"I preferred to use Steve Hassan's methods of just talking in an authentic way to my daughter without discussing the witnesses"
Hassan has never advocated a complete avoidance of the issues. I believe you are misinterpreting this suggestion as a recommendation for conflict avoidance. Instead, he recommends finding the authentic personality by having loving, but non-confrontational discussions with them. He suggests presenting small ideas and facts in as neutral way as possible, to get a cult-indoctrinated person to think with their own authentic internal voice. Avoiding the issue entirely, even when directly queried, is tantamount to telling the person that their concerns are irrelevant.
In the end, people, including Flipper, are going to do what they want, for their own reasons. It is to be hoped that they are not deluding themselves so that they can be more comfortable on the path of least resistance. It is also to be hoped that they are not presenting this distortion/misrepresentation/selective interpretation, as coming from an authority on breaking indoctrination.