Thanks Terry. I have Karen Armstrong's A History of God. I don't have The Battle for God. I'll get that soon.
Until next time, take care.
four freakin' years!.
look at the number of posts!
i can assure you very few of those posts were short, pithy, truncated or otherwise carefully considered sententious sentences!
Thanks Terry. I have Karen Armstrong's A History of God. I don't have The Battle for God. I'll get that soon.
Until next time, take care.
in many ways it appears as if the watchtower movement is slowing down.
a number of changes over the last few years certainly show that the watchtower is in a period of transition.
they have cut back on the number of magazines they print as well as lowered the cost of production by eliminating things like hard backed books.
Drew, you make a lot of sense. I'm in agreement with your thinking on your topic.
When was the last time that the writing dept. gave an in-depth watchtower study on it's original theme on the front of the Watchtower?
"Announcing Jehovah"s Kingdom". I remember back in the seventies when the articles were 30 to 40 paragraphs long on such topics as the Kingdom.
Now, there is very small talk about 'Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom'. What is the Watchtower's message today?
Go to meetings, go out in field service, wait for the Great Tribulation to come anytime soon. And they haven't had a good study on the Great Tribulation recently either.
So, your right, your topic about the growing irrelevance of the Watchtower message is spot on!
four freakin' years!.
look at the number of posts!
i can assure you very few of those posts were short, pithy, truncated or otherwise carefully considered sententious sentences!
Terry! I especially like it when you recommend books that you read. Your topics and post responses have always kept my attention. I might not always respond, however, I always look for you here.
If you have anymore books to recommend, I will appreciate it and go get them. I love to read. At 63 years of age reading keeps me sharp.I'm trying to make up for the 33 years that I read all the watchtower literature and you know how much that was.
Keep on posting, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!oror just a few of these
why leave the writing to inaccurate third parties who each saw things from their own perspective.
if his message was so important for posterity, why did he not write an accurate account of his message?
Your question makes an assumption that Jesus existed. Do you have any historical proof that such a person actually lived. And if so, it is a good question.
my wt librery is going in the recycle bin a little at the time.what did you do with the wt books?
Tore them to pieces, then, threw them out in the garbage.
did anyone hear this past saturday's conference call with rick?.
one of his guests brought out how back in 1989 the wt was considering whether or not they should disfellowship those in the congregations who were overweight!
their rationale for this was that since smoking was already a disfellowshipping offense and since smoking is bad for your health, being overweight is also bad for your health, therefore should it be made into a disfellowshipping offense.
Hey Worf! Here is one for you. Coffee is BIG at Bethel! Caffeine is a drug. If they ever did away with COFFEE, and went to Caffeine free. Bethel would be empty.
omg..sad sad sad...just heard on radio in canada.......great comedian and anti religious kinda guy...always brought a smile to my face.....
He said things outloud that some people only think about. He put it in a funny way. He was his own man. He did it, "My Way".
Now,I will go back and spend some time watching and listening and reading George Carlin. You might say he died laughing.
there are many stories that make we wonder if anything akin to solid reasoning can prop up the bible's accounts of early life on earth.
but perhaps this scripture is a key:.
"these are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the lord god made the earth and the heavens, and every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the lord god had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.
MR.Majestic. Did you ever consider that Jesus quoting could actually have been misquoted. There is a book on this very subject. Misquoting Jesus, the story behind who changed the Bible and why. Bart D. Ehrman is the author. It is about how mistakes and changes shaped the Bible we read today.
From the scribes, the scholars and Bible translators, everyone interested in the wording of the New Testament should read this book.
Did Jesus really say what others said he said? Could he have been misquoted? I found this book to be challenging.
correct me if i'm not understanding this phrase, 'spirit directed organization'.. my understanding is that the watchtower has recently taught ( someone may remember the exact watchtower that this was taught ) that the anointed and every jehovah's witness has the same holy spirit, no more no less.. nothing special is directing the watchtower society when it comes to understanding the scriptures.
why then do they keep on using this phrase, that they are being directed by holy spirit and still use it when asking one of the baptism questions.. if they have no 'special knowledge', how is it that they write talks about being directed by holy spirit especially when it comes to distrct convention talks.. blueblades.
Thanks all! Blondie you are a true gem.You can always be counted on to help us when we ask for something. Thank you so much for posting those articles.
Conclusion: The Watchtower Society is a man - made organization and many writers men and woman contribute to the articles being used at the conventions and in The Watchtower.
They keep dangling two sticks, the fear and the carrot. The amazing thing is that it still works for them.
Thank you for all your hard work and efforts. I still read your "COMMENTS" on the watchtower even if I don't respond to them as much, that is because someone else has already posted my thoughts.
correct me if i'm not understanding this phrase, 'spirit directed organization'.. my understanding is that the watchtower has recently taught ( someone may remember the exact watchtower that this was taught ) that the anointed and every jehovah's witness has the same holy spirit, no more no less.. nothing special is directing the watchtower society when it comes to understanding the scriptures.
why then do they keep on using this phrase, that they are being directed by holy spirit and still use it when asking one of the baptism questions.. if they have no 'special knowledge', how is it that they write talks about being directed by holy spirit especially when it comes to distrct convention talks.. blueblades.
This will show that they are nothing special just another man-made organization.