and Jesus wept
JoinedPosts by oredigger
I don't even know quite what to say about this.
by gitasatsangha in.
"forget the trip to rio, honey, i booked us a tour with bct!".
Did the "Society:" make a mistake?
by fearnotruth22 inno marriage, no children, no college, no psychiarits, no vaccines, no tranlplants, no blood, no voting no flag salute, no miitary service, no masturbation, no premarital sex, no extramaritla sex, no porno, no drbase music, no r movies, no chess ans what else is taboo?
I know ,....a little off topic, It was actually the Crusaders that returned home with the Persian game of Chess, essentially a board game depicting battle between two kingdoms,leading to the capture or death of either King(the modern "checkmate" is a corruption of the Persian "Shakh Mat!" which translates , "the King Is Dead!) Pawns represented foot spearmen,moving one step at a time ,except for the opening move where they can move two squares, keeping with the military tactic of the day in which the spearmen ran out to make a bristling picket in front of the host. The Rook was originally an elephant with a fortified chamber or "castle" on its back,the Elephant moved strong and steady but only in a straight line. Next came the Cavalryman,whom the Crusaders dubbed the Knight.He galloped,moving two squares one direction and one to the side. Next came the Navy , represented by a ship,which could only advance by tacking,so the ship only moved on the diagonal. In the center is the King,burdened with his household,administrative staff and most importantly his wealth.he would need to take this with him to the battlefield as its only means of protection, his movements being slow and restricted ,he can only move one space at a time:) The Queen on the other hand was guarded by swift light cavalry could move in any direction as far and as fast as was needed. The point to this long ramble is the fact that it become so intolerable to the Church at that time that there was a popular game, that pitted nation against nation with no role for the church.Only a position next to the royal family would do , so the ships became Bishops. The church at that time considered themselves to be the ultimate source of power. The WBTS perceives themselves to be in the same position, dictating to the rank and file the way they need to love , live,and work, intruding into even the most private aspects of their lives if allowed. Life is like a game of chess, but the real name of the game is control and power.
Are You Still SEARCHING For The "Truth"?
by minimus infor many of us, we are "all searched out".
i'm presently, not looking for all that much.
are you yearning for "truth"?
I think the "SEARCH" itself is the important thing.
TRUTH and ANSWERS come when least expected, and under stones we had never before thought to look under
ok someone answer me this then!
by zelevis ini had a gay guy try to "reason" with me, i know ur story i looked on ur web page too and well (romans 1:26 and 27) (1 corinthians 5:9-10).
but hey pal, ur a godly man right and therefor have the knowledge to speak out against jehovahs witnesses!
as for the rest of what i see on here matthew 3:17 read this scripture , and if the trinnity is the truth was god talking to himself?luke 3 : 22 , see the holy spirit was a "force " given to a dove and the god spoke to his son, god told jesus "you are my sone< i have approved u".
Looks like you have a splinter of doubt just starting to ooze the subtle puss of unanswered questions,keep asking and then demand reasonable answers from those at your Hall, don't be spoon fed just because it's easier to swallow.
Why does the society try to keep the R&F so busy?
by Flowerpetal ini was thinking this morning on some things, and the story/series on hbo currently, carnivale, is showing the not so nice side of humanity.
we all have our dark side.
everybody in this world has one, i believe.
Its a classic manipulation technique, keep people busy they generally will become more compliant and less likely to question the ideology.
ANGER ! ! ! ............. ArGhhh %*&^%##
Anger that it took my 2nd wife,(and not myself) after many other relationships to recognize that (I) may have an anger problem , and it may , in some way, have something to do with the cult I tried to conform my life to for so many years.
I know...............waaaaaa
peace and who ever is ready....its a process, it takes time
Reading those other posts is like looking in a mirror, I am so relieved, and so ashamed that i am not alone.
Where is everyone from?
by God is Dead ini know some of you are hiding, but i am curious as to how far around the world everyone on here is from.
i am in sask, canada.
Any penguins thataway? We hear Outlaw might be rounding up the unbranded ones thereabouts.
No penguins, ..........But I would like the Moose to quit licking the salt of my truck!
Where is everyone from?
by God is Dead ini know some of you are hiding, but i am curious as to how far around the world everyone on here is from.
i am in sask, canada.
BRRR. northern BC
How did you think your family would react?
by shotgun inwhen you had compiled a mountain of evidence proving the wtbts to be a false prophet, blind guide, and definetly not the truth, what did you feel would happen when you presented this information to your dub family and friends?.
i had compiled so much evidence it was overwhelming, i naively thought i would get my family all together and present it and they would say omg we've been lied to this can't be the truth.
then i'd do the same to my dub friends.
There is no evidence that you can present to them that they will acknowlege, unless it comes from ,or is approved by the org.Unless for some reason it provides a "trigger" for their own motivation to do so
They live in a totally insular society that feeds on its own ideology, the very fact that you , a member of their own family would present such information only strengthens the FACT that they are living "so close" to the end. Sadly you will become dead to them. It would be far less embarassing , and they would receive more sympathy ,if you actually were.
Their real family is in the Org. you see.
Makes you reconsider the scripture concerning the loss of natural affection.Natural bonds that children, parents and siblings should be able to trust are meaningless to this mindset.
To those who were DFd
by stillajwexelder inthose of you on this board who were given the big d -- how did you actually feel at the moment the chairman of the jc that dfd you said those words -- angry -upset -toatl relief -- yipee?
again sorry if there has been a post on this subject before --but an update for us newer ones never does any harm
Numb, completely numb , exhausted.
Relieved that the whole kangaroo court proceedings(complete with stalking and "worldly" friends harassed for evidence) had finally come to a close.
Shame and intense anger knowing, that the politically motivated JC, would now point fingers at my father the PO ,who, I believed at the time , to be the most sincere individual I had ever met.
Shame and anger that I had not left quietly, or sooner , or found a different way.
Shame and anger that my conduct during my exit had hurt those closest to me, destroying my marriage in the process.