You are definitely not alone. My mother was like both of your parents. My brother and I also like to mull over our bizarre childhoods. What was horrific then we now find hilarious and laugh until our sides hurt every time we get together. We had to learn to edit or not tell some of the stories around our "wordly" friends as they are horrified by them and then more horrified that were laughing histericaly about it. My favorites are all the various demonized household items my mother used to burn to expel demons. Oddly she was a sorta wiccan before becoming a jdub.
JoinedPosts by smurfette
My parents' extraordinary weirdness...Borg-induced, or just plain strange?
by razorMind inboth of them are dyed-in-the-wool, hardcore, faithful-to-the-end jw's.
my dad's an elder and has been for many years.. .
my sister and i cannot mull enough over the odd upbringing we had.
How would you respond?
by unbeliever ini just got this from an active jw friend who i have not seen in 3 years and rarely talk too via e-mail.
keep in mind i was never dunked and left almost 7 years ago.
the elders went and saw my df'd sister last week after 10+ years.
I would ask her why she is asking you about "rumors" since malicious gossip is not a very christian thing to be involved in. Although I can't remember any specific examples I remember multiple WT articles & talks about this topic. Her recent contact with you seems really suspect to me too.
The generation that by no means would pass away until all things occurred
by professor inwow!
i longed for the day when the last of the anointed remnant was on his/her death bed and all of the witnesses awaited to be swept away into the new system.. who knew that they could just, with one stroke of "new light" change everything and do away with this hope/doctrine.
how many times did i preach it from door to door and misrepresent god and the bible!
Thank's for this topic Professor! I had no idea and am once again blown away that people can accept chameleon like changes in their beliefs. Especially something like this which was supposed to be so pivitol. Thank you for the info SaintSatan much appreciated, and live long and prosper Mary.
Pompous elders
by YellowLab inever have one in your congregation?.
i was at my cousin's wedding this past weekend, and the po from his kingdom hall was present.
this guy is a real piece of work.
I knew of a very similar family. Maybe they clone them. They had 7 faithful kids, pioneers and bethelites the lot of them. They had a gi-nourmous superiority complex and only one of the kids had somewhat of a free will. The rest were like automatons. I remember this elder making all the kids walk behind his van on the highway one day in a line for misbehaving on the way to an assembly. That was one of his milder disciplinary tactics. The saddest thing was the wife who had married mr. dictator when she was only 16. I remember a conversation I was sitting in on between her and my mother and some of their friends very well. They were talking about how old they were when they first knew "who they were as people and what they wanted to be". Sister dictator asked them what they were talking about and had no idea what they meant.
The generation that by no means would pass away until all things occurred
by professor inwow!
i longed for the day when the last of the anointed remnant was on his/her death bed and all of the witnesses awaited to be swept away into the new system.. who knew that they could just, with one stroke of "new light" change everything and do away with this hope/doctrine.
how many times did i preach it from door to door and misrepresent god and the bible!
What was he doing?
by Ariell infor those of you who believe in god, and i know this may sound like a silly question, but what was he doing before he created jesus, the first thing he ever made.
we're talking an eternity here.
zillions upon zillions of years.
What did you learn as a JW?
by JH inwith 5 meetings a week plus field service, and additional reading of the bible and watchtower literature, what did you learn after all these years in the jw organization?
did we need all those meetings and time and effort just to know some simple details?
in all these years i spent there, this is just about all i can say i learned there: .
the people the JW's thought were too much
by smurfette indoes anyone here have any bizarre or hilarious stories about brothers or sisters you have encountered?
i'm betting there's alot of good stories out there.. i'm from an isolated area on the canadian border where odd people tend to congregate.
i guess neither country wants them.
I've heard of auto writers but never met one. That's really odd. I would have liked to see that.
I never got to see anyone partake at a memorial but almost everyone I'd heard of that had and wasn't 300 years old was always whispered of to be unstable. I always chalked it up to people being jealous of the partaker or not being able to imagine themselves as good enough to do so too.
What 5 songs MOST remind you of your time as a teen..?
by ScoobySnax inok, being the 80's teen i goes.... 5. milli vanilli.
girl you know its true (g g g girl!!).
4. wham young guns (go for it!).
What I used to listen to: What I was forced to hear around good association:
Stuart- The dead milkmen Chicago
There she goes- The La's Bon Jovi- Blaze of Glory (the wilder ones liked this)
Joey- Concrete Blonde Bette Midler- Wind beneath my wings
Anything by Frank Zappa White Lion- When the children cry
Sweet Emotion- Aerosmith REO SPEEDWAGON & LOTS OF IT
I hid most of this to prevent burning They all liked to sing along to the Bette Midler song
for demons. while they played along on the piano!
A weekend of bitter and unhappy apostasy......
by expatbrit inthis is district convention weekend in my area.
now, i know that in the good old days, i would get up early, drive to hamilton (an unpleasant place), sit all day on an uncomfortable plastic chair with no legroom and listen to the usual boring tripe regurgitated from last year, with only a short break to eat dull sandwiches.
then i'd drive all the way home, tired and cranky and hungry, eat something and go to bed, knowing that i would get to repeat the whole sordid process the next day!
Who wants pizza and beer when you could be enjoying a refreshing generic soda, a hoagie, and a pudding cup. Oh don't forget the fruit bag. Yum Yum! I don't know if that's what they served everywhere but it was always the same fare in MN. The food and badly lip synched dramas are all I really remember anymore. I must have finally blocked the rest out.