Ever since it became obvious that having woken up was going to be a problem, I have been reading the bible and trying to learn more. Boy have I stumbled into things most JWs read but never paid attention to.
Most of us know that the only biblical bases for divorce is adultery but the WT society has chosen to add spiritual danger as another reason for divorce, despite the counsel found in the gospel. The gospel not only advices against leaving an unbelieving mate, it also estates that your children would be unclean if the unbelieving mate was not sanctified by the marital union.
Another nice piece is in the story of the Israelites and the law. WT insists that the law is abolished but the principles survive. Speaking of the headership principle, there is an interesting piece in Numbers 30, in the first few handful of paragraphs. It speaks specifically to women who make a vow or pledge to Jehovah. Go ahead and read it for yourself but in a nutshell it shows that the husband or even the father of the woman (basically whomever owned her at the time) can forbid her from carrying thru with her pledge and she is legally free from it in front of God.
Seems to me like is a very inconvenient "truth" for the WT to make members aware of this part of the bible.