JoinedTopics Started by Confucious
I said the word Ass in front of an elder...
by Confucious induring my last convo with an elder, i started getting on his case about how the organization and the elders let me down.
all my points were vaild.
i mean, i had some really legit points.
by Confucious inhey friends,.
i had a chance encounter with one of the elders in the congregation i was in today.. guys, still today, i feel like a broken man.
somedays i just want to sit and home a cry all day for all the pain this organization has given me.. i came out from the "world" and came into the "truth.
Who would be our dream team of "apostate" debaters???
by Confucious inok, guys.
i'm at a hotel tonight and just relaxing.. so i felt a mimimus question coming on.
if we had to elect 3 members on this forum to debate any 3 members of the borg, who would you pick?.
Anthony Robbins... GREAT Healing.
by Confucious inhey guys, .
for the past few years, i've struggled tremendously with depression and an overall sense of low self worth.
i've been a fan of anthony robbins (self help guru) and read a couple of his books, but i strongly recomend the tapes "lessons in mastery.
My First Yoga Lesson!!!
by Confucious inhey guys,.
my girlfriend dragged me into her yoga class.
loved it.. i think the wt said that yoga was bad.. at first i was weary, because i always viewd yoga with being a sin.. but then i realized.... stretching and excercise is not a sin.. .
Two APPAULING articles in one Watchtower - June 15, 2003 - SHAME ON YOU!
by Confucious indear anyone who might be reading this from bethel:.
first of all, i am a "brother" in the congregation.
i'm not going to meetings, nor am i following your unwritten rules - but i am not df or da.. there are two articles in the june 15, 2003 watchtower that you should be ashamed of.. the first article is on pope alexander vi.. here, the article bashes the pope (whom by the way, i don't think deserves anything less).. however, the article talks about everything from him living in luxury, affairs and other bad stuff he's done.. and then the article brings out, (paraphrasing) "well, if this guy is so bad, what does it tell about the religion.".
MUST READ Joke... Funny!
by Confucious inon the last day of his trip a publisher hooked a monster fish and proceeded to reel.
it in.. the publisher, holding a net, yelled, "look at the size of that son of a bitch!".
"son, i'm an elder.
Was anyone afraid of working too much???
by Confucious inhey guys, .
today is friday and i just put in a really long week at work.
probably a very productive 50 hours or so and i'm also going to be working tommorrow.
First Visit to KH in 1 year - Observations...
by Confucious inhey guys,.
went to the kh for the first time in about a year.. i went in part because i have a couple of friends there (i'm not df or da).. good or bad, here were my observations.... 1) people were generally friendly, but it seems (and honestly) that most of the friendly ones were the ones considered "spiritually weak" by kh standards.
2) it's pretty sad how much the "f and d slave" is actually worshiped.. it seemed that every other watchtower comment was geared toward praising, "jehovah's faithful slave., etc.