That's just your Turkey Talkin U
I'm so can list why you're so awsome here too....
by under74 84 Replies latest jw friends
AHHHH...this is a good addition---WAIT let me put that in bold...
10. I'm quick and I know how to break a bottle in order to get the finest jagged edges.
Well I think your demonized and I ain't stayin here no more.
Oh, are you a whiner? Hmmm??
*breaks beer bottle on table*
breaks beer bottle on table
* picks up a big rock*Gumby
*draws gun*
*mumbles something about these guys bringing a broken bottle to gunfight*
Oh, and I'm so cool that I kicked a hobbit's ass and stole his gold bling. Now I'm invisible.
*starts laughing at jourles....throws brick and then runs (bobbing and weaving bullets) into the shed for some gasoline and matches*
Oh, and I'm so cool that I kicked a hobbit's ass and stole his gold bling. ; Now I'm invisible.
this is not awesome. Have you married another nerd player onlne? If so this will make you king of the nerds.
If so this will make you king of the nerds.
Didn't you hear? It's the 'in' thing to be a nerd these days. If I'm the King of the Nerds, then that makes me all the more uber-awesome.
Bow to my awesomeness!
I'm afraid of what you'll try to get away with while Im in that prostrate position that would definitely not add to your awesomeness
Good to see there's nothing about WT org on this thread, now that's awesome.