Welcome Super,
It appears that your B/F is leading what the JW's call a "double life". One one hand he want to have a "worldly g/f", he does not have any issues with going against some of the JW beliefs, hell he even appoligizes for being a JW to others who may not view him in a good light. On the other hand he is not tollerant toward other things even though he has never been baptized into the religion.
I have noticed that many of the things that he seems not to have an issue with are things that are very private matters, ie how would his family really know if you have had sex or not. It is not such a visiable outward display as the hollidays are.
It is the same fear of disapproval that he appologizes to your family for that he does not want to even to consider Christmas even though he knows how important it is to you. It is this fear of disapproval from his own family who are JWs that is causing him to act this way.
If he is 28 years old, never been baptized, only attends meetings once a year, appologizes to others for his faith instead of standing up to it, is okay with blood, sex & other things that can be kept on the down low, he is not really a witness IMO. If he was, he would be baptized and would stand up for his faith.
IMO it is fear of disaproval from his own JW family is what is making him act this way. If he ever celebrates these holidays, they will shun him and never speak to him again. That is why he does not want to talk about it, he knows he is a hypocrite for being okay with these other things because they can stay hidden from his family.
As a JW I didn't celebrate Christmas for 42 years of my life, even when I did it for the first time I felt weird and I was worried about my JW family finding out about it or the elders at the hall finding out about it. It is this fear of man that the cult ingrains into a young person that causes this.
why should he be able to pick and choose the JW rules that he wants or does not want to obey. He wants to have sex because it will bring him pleasure and it can remain hidden from other JWs. However he does not want to agree to things that bring you pleasure because it can't remain hidden as easy and because it does not bring him pleasure. Is this not selfish on his part? If he really loved you he would want you to have this pleasure even though it is forien to him. Either he is a JW all the way or he is not.
I don't mean to hurt you but IMO he sounds like a pussy that wants to play things from both ends. He is not really a witness, but does not want to do anything that will effect his relationship with his family. Who does he really love more, you or them, or the fear of them shunning him. These are questions that you should ask.
Ask him how he feels about the pledge or the national anthem. Why can JWs stand up for the pledge as long as they do not say it or place hand over heart, but they can not stand in respect for the national anthem as long as they don't sing it?
If he tells you that he does not have any issue with standing during the national anthem at a sporting even, then ask him this...
Would he stand for the national anthem at a sporting even if is JW parents or other JWs were there and would see him??????
likely he won't have an issue with doing these things as long as it remains hidden from others in the JW cult. Fear of disaproval of others is what drives him. Do you want to be with a person like this forever? Someone who will not stick up for you or even his own personal convictions because what someone else may think of him?
Good luck on your journey whatever you decide.