I'm so awesome...you can list why you're so awsome here too....

by under74 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet
    I'm crumpet and I'm so freaking awesome it can't be contained into words.....

    Oh dear my mind has gone utterly blank - could it be attempting to keep up with under74's drinking capacity. I do know it would at least 6 hours before i threw up- more likely 10. I'm not that proud of that feature on the crumpet mobile tho!

    Okay here we go I'm awesome because there's nothing that will shock me or put me off liking someone if I decide they have merit.

    Or I am awesome for the utter vacuousness of my statements sometimes!

  • Jourles

    Well...At first I was afraid of the local Mexicans showing up for the little shindig. But lucky me, I only had to go up against one other guy. They brought out a big bowl of fresh peppers - you could smell them coming. Back then, I had a rock-gut, and everyone knew I was basically the king of spice. Dave's Insantiy Sauce? For amateurs. Now, Pure Cap is where it's at. The only concoction that has ever laid me out on the lawn. 10 drops almost made me go to the hospital.

    Anyways, this other guy starts chowing down and I am just matching him pepper for pepper. I was kinda surprised that he did as well as I thought he would do. At around 15 or so peppers, he was getting flushed and worn out. I kept going to put a pad between us(we only had a 15 minute timeframe to do it in). With the way he was feeling, and looking, I think I stopped at around 23 and just waited to see if he would recover and make another run at it. He didn't. Time ran out and he went around to the back of the building to I imagine. I felt just fine - even after going to the bathroom later. Spicy food never affected me back then. It does affect me a little more these days though.

  • under74

    GF- You are very awesome...and if you can cook some ethiopan and greek dishes I may have to move in with you.

    crumpet- hmmm...10 drinks? BUT is it hard liquor? 101 proof bourbon without a mixer? But you last post is a good start. Now all you have to do is list anything you can think of and try to make it sound good.

    Jourles- I have to hand it to you. That is pure awesomeness. I have never been in a pepper eating contest although I have dreams...back o back with a whiskey drinking contest. I'm sure I could breeze through both in a couple hours

  • GentlyFeral


    GF- You are very awesome...and if you can cook some ethiopan and greek dishes I may have to move in with you.

    Well, let's see: the big challenge of Ethiopian cooking is injera; of Greek cooking, skorthalia and avgolemono sauce – which is basically a hollandaise variant – I tell you what, we live in a trailer. Can we move in with you? Provided you don't live in Texas. ;)

    thinking of spanakopita

  • damselfly

    This thread is great.

    Hmmm lets see. I am awesome because I am not afraid to give up everything and start over. Nothing is too hard for me to learn. I can balance your cranial rhythyms ( although I can't spell it hah I don't care ) I can cook anything without a recipie or measuring and it's great every time. I never really believed in the JW religion and spent my childhood planning how I would leave.


  • under74

    OMG you know what injera is! If you can pull off doro wat I'll be on my knees.

    Tell you what if-- if in the next 5 years I actually get some place descent to live you're more than welcome...so long as you cook

    And no worries I don't live in Texas.

  • under74
    I never really believed in the JW religion and spent my childhood planning how I would leave.

    Most of my childhood I didn't believe it...but for a couple years after my parents divorce.....when my mom got really deep in it...I didn't like it BUT I beleived it.

    BUT damsel, you kick ass for not believing and having trust in yourself....hey, can you cook ethiopian food?

  • BrendaCloutier

    Kewl! I'm awesome because: I'm a nice loving person. I like to tease and have fun with people - those I know and those I don't know. I'm a good driver, and usually polite to other drivers. I LOVE Menudo! And I get cravings for it some times. I enjoy food, and there are very few foods I don't like: escargot and brussel sprouts are the two that always come to mind. I've been sober since 1990. I've survived and recovered from severe domestic abuse. I'm no longer a survivor, but have become a thriver. I am more that willing to expect the best of people until they show me their worst, then I'll give them the benefit of the doubt until they prove unworthy of respect. I am grateful to no longer to be a JW. Because of my adverse expriences I am willing to offer a hand or hug to anyone currently dealing with same. I love cats. And dogs. And almost all critters! I talk with finches. I feed our neighborhood crows. I love, respect, admire, appreciate, and value Kevan and our relationship. I'm a good cook. I love everybody here inspite of themselves! Hugs and Love B

  • BrendaCloutier
    While gumbuddy is frozen stiff in his rocker, i can fly higher in the astral than anyone here, and it only takes three puffs to get me there. Nobody gets better mileage than me. I come back all in one piece, too.

    Satanus, I can transit the astral and return without using anything except meditation and the will to explore!

  • BrendaCloutier

    AFTER posting My Awesomeness, I read everyone elses awesomeness.

    You guys RAWK you are all so AWESOME!

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