Nice quote dh!
Seedy3- I love when Bush claims to be divinely inspired by God.
dustyb- Wow, you must've been bored. Holy George W. quote avalanche! I liked your running commentary on the side to go with the quotes!
what is your favorite george w. bush quote?.
my personal favorite is, "do you have blacks, too?
" (george w. bush to the president of brazil) .
Nice quote dh!
Seedy3- I love when Bush claims to be divinely inspired by God.
dustyb- Wow, you must've been bored. Holy George W. quote avalanche! I liked your running commentary on the side to go with the quotes!
we escaped jw'dom a few years ago and have recently bought a home about 250km from where we lived about 10 years ago.. near encounters of the third kind.
imagine my fright in the local hardware mega-store when i just managed to dodge a sister from our old congo in the poaint section!!!!
that night, i put on the tv and the commercial for a firm of builders i'd thought of using came on - the local contact was the sister's husband!!!
Sorry Max but you're just going to have to face the facts - They're EVERYWHERE! Unless you're planning on moving to a remote island you're going to have to get used to them being around.
You can try to co-exist with them peacfully, although I'd be very tempted to host an Apostofest if I were in your situation.
my friend briman will be posting soon.
he married my x-jw and they would like to join this site.
i've told them how cool ya'll are
Hi Briman and Welcome!
i was looking through my book of bible stories (1978 ed.
) and i have two questions:.
- have the jws re-issued it, and.... - did they make any changes between editions?.
I think it was always just a generic "Holy Bible" on the last page of the Bible Story Book, but I'm not totally sure. I remember asking my mom why it wasn't a "real Bible" as a kid and being pretty concerned about it not being a NWT.
what is your favorite george w. bush quote?.
my personal favorite is, "do you have blacks, too?
" (george w. bush to the president of brazil) .
Lol, dustyb.
Here's another quote from the same book, "If you're sick and tired of the politics of cynicism and polls and principles, come and join this campaign."
i have become so much more independent and in some ways demanding as i have stopped being a jw.
there was a time when i was literally a doormat for my first husband.
but i have found from being single and then add to that losing the grip from the jw rules, i have become more independence and in many ways more of an opinion.
I think it's definitely a good that you've decided to talk to him about the problem Sassy. It seems like if a person avoids a problem for too long it just winds up festering and becoming an even bigger problem in the long run if it doesn't get addressed right away.
For me, if I don't talk to my husband right away about what's bothering me, I wind up totally going off on him for little stupid stuff and just generally am a big "B" until I deal with whatever the real problem is.
what is your favorite george w. bush quote?.
my personal favorite is, "do you have blacks, too?
" (george w. bush to the president of brazil) .
What is your favorite George W. Bush quote?
My personal favorite is, "Do you have blacks, too?" (George W. Bush to the President of Brazil)
The quote is from the book Secret Lives of the U.S. Presidents by Cormac O'Brien.
so, i'm sitting in front of the tube surfing through channels, and i come upon the tail end of a jw commercial whose tag line is "love builds happy families", and i'm thinking, only if you submit to wt brainwashing.
once on the inside, if you choose to leave, you'll really begin to see the "love" jws are all about.. i guess with dwindling membership and their much ado about nothing house to house "ministries" bringing no new blood in, they're taking a recruiting cue from christendom.
I saw one of these commercials a long time ago. At about 3am or so. I thought it was a Mormon Commercial until the end. I commented on the eerily familiar Awake cover look the commercial had and thought the Mormons must be lowering their production standards.
andy has joined jwd .
i thought i would introduce him to you.
his nickname is shaft.
Welcome Andy!
my family used to be jehovah?s witnesses up until i was about 6 years old, for reasons unknown too me they left.
when the events of september 11th unfolded they started going back to the meetings, myself included.
it started out ok, i was keen to learn, but the more i learnt, the more i realised that a lot of the predictions and teachings did not make sense, so after about 9 months i stopped attending the meetings and eventually stopped being involved all together.
Welcome Matt!
I'm sorry about what your family is putting you through. 16 is a rough age as it is let alone with JW parents. (I've been there, done that, even though it seems like a lifetime ago now) All I can offer for advice is to you is to hang in there and stick with what you feel is right. And follow the advice already mentioned above - don't get baptized just to try and heal your family. Trust me it just mucks things up even worse! It's good that you've found this site too. There's alot of people here who've been where you are and can offer advice when you need it.