I dont know, but he is a weirdo. Although it si not ublawfu for an adult male 45 years of age to sleep in the same bed with little boys, it seems to me that such a person has mental problems to say the least. But being a nut does not make one guilty of the crime of child molestation. Just as the attorneys of so many insurance scammers have convinced judges and juries to award millions, so too have presecutors been able to convince a jury of the guilt of an innocent man.
JoinedPosts by fearnotruth22
Is Michael Jackson Guilty?
by shamus inbe nice on this thread, please!
i don't want to see it get locked b/c of some people!.
do you think he's guilty?
Are You Able To Critically Express Yourself Here?
by minimus ini think some might get the impression that it's not right to express anything critical of this board.
some may feel that if a poster wants to express an opinion that is not in syc with the majority, they should not speak of it.if someone feels they have a valid criticism, i do think it is "healthy" to be able to express that opinion.
i am not referring to persons that seem to always complain about everything but i'm thinking of our not stifling a person.
We can disagree without resorting to ad hominim
Return To God, and He WIll Forgive You in a Large Way!
by AwakenedAndFree indid you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
the average so called christian that claims to belive that the Bible is "the INSPIRED word of God" is not qualified to come to that conclusion having only been indoctrinated to belive that, and honestly not having open mindedly considered all available facts . The pseudo scholar erroneosly believes that he is an authority on the subeject argueing in support of the "Bible", parroting what he believes that he urderstand but not having the proper credntials.
All jws here for the msot part, so we know wehere you are comming from when you quote scriptures.
Remmenber how logicalthe 1000 year creative teaching seemd, how about, the no felsh will be saved, the generation, seperation work. Now all those pseudo Bible experts that undertood those teachings so clearly have had to forcibly change the testimony(adjust views) on the Bible not based on new light but in light of the facts previously rejected. All of the tachings now believd as gospel truth may take on a completellt new meaning as "old truths" have in fact today, even the definition that the Bible is the word of God can take on a completely new meaning as Scripture is ambiguous
It takes "a leap of faith" to accept the Bible as God's because there is no concrete evidence to establish that it is unquestionably. Particularly diificult to accept is the present understaing that this Post points to, that peple need forgiveness from the God of the Bible. What debt does a mortal human have to God? only gratitude that he has received life from God. For god to require people to pay for their sins, after humans through no sin of their own are born sinners, as if death and the "heartache and thousand natural shock that flesh is heir to" is not enough paymnet , does not make sense to a reasoning man.
I am not convinced that people need any forginess from God, all need God's help. I dont belive about the wickedness in people either, I think that something is wrong with person through no fault of the pottery but the Potter can fix it.
".. it does not belong to the one wanting.. ot the one wishing.. but on God who has mercy" in my opinion in the finale God will have mercy on all and will give reasons so that the human family can forgive him for allowing them to go through with what they have. The Bible does not give "satisfying answerrs".
I am assuming that the creator is loving and good just as every human feels and understands these virtues.
2004 yb. A Letter From the Governing Body.
by Blueblades infor those who don't have the 2004 yearbook.
a letter from the governing body.. dear brothers and sisters:.
"may you have undeserved kindness and peace from god our father and the lord jesus christ".
Do not for get to remmember the "Golden Rule" which states, He who has the gold makes the rules.
How Do You View Men , Women and Children??
by minimus inafter reading blondie's wt.
review, we can't help but see how the society and much of society in general views women and men.
women are supposed to be subservient and in subjection to males.
It is funny that according to wt teaching women should be in subjection and even sis should be led by bros as wives, but that is not how the women in the org carry themselves at all. That is only a facade shown by those in office for others the cong see, but it is a joke, as womw rule in the cong as they also rule in their home.
It is noteworthy that in the cong there is a struggle for power also to be higher in the pecking order. In my opinion reepect and subjection that may seem in the org towards one another is hypocrisy, as the dominant motivation is the desire to rule in one way or another in the org, and gossip.
I never view myself superior to anyone because of age or gender. I listen help respect all. BUt I wwill not tolerate bolony from anyone. Elder or child or wonan. I will nothave anything to do with an individual that does not respect me. Some young bro in the cong that thelders like so much but that bro in my opinion may be a jerk with his head in the clouds and would fare better if he was only nice with people instead of being obnoxious
To make a long story short. People should know their place. And if someone that does not have a gun in his hand does not show me respect that person can take a flying leap. Whoever he or she is.
Return To God, and He WIll Forgive You in a Large Way!
by AwakenedAndFree indid you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
Preaching to the converted Just about all religions teach some form of what AAF is preaching. Since this is a jw based forum made up of allkinds od jws sheep and shipped, people here know quite enough what aaf is replaying. Above and beyound all that stuff however is another perspective on things which is worth analyzing.
Sure God does what he wants and by definition all that he does is good and just. What reasoning and sane people have difficulrt ubderstabding is how can an ALMIGHTY God allow and justify the outrage of human suffring and as if death and suffering wasnt enough adding to it by punishing.
God must have senses that we cannot understand. He expects us to have faith faith in him we have no choice in that otherwise he will kill us. But things about fear and forced submission doent make sense. I am aware of the misery of humanity I dont have the means to help I have my own propblems and need help with them. again as it was so superbly said before "Forgive me for being human"
Return To God, and He WIll Forgive You in a Large Way!
by AwakenedAndFree indid you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
It seems as you are preaching to the converted. What you are saying about soverignty is only present truth as far as the Wt teaches and has to measure up to future light. Society just doesnt know for sure as no one else.does either. Wt teaching of universla soverignt is only one explanation to justify why the Almighty always his creatures to suffer. I thought that explanation made sense at one time, tell you the truth after seeing links posted by this board Im not sure that is the answer. You read my post above. read some older wt publications linked from this site and read how foolish they sound now and how convinced as you are at that old light era.
Sure, God can do waht he wants and is doing it. Mysterious speaks reasonably because allowing your kids to suufer having the power to stop it cannot be reasonably justified. Soverighty doesnt makesense to me anymore. I had never thought about it I jus accepted explanationit before.
Humans are innocent bystanders here, only guilty of being born. If the God of the Bible is as good as he says he is he will have alot of explaining to do to the human family one day. Billions and billions having no idea what you are talking about and many that cried out to him for help withy no salvation but were tortured suffered unimaginable cruelty and horrors not only the human creation but the animal creation they feel pain too. What sin tdi they do? yet they are killed and tortured as dung. A book of riddles which is the Bible cannot be understood with certainty. REad some of the WT old literature and you will se that the patter of change of change might one day be appled to the univerasal soverignty as you see it oday.
Return To God, and He WIll Forgive You in a Large Way!
by AwakenedAndFree indid you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
Reality is that everyone dies. The good the bad the ugly. Lots of explanations but for the most part except for a few occassions that Bible says where God acted to help people, creatures are left to die and to suffer with promises of relief after they are dead or more punishment after death. Promises of reward or scare tactics in the future but not now. Well people need help now not later on. If someone asks you for help will you tell them not now if you are good I will help you after you are dead and you know what keep hoping indefinitely you might be lucky if I help you in your life time but dont count your luck it could be 100 years from now or 200 years from now. I will telll yoiu things in riddles so that you dont know just what anything means and leve it up to religions that pop up to tell you that they represent me ut you better make the right choice and be patient and maybe people will kill you in my name name and torture you but be faithfulll I will hlpe you after you are dead imn the meantine a million religions will coerce a million conciences. I love you very much but if you if I catch you I will kill you forver but I love you and openning up his hand and satisfying the desire of everyliving thing, Die of bubonic plagues, die of leprosy and plagues that catch up wiyth you and if you sinn I will also plague you.
But you must love God who loves you. The life giver must be loved or he will take your life away, It a gift but it aint yours. Make sense?
Did not read the posts above mine. I never thought about it that way.. Intersting
Have you ever honestly had Jehovah ansure your prayer?
by Singing Man inyes have you ever honestly, had jehovah ansure your prayer in a way that told you it was from him and not some trick of a wanting heart?