I was just reading one of those "who's popular on JWD" threads and thought...I know what I AM without this. And who needs to name a few others that I think are good when I got myself? Why am I so freakin' great? Just because--but I'll name some reasons for you here...
In no particular order-
1. My awesome debating skills. Those of you who know me from JWD know that when a thread comes up about Bush or Iraq or present-moment America or Ayn Rand I'm usually all over it. Sure sometimes I play the "tell me more" or "I'm going to sound level headed" (it's a bait and switch....or I haven't drank enough liquor) BUT most of the time I just head for "F**CK BUSH" or "screw Rand." See, I'm awesome because a lot of people would actually try to hear the other person out...but I'm realistic. I know I hate Bush and Ayn Rand. So I just go with it. I'm up front and to the point.
2. I know everything about the 80's and even some of the 70s when it comes to music. Go ahead, ask me anything. I'm so full of useless knowledge none of you will ever know. I know who was in Earth, Wind and Fire and I know Skid Row's first hit, I know what Alexander O'Neil sang and the name of any song from Michael McDonald . Try me if you want to...you won't stump me.
3. I stopped believing in the WTS when I was 13. Nuff said, isn't it?
4. I can hold my liquor. Maybe some of you aren't drinkers...and that's cool but you'll never know how to appreciate a person whom has built up their tolerance to booze so well that they can drink for 4 hours straight and still not need to throw up.
5. I taught myself how to read. I was home schooled by a working single mom. I totally kick ass.
6. I've eaten menudo more than once without gagging. I'm not saying it won't happen in the future....hopefully I won't be caught off guard in the future... but so far....when I've been presented with it, I've chowed down like it was the best most un-repulsive food in the world.
7. I can tell you what happens in most sitcoms that aired in the 80's, or aired as re-runs from the 70s. Ask me about Different Strokes, Gimme A Break, or anything and I can tell you about this useless crap. I was homeschooled and that left a lot of time in front of the tv. I'm serious though, if you don't know how an episode of Facts of Life, Little House on The Prairie, or MacGyver ended just ask me. I know.
This is just the tip of the iceburg but I'm going to end this initial post now...but maybe continue with my awesomeness later.
For all of you wondering what others here think of you...take a step back, stop caring, take a stiff drink and start listing how f*cking great you are here. We're all awesome (even if I'm the most awesomist--see I just made a word...it will be in Webster's Dictionary soon.)