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JoinedPosts by Blueblades
Really Downsizing? Then Howcome....
by CaptainSchmideo in.
at tonight's service meeting (u.s.), another one of those "thank you for your continued contributions (hint hint, beg beg)" letters was read.. in the text, they talked about needing funds to renovate/remodel the squibb and 107 (i think that's the right number) in an effort to bring them up to building guidelines that match the other branch facilities.
this doesn't sound like shutting down in ny and retiring to patterson, as i saw in an earlier thread.. anybody in the know want to add some insight to this?.
Scape - goat
by Blueblades ina person,group or thing upon whom the "blame" for the mistakes or crimes of other's is thrust,making them a scapegoat.what do you think?has the wt.
society been guilty of doing this to you?
if so,how so?as for me ,the answer is yes.from the time i read the book,"things in which it is impossible for god to lie".i couldn't see the words,"however, if "we" are caught in a lie, it's all your fault,it's your mistake.when "we" were proven to be mistaken,it's still all your fault.ssshhh, keep quiet you scapegoat!
A person,group or thing upon whom the "BLAME" for the mistakes or crimes of other's is thrust,making them a Scapegoat.What do you think?Has the WT. Society been guilty of doing this to you? If so,how so?As for me ,the answer is yes.From the time I read the book,"Things in Which It is Impossible for God to Lie".I couldn't see the words,"However, If "WE" are caught in a Lie, it's all your fault,It's your mistake.When "WE" were proven to be mistaken,It's still all your fault.SSSHHH, keep quiet you Scapegoat! What do you think? Blueblades
Spirituality ??
by Blueblades inwhy do the elders always equate meeting attendance and field service with the level of ones spirituality?i keep hearing them repeating,"we hate to see you lose your spirituality",by not attending the meetings and going out into the field service.the 1973 comprehensive concordance points to jude 19 as the only reference to the word spirituality.however in the 1985 ed.of the kingdom interlinear of the greek scriptures the actual word at jude19 is spirit not spirituality.jude19 remarks that one can lose god's spirit if one became " ungodly".the society deliberately transposes the word spirit to spirituality from the greek into the english new world translation.the reason i bring this subject up is because that's all i ever hear when you miss meetings and field service.not once has an elder used the scriptures to support that viewpoint or interpertation with me.since circumstances differ with all of us, how in the world can they make a such a blanket statement and a wrong one at that!?
your thoughts please,blueblades.
Why do the elders always equate meeting attendance and field service with the level of ones spirituality?I keep hearing them repeating,"we hate to see you lose your Spirituality",by not attending the meetings and going out into the field service.The 1973 Comprehensive Concordance points to Jude 19 as the only reference to the word Spirituality.However in the 1985 ed.of the Kingdom Interlinear of the Greek Scriptures the actual word at Jude19 is Spirit not Spirituality.Jude19 remarks that one can lose God's Spirit if one became " UNGODLY".The Society deliberately TRANSPOSES the word Spirit to Spirituality from the Greek into the English New World Translation.The reason I bring this subject up is because that's all I ever hear when you miss meetings and field service.Not once has an elder used the Scriptures to support that viewpoint or interpertation with me.Since circumstances differ with all of us, how in the world can they make a such a blanket statement and a wrong one at that!? Your thoughts please,Blueblades.
Hey! SURREPTITIOUS,I was just thinking about that song and then there was your post. O LORD, its hard to be humble! When your perfect in every way, I look in the mirror and what do I see I get better looking each day .To know me is to love me I must be one hell of a man ,O LORD its hard to be humble ,but Im doing the best that I can. Is that the song? Its not me. Its MAC DAVIS! When I look in the mirror I see my eyes looking back at me.Reflecting into my very being. I see deep inside those eyes in the mirror and it goes on and on. I can't see the other side it"s endless. and I become afraid of the unknown.Then I walk away and go into life's door of activity where--ever it takes me. Blueblades
A Question to all men out there
by sunshineToo inlet's say you are out with your girlfriend/wife for a nice lunch in a nice restaurant.
then, all of sudden she is in pain!!!
well, she is having her monthly thing.
Before I answer that.God said to Adam,"Adam I want you to give Eve a hug.Adam asked God,'What"s a hug?God told him,so he went and gave Eve a hug.Later,Adam told God that he gave Eve a hug and it felt good.God then told Adam to give Eve a kiss.Adam asked God,What's a kiss?God told him ,so he went and gave Eve a kiss.Later,Adam told God that he gave Eve a kiss and it felt good.God then told Adam to make love to Eve.Adam asked God,what's to make love?God told him,so he went to make love to Eve.Later,Adam asked God,what's a headache?-----------------Now, to answer your question After 34yrs of marriage: Show concern and ask her what would she like to do.Then, no matter what her response was,you take her home immediately.BTW.I once offered my wife two aspirins.She asked me what they were for.I told her that they were for her headache.She said that she didn"t have a headache.SOOOO! I said good, " lets make love!" Blueblades
Past and Present
by JH indo you find that time flies, and that years go by so fast.
well thats my feeling about time.
the older you get, the faster it goes.
There it was a little green book"Things in which it is Impossible for God to Lie."So began the best eight years of my life.1968 that little green book was sitting on the radiator, in the hallway, by the mailboxes ,when I came home from work.1969 There it was a little blue book"The Truth that leads to Eternal Life",being handed to me."Babylon the Great Has Fallen!"God"s Kingdom Rules!:"Then Is Finished the Mystery 0f God":"Life Everlasting----In Freedom of The Sons of God":What on earth did I do to deserve this blessing! 1970 baptism,1971partner baptized,OH LORD! What could be better than this?1972,1973 kids born.WOW! What a full six years and only two to go and that will make it eight of the best years of my life.1975! 1975!1975! The whole family living on a paradise earth forever! To be continued:Blueblades
Going in service on holidays
by dsgal in.
remember how embarrassing it was to show up at someone's door on a holiday?when i was a teenager i went out with a very zealous pioneer sister on christmas day.we worked an upscale neighborhood of town and of course all the servants were off so they would answer the door themselves.i rang one doorbell and a lady came to the door and i could see her family inside sitting in chairs in a circle opening gifts.they all looked at me to see who in the world was calling on christmas,i suppose.i gave my presentation with a red face and she just looked at me and said"don't you know today is christmas?
"how embarrassing is that?so glad i don't have to do that anymore.
We would only do return visits.Leave the lastest magazines and that's it.One hour and back home.Blueblades
Are You An "Apostate" Or Are You Just...
by minimus insome here are viewed as full-fledged "apostates".
others are "weak" and curious.
what about you?
I never did like that label "APOSTATE" being used on those who have left the org.Apostasy is a standing away,abandoning what one has believed in,as a faith,cause or principles.The Society defines it toward one who has rejected "JEHOVAH"S ORGANIZATION".Many that leave the ORG.still have not abandoned their faith in God,hence are not apostates.Therefore speaking for myself Iam not an "APOSTATE", I am "JUST" one of many who have left an"APOSTATE ORGANIZATION".Really its the other way around my friend.Blueblades
by Blueblades in.
people are often willing to endure great sacrifices in order to obtain what they have been promised will be theirs in the future.the wt.society promises people that if they become faithful jw's.and endure to the very end,they will then live on a beautiful new earth.the pictures in the societies publications can be very attractive and eye-catching.but with every promise there is a catch.even if this promise were true ( and it is not),in order for you to have even a chance of obtaining entrance into this new earth you must sit through five boring meetings every week,spend at least ten hours every month in "field service"(that is going from door to door),be in complete submission to the vast control the society has over every part of your life, absent yourself from any family gatherings at holidays or birthdays, not be involved in competitive sports,hate everyone else in the world as being evil,and never question anything the society does---even if the society changes its doctrine to just the opposite of what it use to teach.worse yet ,the society never informs you that the new earth they promise is something which,to be realized,you must spend one thousand years in strenuously building it by manual labor.yes," promises with a catch",start out with an attractive bait attached to its hook.most people, including myself, do not realize or have not realized that, promises with a catch are very easy to get caught up with and very difficult to get out of.do you find this to be true?has it happened to you?for most on this board i know it has.i want to thank all of you for helping me and my own to come out from under the societies "promises with a catch".
People are often willing to endure great sacrifices in order to obtain what they have been Promised will be theirs in the future.The WT.Society promises people that if they become faithful JW'S.and endure to the very end,they will then live on a beautiful new earth.The pictures in the Societies publications can be very attractive and eye-catching.But with every Promise there is a Catch.Even if this promise were true ( and it is not),in order for you to have even a chance of obtaining entrance into this new earth you must sit through five boring meetings every week,spend at least ten hours every month in "field service"(that is going from door to door),be in complete submission to the vast control the Society has over every part of your life, absent yourself from any family gatherings at holidays or birthdays, not be involved in competitive sports,hate everyone else in the world as being evil,and never question anything the Society does---even if the Society changes its doctrine to just the opposite of what it use to teach.Worse yet ,the Society never informs you that the new earth they promise is something which,to be realized,you must spend one thousand years in strenuously building it by manual labor.Yes," PROMISES with a CATCH",start out with an attractive bait attached to its hook.Most people, including myself, do not realize or have not realized that, Promises with a Catch are very easy to get caught up with and very difficult to get out of.Do you find this to be true?Has it happened to you?For most on this board I know it has.I want to thank all of you for helping me and my own to come out from under the Societies "PROMISES with a CATCH". Blueblades
by Mary inhere's a program i'll definitely want to see on november 22nd.
it seems that there are some archeologists that have done some investigating around roswell, to see if there's any evidence of a crash there 50 years ago.. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&cid=570&ncid=753&e=1&u=/nm/20021116/sc_nm/life_ufo_dc.
i believe that a ufo did in fact, crash there in 1947 and that there was a cover up.. if it were proven that it was a ufo, how would that affect our society, religion in particular?.
When there is a crash of an aircraft in any country,the immediate reaction is to send follow up help to find suvivors.My question is, why have no other ufos come to the rescue of their own immediately after the crash? Blueblades.