For many of us, we are "all searched out". I'm presently, not looking for all that much. What about you? Are you yearning for "truth"?
Are You Still SEARCHING For The "Truth"?
by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends
I'm with you, min. All searched out. At this time, I don't think it's possible to find a real truth, about god. It requires faith, and that just isn't good enough for me.
The search for truth never ends.
Truth is relative. Truths are what you find work in your life and in your community. Rather than making others outside mold to your truths, it means finding out what connects you with the human race. Truths are validated through use and experience and can change as the world around changes.
So I am searching for the truths I want to live my life by. I am finding that those truths come from many sources.
Good that you are "searched out". If my experiance is of any value, it wasn't until I "gave up the search" and went on with life that what I've come to accept as "truth" found me! I've always advised xjuu's to let it go, go do good things and be detached. Life has a way of sorting things out for you if you are open minded, fair in your judgement and do good!
When I first left I felt so burned and betrayed that I threw out everything the dubs had taught, God included. Now I've come to realize that I don't know if there's a god or not; it's not like he's going to knock on my front door or anything. So I pray and I tell God that I don't know if he's there or if he cares but I'm searching and please lead me in the right direction. I mean, what the heck, it can't hurt and if it brings me some peace then it doesn't do any harm either. But I would never tell anyone else how to feel about God/god as I realize that not only do I not have any answers, it's pretty impossible to have any for sure answers.
Hi MINIMUS! Happy Holidays and best wishes for you and yours.Blondie's point concern other issues in dealing with life in general,and I agree with her.However ,I think you are asking about "TRUTHS"that would answer the "BIG"questions that concern us all.Such as God,Jesus,the Bible,who are we,how did we get here,where are we going etc.?As to these things I must admit it seems that I'm all searched out.
All of these things take a leap of faith and or personal experiences in ones life which I don't have.I agree with Mulan also.All searched out.For now.
Blueblades,taking it one day at a time.
Three years ago, I still thought "truth" was something out there that I had to find--and that until I did, I would not be acceptable before the creator. This was especially heartbreaking after the collapse of the belief structure with the borg. I made a real effort to study and research every other belief system that made any sort of sense. Suddenly and without notice, "it" found me. I realized that no one religious organization or belief system had this "truth"; I realized the bible as presented is really just a history book of sorts, just like other books like the Koran and the Book of Morman, etc. Once my eyes were opened, I could "see".
The source of my truth was connecting with my soul. Once I did, I realized I had it all along, in my heart. Quite a surprise for me. Feels so good to feel this comfortable about something so simple. And, that learning how to show love and compassion will solve most problems we human beings face.
I have climbed highest mountain
I have run through the fields
Only to be with you
Only to be with you
I have run
I have crawled
I have scaled these city walls
These city walls
Only to be with you
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for
I have kissed honey lips
Felt the healing in her fingertips
It burned like fire
This burning desire
I have spoke with the tongue of angels
I have held the hand of a devil
It was warm in the night
I was cold as a stone
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for
I believe in the kingdom come
Then all the colors will bleed into one
Bleed into one
Well yes I'm still running
You broke the bonds and you
Loosed the chains
Carried the cross
Of my shame
Of my shame
You know I believed it
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for
But I still haven't found what I'm looking forGumby
we are "all searched out".
Does this mean no more questions? Lol. I know what things I believe in in my head, but I'm still looking at different paths to see which one will take me the way that I want to go. I think I'm actually much more spiritual now then I have been at any other time in my life.