Hi bgurl81, Glad your here with us, sorry about the garbage youv'e had to endure from your "loving" bros and sisters. Oh well, you've found a good place here. Great to have you on board.
JoinedPosts by potleg
My Introduction
by bgurl81 ini've been lurking on this website for quite some time, but haven't quite gotten the strength to post until now.
for obvious reasons, i cannot reveal my identity.
although my "family" nows that i am no longer a witness and celebrates holidays, they still have "hope" for me.
It crept up on me, and took me by surprise!
by AK - Jeff inlife!
i have begun to live it - instead of waiting on the 'real life' we had been promised as jw's.
it started 4 years ago - but it moved slowly past the weeks and months of 'research', trying to find where i fit, then into an understanding that i didn't - at least not conventionally, fit anywhere, religiously speaking.
Good for you Jeff,
Some years ago I had a conversation with a JW relative and she couldn't understand why I would never ever go back to being a witness. I told her that for me, being a Witness was like being in a big, beautiful, warm blue ocean, but the society was like an old wooden row boat out there. The Society is the boat and you are constantly told to hold on tight and cling to the rotten vessel because the water is deep and we will surely drown if we let go. Infact, you are warned not to even look at the ocean, instead, just focus intently on the boat.
All my life I was in the beautiful ocean but focused on, and clinging to an old row boat.
But somehow with the help of this site and other resources I finally let go. I finally took the plunge into life apart from the Organization. Sure I dipped under the water and it felt strange, but guess what? I bobbed back up. I didn't drown, not even a cough or splutter instead I discovered I could swim and the ocean felt great and it felt so wonderful to move around freely in it. How refreshing to be in the warm water no longer clinging to that old WT boat.
Life is so much better for me now and the further I "swim" away from that row boat and all its clingers on, the more sad and pathetic they look. If only they knew what we know.
That's why I would never trade the freedom that I now have for the dependency I had to an old tub of an organization.
PS My aunt didn't buy it, she's still in. Desparate to see "the end"
Was it better to be an elder's wife, or a CO's wife?
by AlmostAtheist ina friend of mine was asking about the cult we all hold so dear, and i was explaining some of it to her.
i told her about elder's wives, and how they have both the prestige of that position, plus the social standing.
logically, it would be even better for a co's wife.
I've come across a few CO wives, especially older ones who were on their own, know it all, elitist, I'm better than you, little power trips. They were the perfect compliment to their big shot, red hot, full of snot, husbands.
State A Simple Opinion About JWD Members
by nicolaou inwe share a common past but have travelled many different roads to find each other here.
our outlooks and perceptions of reality are varied and often fascinating.
most of us are encouraging, funny, helpful and kind while others are still wrapped in bitterness and hatred or suffering from despair and privation.
Alike in many ways, different in many ways. We share the common bond in having broken free from an uncommon bondage.
Can You Stand One More Thread on " Generation "?- Check this Out- Weird !
by flipper inalrighty then .
i'm as burnt out as you probably are reading more threads about the faulty witness view of the " generation ".
but please hear me out from a common sense viewpoint here.
Bravo Rapunzel, you really let your hair down there. I think you're absolutely right.
Can You Stand One More Thread on " Generation "?- Check this Out- Weird !
by flipper inalrighty then .
i'm as burnt out as you probably are reading more threads about the faulty witness view of the " generation ".
but please hear me out from a common sense viewpoint here.
OnTheWayOut, I agree with you 100% but we are in the minority. I don't see a mass exodus in the millions.
I think the WT growth will grind to a halt and then begin a slow protracted decline due to some leaving and others dying. Most importantly they are losing the upcoming generations.
The glory days of double digit sustained growth are over in my opinion.
As more time passes their predictions take on a comical look. A fools comedy of errors. They'll try a soft aproach, then a hard line, then something else, who knows what, but they and their flip-flop doctrines have been exposed and can't be hidden anymore. Thats the trouble with putting things in writitng, isn't it? Sometimes it comes back to bite you in the arse.
Who let the dogs out?
Can You Stand One More Thread on " Generation "?- Check this Out- Weird !
by flipper inalrighty then .
i'm as burnt out as you probably are reading more threads about the faulty witness view of the " generation ".
but please hear me out from a common sense viewpoint here.
How many times will the society keep re-inventing itself? As many as it takes to attract new members and keep them.
Do you think that if they had held on to Russells teachings of pyramidology and the divine plan of the ages they would be this big fat rich corporation? No Way.
If they still used Rutherfords tactics of information marches and sound cars blasting venom in front of churches they would have the millions of followers they have? Not a Chance.
Could they still hold peoples attention as Franz did with types, anti types, days, weeks of years, assemblies fulfilling scriptures, Cedar Point (Yawn) I think Not.
Their target audience has shifted, people don't have the attention span and interests that they once did. Fred Franz and the like have become museum pieces. Thier books have no appeal and so are abandoned, they've become revered has beens. Yesterdays stale bread.
Now were in the era of "look at the pretty picture of fruit pickers and don't worry about the details too much."
The vast majority of JWs don't really care about the generation thing as long as they keep getting reassurance that happy times are just around the corner. This is becoming even more central the WTs survival as poorer, less educated folks from third world countries are exposed to their message.
It reminds me of the europeans trading with native people...give us your land for these shiny glass beads and the like. Except now it's give us your life for these nice pictures and empty promises.
As time goes on, all that we see now will be put aside. New Light will flash and the organization will yet again shed another slippery skin... just like the snakes in the grass that they really are.
Can You Stand One More Thread on " Generation "?- Check this Out- Weird !
by flipper inalrighty then .
i'm as burnt out as you probably are reading more threads about the faulty witness view of the " generation ".
but please hear me out from a common sense viewpoint here.
Their original explanation that the ones who saw 1914 would not die before the end made the most sense ... until they died!
The WT was WRONG WRONG WRONG. Most people at this point would recognize that they were not directed by God.
To counter this the WT now invents it's own definition of generation and claims "New Light" from god. Brilliant!
This makes all the dubs happy because they are back on "firm ground", god is still directing his org, all's well and that's what they want to hear. That's what they NEED to hear to make their live make sense. We all need a sense of certainty in life, unfortunately, JWs have surrendered their thinking and reasoning ability to the organization, they remind me of those little birds in a nest with eyes shut tight and mouths wide open, clamouring for worms.
The new light doctrine is THE most important doctrine of all because it allows the WT to shift in any direction it wants while still claiming gods backing. If they said god had shown them that a generation is 500 years long, who would the dubs believe? A man made dictionary or the spirit directed org? We all know the answer.
It's a case of the blind leading the blind. All you need is faith.
God is attending to an emergency elsewhwere
by edmond dantes inafter considering all available scenarios i am of the opinion that the creator started project planet earth and then unexpectedly got called away to another job, maybe to an emergency at the other side of a black hole and it is taking longer than than he first assumed to fix it.at the beginning he got as far as creating life on earth and then whoosh !
he was away leaving the world not quite right.. bearing that in mind it is up to us ,the human race,to run things to the best of our abilities until the good lord comes back and continues where he left off.we have to make sure that we look after the total package for him and ourselves and as far as is possible trying to right the wrongs.you know what i mean , we have to be keepers' and carers' and not religious nuts.. when the creator comes back he can answer all the questions we need to know but until then let's just get on with the task ahead..
Maybe the "emergency job" he had to atttend to involved bowel evacuation. Listen up for the sound of many waters. Then a only then will he return to finish what he started.
The Watchtower and The Memorial
by jakes inthe fundamental doctrines of the watchtower hinge on one teaching, and that is that jerusalem was destroyed in 607bce.
it is well documented by now that not one secular source supports the date given by the watchtower for the fall of jerusalem.
in the field of archaeology much work has been done since the 1800s when this date was first coined.
The slippery old goats in their ivory towers have wormed their way out of bigger stuf than this in the past. 1914 is almost forgotten now, this religion is always re-inventing itself.
The new light doctrine is their most important teaching, because of it they can come up with anything that suits them.