER IT
? Were you not permitted to get a good education...GET OVER IT...MOVE ON. Oh ur 60..well u can start now
? Did you live your life in fear of displeasing Jah and being put to death ...GET OVER IT...THERE ARE OTHER THINGS TO BE FEARFUL OF!
? Did u believe u would never get old or retire or sad...too bad!
? Did u not have children waiting for the new system...sorry u should not of listened to us!
? Oh u would like to move on...but your entire life, family, friends, work...all life's support is tied in with us...Well let us know when something changes!
Getting over it and moving on is easier said then done. However I know there are some practial suggestions that can be put in to action but it takes time and so many of us have little time left.
what this means ?
,i dont know .is it a watering down of the inquiry ?
i dont know.. what i do know is this should not be aloud to escape our potential to have a voice , it doesnt matter where you live on this planet , let your voice be heard , if you have any concern for children , their rights , their innocence , then please voice your concerns to the australian gvernment and let them know the world is watching them .. bombard them with letters to the editor of newspapers in australia .
according to jehovah's witnesses, both gays and polygamists are fornicators, why spear one and not the other?.
"in old age jacob admitted that his lifeincluding his domestic affairshad been distressing.
(genesis 47:9) doubtless, life had been distressing for leah and rachel as well.
Should the Jehovah's Witnesses' God not have destroyed the "fornicators" that married multiple wives just as He did the sinners in Sodom and Gomorrah?
According to the law of the time God choose when and how to apply...Rules seemed to apply to the lower class...not leaders. Just like today! With few exceptions.
I was having this conversation about sin and K-David with someone and they said God applied backwards the ransom of Jesus to K-David
Although I have not seen that in may very well be somewhere that this is alluded to.
Also in K-David case god needed him to fulfill prophesy so he had to find a way to excuse his sin...deserving of death. Others of that time were put to death for similar reasons.
I guess God can and does change his rules as he chooses...where's the justice in that, when rules are applied differently?
recently i have begun selling again on ebay after a 10 year hiatus.
i'm embarrassed to say, but years ago, i was in a bidding war for a original photo drama of creation book of the slides.
i ended up winning the bid for $125.00 plus shipping.
thanks...hope this is just the beginning Of the awakening On a grand scale.
It may be that those who would be interested in these are too old to be on the internet, left or have my mom, she would not feel the need to refer to reading older books as they are old light. At 81 she is still hoping for the promises taught... to come true before her death. She doesn't have much energy for anything else. Although active she is one who at this time has blinders on.
If (when:)the org disappears, there would be millions ripe for the another dangerous group... and a few get away!
Stop the influx and let time take its toll may be the best course...along with trying to awaken others still in that are able make a change and have a more meaniful life.
up until 5 years ago, the co used to work up their own parts for specfic congregations in their circuits.
everything is up to script, in other words, every co in the country are givings the same talks in the local congregations they visit.
what got me to cringe is when he said at the meeting, trying to encourage everyone to pioneer this august; he said :" you know this october it will be 100 years since gods kingdom began ruling, remember what happen when joshua told the israelites to march around jericho on the seventh day, and what happened when they let out a great war cry?
Thanks for the I am getting a colostomy this comming week. I believe this will get all th BS out of my system that has been clogging up my thinking abilities.
I will fill the void with something else.
while experiencing a seemingly annual time of grief over the deaths of my sister and mom, a few other posters mentioned they experienced similar episodes linked to family deaths.
i've known some in my jw family who have this shared experience as well.. i know that grief as an emotion must be dealt with, that is, allowed to happen and be experienced, or we end up stuffing the emotions inside ourselves.
and any emotions we've stuffed and hidden will always try to get out in the body's normal course of healing itself.
It's hard to lose a loved sorry
I recall being taught that we were not suppose to lose anyone in death... so god never put in us the ability to cope with death!?
Really? Why not...death is connected to life...I just witnessed the death of my MIL...UNPLEASANT and very emotional for my wife. She is reminded of it everyday as I am...getting over it I suspect will never happen...learning to cope is possible.
At 59 I am comming to grips that I will some day die...never believing that was possible except in accident or mom is 82 and someday she will pass...still believing in god saving her through Armageddon.
Sorry I don't have any words of comfort.