I'm so awesome...you can list why you're so awsome here too....

by under74 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • under74
    im so awesome i dont have to eat burritos

    uhhh, this can't be.....burritos are more awesome than people except maybe the people in mexico that thought of it. I'm sorry, but you can't be more awesome than this food....you just can't. Who can deny a burrito? There have been judges along the southern US border who've been swayed buy a rightious buritto. They are too awesome to go up against. Tijkmo...it's a lost cause to try and say you're better than a burrito---a real one not a convention one. You'll never win. BUT this doesn't mean you're not awesome. You can be awesome just don't say you don't need burritos...in fact, maybe you shouldn't say burritos at all.

  • tijkmo


    burritos...burritos ..

    burritos...burritos ..

    burritos...burritos ..

    burritos...burritos ..

    burritos...burritos ..



    awesome am i.

  • Mulan

    I've been married since I was 17 to the same man (almost 43 years) and I still love him so much. We have four awesome, successful children and 8 (almost 9) grandchildren.

  • under74

    ok tijkmo...go ahead and say burotto. Maybe it's better this way. You're promoting the food in big font...so it's good. Just don't ever say you're too good for a buritto....because I'll know you're lying.

    mulan- 43 years...3 kids and grandkids? OK, you are awesome. PLUS you are in Washington which gets an extra awesomeness point.

    I'm going to post something about Washington State and it's greatness soon.

  • tijkmo


  • under74

    haha...I spelled it wrong....

    jerk.....I never said I was awesome at spelling when drunk.

  • tijkmo

    ah... jerky...now we're talkin

  • under74

    jerky? like beef jerky? That's another reason why I'm awesome....

    8. Still love beef jerky even if I don't eat beef anymore. I even have dreams about it. Good stuff. Nobody cared about mad cow before cows in Washington State started showing up with it. I gave up beef then....I really miss it.

    You know my grandma used to make jerkey on her own....and it was good.

    Guess...I needed no clarification tijkmo...you said "jerky" and I found my awesomeness in it.

  • gumby

    If this dumbass thread gets more attention than my Oral Sex thread I'm givin up!

    Now 74.....get yer arse on my thread and bring it back cuz I put some cool stuff in my last post and nobodys commenting. If your so cool....say somethin cool on it.....K?


  • under74

    FINE...okay....but I'll tell you now I avoided the thread because the title has "oral sex" in it....just looked kinda....dumb...BUT I'll look at it and try to comment.

    But don't be jealous about dumbass threads.

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