by Mary 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • katiekitten

    Whats an adjusted violent crime rate?

    Either a violent crime happened or it didnt. How do you adjust it?

  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    KatieKitten!!! Hey sexy!

    The adjusted rate is for differences in the way things were reported. They changed how things were reported, yet in order to "smooth" the results so they were comparable across the board.

  • Gill

    Hi Enigma One.

    REPORTED violent crime is certainly down in the UK. However, NOT unreported. In the UK there really is NO point in women reporting rape as the prosecution rate and conviction rate is just not worth it. In fact today it has been reported that a judge decided that a woman cannot claim she was raped if she happened to be drunk at the time, even if she was unconscious.

    So, in the UK, if you're a woman, and you're attacked DO NOT ADD FURTHUR TO THE OFFENCE by going to the police. You're wasting your time unless you've been severly beaten black and blue. NO ONE will listen. In fact it's not far off 'open season on women' in the UK.

  • katiekitten

    Enigma One - i bow at your sexy avatar feet (do I know you? you look like someone I woke up with once, or is that just wishful thinking...KK losing the distinction between reality and fantasy...)

    Actually I thought your point was very good about violent crime going down. I have no idea why I responded in what sounded like a pissy way, on second reading.

    I studied criminal law at Uny and I firmly believe the media hypes the fear of crime way beyond the actual level of crime. It makes me pretty mad that they get people all worked up about getting themselves 'tooled up' for self defence. Violent crime mostly happens to young men, partners of violent men and a few very unlucky 'wrong place wrong time' people. The first you can avoid by not being a young man. I have cleverly been born a woman. The second you can avoid by choosing who you mate with carefully. I have cleverly avoided this group by learning how to wank. The third cannot be avoided.

  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    Gill, I was only commenting on the USA crime rates. I'm not familar with how the UK works.

    Sssh, Katie, I thought we weren't going to discuss our sexual escapades with the entire board. LOL

    I'm sure the UK is similar to the USA in respects to the chance of murder, rape and other violent crime. You usually know your attacker. So if you are living in a good neighborhood, don't engage in drug use or distribution, and are not dating strange new men all the time you chances for violent crime are next to nil.

    Of course there are exceptions but "generally" speaking this is the case.

  • katiekitten
    if you are living in a good neighborhood, don't engage in drug use or distribution, and are not dating strange new men

    True, but youve just spoiled all my fun... theres nothing left to do now...

  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    I guess that leaves hitch hiking, pimping the corner, and date the stalker.

  • jwfacts

    I heard about a study that claims about 3% of people are unreformably evil. Unfortunately, it has always been that way, as can be seen from history and even the bible stories. There will always be these sick things happening.
    Crime is down in many studies, but I only think it is because the not so evil ones hold back when threatened with being caught, and technology makes it easier to get caught.
    What the the media does is makes people aware of crime. Before TV you rarely heard of anything that happened outside your town, now in a half hour news segment you hear the 10 worst things that happened around the world, day in day out.

  • Gill

    katiekitten - I am seriously impressed with your 'crime avoidance' strategies!!!! Ingenious!

    In full respect of your studying criminal law and agreeing completely that most violent crime happens to men, however, most violent reported crime happens to men. Again, clever as you have been in not getting hitched to a violent partner, a lot of women do not consider their partners violent even if they are bullied by them and pushed about by them. So, I believe, in my own little unprofessional way, that 'real 'violent crime happens mainly to women, but women DO NOT report it and also, perhaps more importantly there's the children. They, rarely ever report violent crime against them, usually from their parents.

    I think the figures are probably fixed for a 'feel good factor.'

    I found some old newspapers under our floor boards a few months ago. I found one case of road rage, a murder in Scotland, and a couple of other minor offences. The rest was politics, international news etc. The crime rate from reading these 1973 newspapers has definitely gone up. There were four sexual crimes, including one against a young man of 18, 3 muggings, a horrendous murder of a poor young woman by her family, and various burglaries, assault trials etc in yesterdays local paper. Now, that's just a quick scan of the same local paper with a differnence of thirty odd years, I'll admit, but it looked a bit safer here in 1973 than 2005.

  • katiekitten

    I admit I have made a bit light of this. Domestic voilence is a huge area, and I dont know enough about it, except that you are more likely to be hurt or killed in your own home than anywhere else.

    When I was a budding wannabe lawyer I would have liked to have worked with victims of domestic violence, because I feel very strongly about it. I know the media reported this week that police response to domestic violence is unacceptably low, and I guess if all this was reported the figures would go up.

    BUT - going back to the part of the thread where people talk about getting weapons or classes to defend themselves, I still think they are barking up the wrong tree. I think weapons are pointless, because ordinary citizens having guns will not protect them from domestic violence (the whole point of domestic violence being that you are trapped in complete fear and guilt that makes you accept beatings for years). Nor will it protect you from the 'wrong time wrong place' unlucky event, because a drug induced criminal is going to be a lot more adept at weilding a weapon than you are, and hes going to be a LOT more motivated to complete his crime, even in the face of a determined but scared citizen waving a lamp base or a snooker queue. And as for the young men, the ones that get into fights - well really LOTS of them pretend they are only carrying weapons for self defence. Hmmmm. How come they get into fights then, if they are all just 'defending' themselves?

    I used to work in a prison and had lots of conversations along these lines. 'Im only in Miss cos I had to defend myself'. and 'what are you supposed to do if someone comes up to your Mrs in a pub and calls her a slag. I had to hit im'. I used to say 'where are these pubs where total strangers come up to you and say and do these things that 'force' you to defend yourself? Ive neve in all my life had anyone sat or do anything that required me to defend myself physically'.

    I admit I live in a nice town, but these prisoners were from the same town, so they couldnt exaclty pretend they lived in downtown Shitsville.

    Just my 2p worth..

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