This is, personally, the first time I finally read an official news report where there is a remark regarding what happens to the accuser who decides to speak up without a second witness. This is important. Most of us know this is how it goes down but most of the public reporting only concentrates on the two witness rule, leaving out the fact that there are repercussions for those who choose to exercise their right to appeal to the secular authorities.
JoinedPosts by StarTrekAngel
Article: Religious privilege undermines abuse victims’ access to justice
by AndersonsInfo in
religious privilege undermines abuse victims’ access to justice.
posted: mon, 22 aug 2016 10:40 by richard scorer.
This was posted in JW-Archive. No reactions?
by StarTrekAngel indoes anyone know where this is?.
Check this out too...
This was posted in JW-Archive. No reactions?
by StarTrekAngel indoes anyone know where this is?.
Does anyone know where this is?
Buy stuff from the Warwick build
by Darkknight757 ingot another email today about buying stuff.. dear brother butt munch.
in harmony with jesus' words at john 6:12, 'so nothing is wasted', we would like to announce a new location where you can purchase items that were used during the construction of the new world headquarters at warwick, ny.
all funds recouped in this manner will be used to support the worldwide work.. you may visit at the former dairy barn at watchtower farms, 900 red mills road, wallkill, ny 12589. hours of operation are from 10:00am to 6:00pm, tuesday through saturday.
What a rip off. I buy the Generac portables all the time here at work. They are being sold at retail prices even when they are admittedly used.
If you account for the tax exemptions and the discounts they probably get for a number of reasons, they are actually making money on this. That is the reason they are not being donated to local RBCs
Watchtower requests sexual abuse suit to be dismissed
by StarTrekAngel in
Finally found a friend I can talk to
by StarTrekAngel inhe is an old friend that used to attend my congo.
he moved away closer to his parents at some point and we lost touch.
for a couple of years i did not hear anything from him.
LOL... he actually says he was shocked about an experience he had with his beard. He says when he showed up at the assembly, a brother approached him, someone he did not know and complemented him on it several times.
I told him that most likely that was someone who was also awaken but fearful of openly talking given the environment.
He also told me that during the lunch break, his dad asked him to have a conversation in private. His dad is usually going around during the assemblies because he is involved in the work. His dad confronted him and asked him if he had shared any of his doubts and findings with anyone (against his dad's advice). He assured his dad he had not. His dad told him that he was warned a brother had been assigned to follow his son around the assembly because he was known apostate.
Grants to Watchtower?
by StarTrekAngel incan someone help dissecting this?
i stumbled upon this on another forum.
links to a site that claims to track non-profit tax forms.
The link only takes you to the search tool. There you should type the names you are looking for. The site I got it from showed screenshots for (and I have ran the same searches myself)
WatchTower Bible and Tract Society of New York
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pensylvania (the space matters)
Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Why do so many JW's argue that they do not believe what they clearly do?
by Crabby ini ask a question recently, which was why do jw's not salute the flag, and i ask what page of the bible directs this practice.. all i got back was that i do not know what i am talking about and that they are allowed to do this, when i dropped 40000 google links proving that they do not salute the flag they just deleted it as though my proof could not exist.
seriously this is common knowledge, my neighbor just put up a flag to keep the guy across the street away.
so are there jw's who have no clue what they believe, or should believe?
Could be a handful of different reasons...
- True ignorance. May be they just never been thru such detail on the teaching about neutrality. The bible studies of today are not as direct and detailed as they used to be.
- They heard it before but it did not sink in. I know a co-worker who has been attending meetings with JW for a couple of years. Although he has finished studying the basic book and goes out preaching, he was shock to hear a public announcement on dfing a girl who got pregnant and not married.
- Typical cult approach. This is not unheard of. Deny the more extreme teachings in the hopes the person will join and will adopt them as the gain better understanding themselves. I know at least one situation in which my own brother in law did this. He had a co worker who was interested in joining a church. I guess he researched the JW because one day he told my BIL he was not interested in JW because he thought the teachings were wrong. My BIL told him it was ok, that he could join anyway and teach them the right way... I was left scratching my head big time.
Grants to Watchtower?
by StarTrekAngel incan someone help dissecting this?
i stumbled upon this on another forum.
links to a site that claims to track non-profit tax forms.
Can someone help dissecting this? I stumbled upon this on another forum. Links to a site that claims to track non-profit tax forms. By searching on their tools, I was able to find what I understand to be grants made to the watchtower from other organization. There some clues to its validity, as the relation between the Riley fund can be found thru this tool
The site in question is from "The Non-Profit Network", part of the "Center for Public Integrity"
The individual on this other forum ran a search for three of the most well know JW corporations and found quiet a list of other organizations that apparently have the Watchtower as the recipients of their grants. Unfortunately the link to the tax forms does not work but the Tax ID is there so it should be a matter of searching some more.
Anyone who can confirm this for us?
Hidden message in JW bunker video?
by Dunedain inso, i was speaking with a relative recently, who is "in" the borg, but is completely aware of the terrible hypocrisy from the gb down.
he is not in the box, and its great to be able to have a realistic, and logical discussion about the current state of the org.. we started discussing, specifically, about that bunker video that was released in december.
how it is being played at all the conventions.
While I agree this is wrong and the aim of these videos is to instill fear for the purpose of manipulation, we need to keep in mind that the videos are just aids to more vividly present the context of the talk. These videos are not the whole thing. They are shown after someone introduced the talk and puts you mentally on that situation. Once the mind is primed to imagine what it would be like, the imaginative part is fine tuned with the details of the video, which show you some things your imagination could not have thought of.
Sure I agree and most likely you are right, the talk probably did not provide a whole lot more detail but I am sure that details on the "signs of the last days" were provided right before. Probably even some snippets of the latest world events, terrorists attacks, political divides, etc.