What I find the most amusing about the relentless efforts by JW or other religions to deny evolution, is that in a way, denying evolution contradicts their own explanations of God.
JWs constantly teach that the diversity of races, colors, smells, tastes, cultures, etc is show of Jehovah's love to humanity. They apply this to almost anything in life, society and nature. They also show the contrast ( I remember the video) to show you what the world would look like if everything tasted the same, looked the same, etc
Somehow this God of diversity, has created all of these things for humans, so that he could put them on a paradise that would look the same (see the pictures of paradise, they all look the same) all across the world and with an animal creation that is static and will remain the same for eternity....
To me, a God that would have sparked and promoted further diversity thru evolution, is a much more appealing God, in the same fashion as the diversity of colors, smells, tastes, races, etc.