Sunday nights. Schaumburg, Illinois. Great times! Lou Malnati's afterwards.
JoinedPosts by 4thgen
How Many Remember the Mass Skating Rink Parties of the Late 70's ?
by Perry inthey were a hoot weren't they?.
Latest article about domestic violence and abuse
by confusedandalone inabout 10 minutes ago a neighbor asked me about a friend who is a witness and said at one of their church meetings it said that they can only seperate under extreme abuse not just abuse.. i have not been to a meeting in a long time and i do not know aboput this or if it is true.
does anyone know what article this was in so i can print it and give it to them.
they are highlyy upset by this and i want to stoke the fire.
It is a shame that the world has a stronger stance against abuse than the Watchtower. Certainly, if they were following Christ's example of love, NO abuse would be tolerated, let alone covered up. Steve2: Absolutely! What is so ironic, is that the women who endure the abuse and stay in submission, wear it as a badge of honor of their love of God and their righteousness. Jgnat: Been there. I feel your pain. Peace is worth the price. Flipper: Yes, if the elders would do their job following scriptures instead of the 'company' policy, lives could be different.
Did your congregation have a "Pioneer Appreciation Day"?
by Coffee House Girl inmy mom (who is now a regular pioneer) has been laid up after having major surgery, and i assert my "biblical" rights as a daughter to do what i can to take care of her, so i have been trying to go to her house on my day off to vaccum and run errands for her since she is not supposed to drive.. she called me last saturday to tell me that i couldn't come by because she was driving to her pioneer appreciation day get-together, wtf .
i'm just curious if this only happens in my area (michigan, us)????.
chg. .
For years we used to have an annual Pioneer Appreciation Dinner at nice restaurant. Dinner was served, speeches were made appreciation was given to the hard workers. The problem was the elders. Not all of them would make the time to come and appreciate, so the bill would be split among those elders and their families in attendance. Eventually it was done away with.
Seems the org have got this wrong as well..
by Dis-Member inchina to become new world superpower...
will china supplant the united states as the world's leading superpower and top player in the world economy?a new pew research center survey of 38,000 people in 39 countries found the widespread belief that china is well on its way.. overall, a majority or plurality of respondents in only six of the countries surveyed believe the u.s. will remain on top.. "publics around the world believe the global balance of power is shifting," pew wrote.
"china's economic power is on the rise, and many think it will eventually supplant the united states as the world's dominant superpower.".
How Long Have You Been Viewing Thiis Site? Does It Serve Its Purpose For You?
by minimus ini've been here forever.... this site still gives us some of the most up to date info about jws .
it keeps evolving.
sometimes it is the place to be and i think that's especially true for newbies.
Yes, it’s been about 3 year for me, too. Just recently I have decided to post. This site has been invaluable in my recovery from being in the organization. Often the things I am thinking/feeling were already addressed on this site. It has been very validating and has helped with wrestling with cognitive dissonance. I appreciate all the people that have taken the time to share their views, wisdom and encouragement, and especially those who keep the site going. THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
How did you get over.......
by DS211 inyour cognitive dissonance, particularly that with living out in the"world"?
and any with children, how did you get over the fear of your kids interacting with other kids, bad habits, and the other fears with leaving the borg?
just curious as i too have many moments of "oh god how will my kids grow up in this world?
Yes, it’s tough. I am dealing with that as well. I have wrestled with myself on the same issues. Do we allow them to grow up with the illusion of not growing old in this system, (as we were) and being totally unprepared for the reality of life? We were taught we were in the ‘truth’ and spoke the ‘truth’, but in reality it was not truthful. I keep coming back to if I am teaching the truth or a lie. Is it better to prepare them for a life in the real world or a fantasy? Is the Magic Kingdom someplace we raise our children to live in or do we just go for vacation? Admittedly, being raised in the organization, we do not have much experience with the ways of the world. Actually, we are handicapped in a sense and feeling our way blindly along. I believe the best I can do for my child is to love unconditionally, give solid moral guidance, a good education and freedom of choice. I’m endeavoring to break the chain of blind obedience and to think independently. I am certainly not a perfect parent, by any means, but I trust with love and a little luck, all will be ok.
Who Are Your Past Circuit Overseers? It's a small world..
by mentallyfree31 inwho were your past circuit overseers?
i'm sure a lot of us actually know mutual people, as the co's relocate all over the country.. here's a few from the southeast us: (let me know if you recognize any names and post yours too please...).
ellwood johnson (new york/philadelphia area for several years also).
Kazinski, Kobos, Konovich, Cunard, Hurd, Ilingsworth, Grabner, May, West
Two most abrasive/self rightous: Keith Milkovich & Walden Chin. (There wives were ok)
Worst CO's wife Nellie Grabner. (Not sure how she got loose from the Asiliym )
Why the New World Bible Translation is special
by pixel inpage 4, 2014 yearbook .
jehovah used his own spirit-begotten sons to provide the original new world translation.
It's grey. It's neither black nor white.
The new light changes from the draw close to Jehovah printed form vs online form.
by EndofMysteries inthe changes are in paragraph 7 and 8 in the first chapter of draw close to jehovah book, and i fail to see any doctrine change, only the gb trying to cover up possible mistakes they've made and potential embarrassment of worldly sources knowing what jehovah's name means while they were wrong.
let's examine this new light they quote with this letter.
let's see a word for word comparison on what many will be talking about in meetings about the wonderful new light and evidence that they are the faithful slave...... .
I remember when they HATED the internet...Evil....Bad....wicked....You don't know who you are dealing with or their motives....Now it's their best friend! They can change in a moments notice and cover up what doesn't suit their needs at the time.
Wow... you WERE right! The KH was to teach you how to SELL!!
by ILoveTTATT in.
as you can see from the picture, in the kingdom hall there was a board with "publishers, books, booklets," etc... aparently for the entire congregation.
not sure what the other line is, maybe it is a goal?.
My JW Mother HATES sales people. "They use cunning to get you to do what you don't want or buy what you don't need!" When I told her that the Service Meeting was actually a training meeting to learn how to sell, she was extremely insulted. "It's for learning how to place books" she said. Without attending College, the only thing that JW's are trained for is either cleaning or selling. That is why so many born-in either own cleaning companies or are sales people. It's the only training we got!