The Society's history and the many changes that it has made over the years. Blueblades
JoinedPosts by Blueblades
What DO You Know Now That You Didn't Before?
by minimus insince you drifted or fell away from the "truth", what do you now know that you never realized before?
was there anything that shocked or surprised you about the witness religion that you didn't know about til you left??
Job's Suffering and Us.
by Blueblades inif you care to believe it,job's sufferings present significant questions for the faith of believers in all ages.why do the righteous suffer?
what about the character of god,does his permission of suffering suggest that he is lacking in compassion and mercy?what about the reality of the inscrutable mystery of innocent suffering?why does he let us walk in sorrow and pain?theologians analyze the suffering and look for causes and solutions.using all of their sound theology and insight into the situation,they search for answers.does god really need human advocates to defend his involvement in calamity and suffering?for even the best effort at explaining the issues of life can be useless.. many have pre-understandings that god punishes evil,rewards obedience,and that there are no exceptions possible.however the inscrutable mystery of innocent suffering forces one to conclude that there are that the righteous also suffer and the wicked prosper.. so then ,does suffering take a back seat in trying to understand the character of god?
is the compelling issue of human suffering unknowable outside the story of job if you choose to believe it?are there matters going on that we truly know nothing about ;yet,they effect our lives?
If you care to believe it,Job's sufferings present significant questions for the faith of believers in all ages.Why do the righteous suffer? What about the character of God,does his permission of suffering suggest that He is lacking in compassion and mercy?What about the reality of the inscrutable mystery of innocent suffering?Why does he let us walk in sorrow and pain?Theologians analyze the suffering and look for causes and solutions.Using all of their sound theology and insight into the situation,they search for answers.Does God really need human advocates to defend his involvement in calamity and suffering?For even the best effort at explaining the issues of life can be useless.
Many have pre-understandings that God punishes evil,rewards obedience,and that there are no exceptions possible.However the inscrutable mystery of innocent suffering forces one to conclude that there are exceptions.In that the righteous also suffer and the wicked prosper.
So then ,does suffering take a back seat in trying to understand the character of God? Is the compelling issue of human suffering unknowable outside the story of Job if you choose to believe it?Are there matters going on that we truly know nothing about ;yet,they effect our lives? What do you think? Thank you for your thoughts in advance. Blueblades
Faith and Fortune
by donkey inthe donkey is trying to figure this out: faith is a learned quality - right?
no one is born with faith but they have to learn to have faith in god.
so do infants have faith?
Hi DONKEY! Limbo and Purgatory are based on tradition not sacred scripture.The church has relied on tradition to support a middle ground between heaven and hell.I don't believe a word of it.
As to infants going straight to heaven then millions of aborted fetuses are there.Also why the grief over death if we all go to heaven? Every one wants to go to heaven but no one wants to die to get there.
As to faith and fortune, who really knows? What about what people call misfortune? None of this makes any sense. Blueblades
Where did they go?
by OUTLAW ini`m talking about the icons beside a posters name so you can see the threads they`ve started,and posts they`ve made to`s near impossible to find anything.
i can`t find other posters posts or threads...outlaw
oops! They are gone OUTLAW! sorry .Blueblades
Where did they go?
by OUTLAW ini`m talking about the icons beside a posters name so you can see the threads they`ve started,and posts they`ve made to`s near impossible to find anything.
i can`t find other posters posts or threads...outlaw
Hi OUTLAW! I believe you can still access the posts in the members list. Blueblades
Attending the "right" hall
by freedom96 inthere always seemed to be such a big stink about making sure you went to the hall that you were assigned to.
whatever territory that you lived in, that would be the hall assignment, whether you liked it or not.. if you chose not to go to your assigned hall, boy was there ever flack.
you could get severely counciled for it.. just seems to be another stupid rule that they would get upset about.
The KM says its a suggestion only, no hard and fast rule. Blueblades
Murder of child Hitler
by meadow77 insomeone posed this question to me the other day, and i have to say it has really had me thinking.
we were discussing abortion, and they asked me if i would have killed hitler as a baby, knowing what he would do as an adult.
i believe murder is wrong, but do you think it is justified saving others lives?
It's like this:Hitler is not unique,history is filled with men like him.Now don't ask me to name the long list of hitlerites.the real question to me is that God didn't abort him.God didn't abort the very first hitler SATAN! Who has done worst than satan?
Would I murder hitler as a child if I knew what was ahead for the world at that time? No! the murder of anyone is to me immoral.However the killing of a murderer is moral.But,who am I to put into motion what I think in my mind.I have neither the authority or the power to stand in the place of God.
If God didn't kill Satan or all the Hitlerites like him, then ???????????? Blueblades
P.S.A talk was given once about the impact names have on people.The brother illustrated it with this example: A mother was cradling a baby in her arms and people were admiring the handsome child.What a beautiful baby you have there,what is his name?When the mother sweetly said"His name is HITLER!"Well you know the reaction that brought.
Which Corporation Owns the Buildings?
by IslandWoman inthere has been info on recent threads that the watchtower is liquidating some assets in brooklyn and elsewhere.
there are a number of corporations used by the watchtower.
does anyone know which of those corporations own the buildings in question and would therefore be involved with the sale of these buildings?
Hi IW and JT,Something that has not been mentioned on this forum that might of been overlooked is the purpose and reason that the G.B.detached themselves from all these corporations.
As I recall and I was there at bethel when this was announced that the reason this was done was so that the G.B. could devote more time to the rank and file giving them much needed spiritual food.
They would be freed up to guide us in new light and direction for the days just ahead of us. I'm still waiting,It's been over two years since they been freed up to give us new spiritual food.
If this had been real food ,we would all be dead from starvation.! What are they doing with all this free time on their hands,besides sleeping more. Blueblades
Last Post - My Most Painful Public Confession
by Amazing inmy most painful confession
note to simon: i will use some expletives, but i hope that they will be retained as this is intended to be an otherwise civil and thoughtful post to all my fellow ex-jws.
please read on, as this is most painful.
JIM, At Matthew 12:37,it is written,"For by your words you will be 'JUSTIFIED',and by your words you will be condemned."
Every person is judged by his words,because they reveal the state of his heart.
Your most painful public confession reveals the state of your heart.
You are and will be JUSTIFIED.
Before a surgeon ever opens up your heart,(if that is what is needed to help your heart condition)YOU have opened it up before us all.
There is a song,"It's only WORDS but WORDS are all I have to take your heart away."
You have succeeded in doing that to all of us here.You are loved. Blueblades
Elder Says That We Must Guard Association W/ Bros.
by minimus in2 elders mentioned in their parts in the tms and sm, that just because a person is a witness, it doesn't mean that they they are acceptable association.
if someone misses a lot of meetings, rarely goes out in field service and is not the best example, we should not want to associate with such ones.
i clearly see a line being drawn in the sand.
Even so.We all know that even when you " DO GO TO MEETINGS AND FIELD SERVICE"on a regular basis,they still have CLIQUES,CASTE,and GOOD OLE BOYS CLUB.A select few are always invited to outings,bethel,restaurants after the meetings etc.
But besides this, I know what you are alerting us to, that is ,what the the true agenda is really all about.Guarding against those who do not go to the meetings and field service on a regural basis.Why ! They are not having a "MEANINGFUL"share. They must be disloyal!
So,if you do go,your left out,and if you dont go, your put out.Blueblades