I watched Dr. Phil yesterday, where they were highlighting the disappearance of Natalee Holloway who disappeared in Aruba over 5 months ago, and Amy Bradley who vanished from a cruise ship 7 years ago. I always assumed that these girls were raped and then murdered and they very likely could be, but the program highlighted the sex-slave trade that is growing in leaps and bounds all over the world. I sat there and listened in shock as one guy revealed what happens to some of these girls during snuff movies. They drive a nail into the girls' head, the body twitches for a while and these pigs have sex with them and film it until the body stops twitching. I started to cry and turned the channel as I couldn't listen any more. What the f**k is wrong with people?? How can any human being do that do another human being and still look at themselves in the mirror? Are we digressing as a race and species? Animals don't do this to each other for god's sake, how can humans?
When I see stuff like that, it makes me stop and wonder if there is a God........if there is, why does He let stuff like this happen? Why aren't the governments doing anything about this problem as it's becoming a huge one? Why are they leaving it up to people like Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Phil to expose this problem? I just don't get it...........